Myriad-realm Stat Point System

C309 Little Shrimps

C309 Little Shrimps

"Beep, beep, beep, beep..."    


A little girl in her early teens was holding onto a greasy piece of fat. As she jumped, she hummed a rhythmic tune.    


Her other hand was holding onto a boy of about six or seven years old.    


This little boy was Su Ze's disciple, Su Wei. Because he was born with the spiritual root bone, although he didn't have much time to cultivate, he was now an Acquired level 4 warrior.    


The little girl who held his hand and occasionally took a bite of the fat was also an Acquired level 4 warrior. However, this was because someone had deliberately raised him for a few years. The result was that her cultivation of the Root Bone was much worse than Su Wei's.    


"Junior sister Ai, what are you singing?" Su Wei asked curiously.    


"I don't know. Just hum whatever you want in your heart." The little girl stopped in her tracks and opened her mouth wide. She swallowed the fat in one gulp and looked at Su Wei with her big black and shiny eyes.    


Su Wei felt a little uncomfortable from being looked at by her. He twisted his body.    


"What's wrong? Junior Sister Ai?"    


The little girl smiled and reached out her hand to rub the fat on his clean clothes. She pulled him over and lowered her head to pout her lips. She wiped her mouth on his shoulder.    


The grease was all gone. She was very happy.    


Su Wei's face wrinkled. "Junior Sister Ai!"    


"What's wrong, senior Brother Su Wei?" The little girl pretended not to know anything and asked him seriously. "Did you eat a lot of fat? Why is there so much oil on your body? It's not good to eat too much fat. Master specifically said that it's better to eat well and not be greedy. "    


"Then you should be talking about you!" Su Wei looked at her clean and not greasy clothes and then looked at his already dirty clothes. He could not bear it anymore and shouted, "Why do you like eating fat so much? Why did you smear the oil on me?"    


The little girl smiled and shook her head. "Don't be so angry, don't be so angry... The fat is indeed too fat, but it is also the place with the densest smell of meat. I'm curious as to why none of you like eating fat. "    


" Master said that if you eat too much fat, you will die. " Su Wei said seriously.    


"But you will die even if you don't eat. Even if you don't eat fat, you will still die in the end." This matter was related to her great hobby, so the little girl decided to refute him.    


Su Wei was somewhat stunned by the question, and he stammered, "No... It's not like that... Master means... to say, right. Master means that if you eat fat, you won't live for long. If you don't eat fat, you will live for a long time."    


He finally reacted. It wasn't that eating fat would kill you, but that eating fat would make you live for too long.    


"Living for so long must be very miserable. I'd better not live for so long." After considering it carefully, the little girl said.    


Su Wei was somewhat angered by her. He pouted his mouth and did not want to talk to her.    


But not long after, he couldn't help but say: "Master also said that eating too much fat will make you ugly, especially when you eat fat like that. You will definitely become ugly and fat in the future."    


The little girl panicked. "Really? Really? "    


"It should be true. Master doesn't like to lie, unless he's joking with Sister Fang and Sister Fang." Su Wei said.    


"Then if I become old and ugly, will Sister Xiaoyu never recognize me again?" The little girl asked nervously.    


Su Wei rubbed his chin and pretended to be decent. "Probably, probably, maybe?"    


"Then I will never eat fat again." The little girl said with certainty.    


"That's great," Su Wei said. "My mother finally doesn't need to wash greasy clothes for me."    


When the little girl heard this, she could not help but feel strange. "Senior Su Wei, doesn't the Su family have servants to wash clothes? Your courtyard also has maids to serve you. Why are you still letting your mother wash clothes?"    


"My mother said, a person should know how to repay kindness. Although we have entered the Su family, we can't always trouble the people of the Su family with trivial matters. Therefore, a small matter like washing clothes... She usually does it herself." Su Wei said and looked at his oily clothes again. He looked at this junior sister named "Ai Xiaopao" with some anger.    


It was all this willful guy's fault. His mother was going to wash her clothes again today.    


As if he could tell Su Wei was unhappy, ai Xiao La said, "Don't be angry. Leave your clothes to me to wash today."    


You know how to wash clothes?    


Su Wei looked at her suspiciously.    


Ai Little Shrimp patted his chest confidently and said, "Don't worry, don't worry. Leave it to me to wash. I have washed it before. Sister Xiaoyu always praised me as a child who knows how to wash clothes. I will definitely wash it clean for you."    




"[Really, really. If you don't believe me, take off your clothes now. I'll wash them for you. You'll know it's very clean with one look!]" Ai Xiao said.    


Su Wei took off his outer shirt and gave it to her. Ai Xiao Xiao nodded and took the outer shirt to the pond in the courtyard. She squatted down and put the outer shirt into the water, then scooped it up again.    


She looked at it with satisfaction, then pressed it into the water and scooped it up again.    


After repeating this seven times, she nodded. "Look, it's very clean, right?"    


Su Wei looked at her in a daze, wanting to cry.    


Was this also called washing clothes?    


"You don't know how to wash clothes at all!"    


"I know how to wash clothes. Look at how clean I wash them!"    


The two children started to argue. Su Ze, who was relaxing after cultivating in the pond and pavilion, looked over and could not help smiling.    


Faang Qingluan and Xiang Fangfei also could not help but laugh. These two children were really too interesting. Originally, Su Wei had the appearance of a young adult, but when he met Ai Xiaowei, he could not maintain it all at once. It became the most common situation among children.    


Su Ping was also watching this scene. She, who had always been serious, now had a gentle look on her face.    


They all knew about the origin of Ai Little Shrimp. He was also a bitter child.    


She didn't know where her family and parents were, and she didn't even remember when they were sent to Second Palace Holy Son. In the hidden place where he trained his subordinates.    


She only knew that cultivation was tough. She often did not have enough to eat, so her diet was especially fond of meat, especially fat meat. If there was meat to fill her stomach, food like steamed buns and rice would not be eaten.    


But if there were only steamed buns, she would also force herself to eat two or three. Obviously, it was a bad habit that she had developed after being bitterly taught by Second Palace Holy Son's subordinates.    


In her heart, there was only one person who was good to her, and that was Ai Xiaoyu.    


Ai Xiaoyu had once given her food and even gave her some help. Her heart was filled with the desire to see Ai Xiaoyu.    


Regarding this, Su Ze and the others were also helpless and could only not reveal the news of Ai Xiaoyu's death.    


When Ai Xiaobao gradually grew up, he knew that there were many people who could communicate and cherish in a new environment. After he had a new companion, he would be able to tell the news of her death, or she would gradually understand.    


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