Matrilocal Son-in-law Is Supreme

C309 Arrival!

C309 Arrival!

As they got closer to the destination, Shen Lang's group encountered more and more dangers.    


Along the way, the number of other beasts they saw became fewer and fewer. Most of them were empty lairs. And there were more and more single-clawed monsters protecting the spatial passageway. Amongst these single-clawed monsters, the youngest one with the weakest strength, the single-clawed monster, had the strength comparable to a Source Cultivator in the fifth level of Common Rank. Adding to that, the layer of abnormally tough leather armour on its body, it was almost impossible for Que De to kill one in a one on one fight without using all of his strength. After killing one, he was unable to get up even after a long time.    


During the journey, Shen Lang and the other two also saw the corpses of people who wore the same field uniform. However, not all of them came from that training camp.    


Que De also found Feng Lee in a crack in a valley.    


Feng Lee, who was already dead.    


Feng Lee's lower body was cut in half by the monster. His intestines were all over the floor and his chest was penetrated by the monster's horn. "Feng Lee was no pushover. Before he died, he had actually stabbed the two military spikes in his hands into the monster's forehead, killing it along with the monster.    


After his death, Feng Lee's expression was still as ferocious as before, making people tremble in fear.    


Que De's anger towards Feng Lee also vanished with the death of Feng Lee.    


After all, Feng Lee was completely dead. Regardless of whether he could put him down or not, he had to put it down. Que De still couldn't do something as shameless as tormenting a corpse.    


Que De was even more worried about the safety of Dong Ping and Xiao Yan's group. Did Chen Zhenglai find them?    


Although the training camp had a pager for each of them, this thing was just a decoration in the deep mountains and forests. The range of the signal they could receive would allow them to transmit it with a shout or two.    


Que De estimated that in about two days, they would arrive at the location indicated on the map. He could only hope that Dong Ping and Xiao Yan were on their way as well, and that they would meet them there.    


Along the way, Shen Lang also discovered a miraculous function of the body forging technique, which was to forge weapons. Using that bizarre golden light, he was able to fuse the horn and claws of the single-clawed monster with Fu Pingtao, Wu steel-like thorns, and the Claw Knife. Moreover, he was able to maintain the same form of horned thorns and Claw Knife.    


These days, Liu Tie and the others had killed more than 20 single-clawed monsters along the way. Their corpses were all absorbed by Liu Tie using secret techniques, while their horns and claws were used to strengthen Que De and Fu Pingtao's weapons. What Shen Lang left behind at the same time were the fangs of every monster. When the training camp evaluates military merits, this will be strong evidence.    


Shen Lang had also tried to integrate the claws and fangs of other ferocious beasts into the thorns and Claw Knife, as well as the clawed and horn of the single-clawed monster into Fu Pingtao's short spear. According to his experience, the golden light of the body forging technique could only fuse things that had the same origin as it.    


Another two days passed.    


Shen Lang and the others passed through a long and dark valley and arrived at the belly of the mountain.    


The belly of the mountain was surrounded by four sides of the mountain. The sky was covered with a dense, grayish-white fog. The area was extremely large. At a glance, it was at least the size of a football field. There was a thick layer of gray-blue sand on the ground in the belly of the mountain, mixed with crystal fragments that reflected purple light. From time to time, it could be seen that the sand was mixed with broken bones.    


In the belly of the mountain, many figures could already be seen. They came and went in a hurry, many of them with injuries on their faces.    


Shen Lang and the others found a crevice between two huge rocks and went in to rest. Although it was called a crevice, it was actually more than a dozen square meters, which was more than enough to accommodate the three of them.    


Que De took out his signal gun and took out a signal flare from his backpack. This kind of signal detonator was specially made. Each person was assigned two. When they arrived at their destination, they were required to contact their other teammates or instructors before they could use them.    


After putting the signal grenade into the signal gun, Que De walked out of the gap and shot a shot into the sky.    




The signal detonator carried the bright yellow flame tail and flew into the sky with a sharp long whistle. With a bang, it exploded in the thick fog above and turned into a bright yellow fireball that rotated counterclockwise. After scattering into the fog, the light covered an area of at least ten square meters.    


"What the f * ck! His ears are ringing!" Que De patted his ears and came back.    


Thirty seconds later, the flare completely burnt out and disappeared into the mist.    


"Anti-clockwise twelve laps, the sound five short and seven long." Shen Lang remembered the signal of the signal detonator.    


"The training camp already knew the situation here, that's why they gave us this kind of signal detonator. Those guys have too many secrets from us." Fu Pingtao said.    


Pausing for a moment, Fu Pingtao continued, "I just observed these people here. They are all dressed in different outfits, so they should be from different forces. I checked the source energy fluctuations of fifty people and found that there were twenty-one people with Common Rank s and above. The other twenty-nine people are all in General Rank, but their Source Power Level are all above the seventh level of General Rank … "    


Fu Pingtao wanted to say something but stopped himself.    


Que De and Shen Lang both knew what he was going to say.    


Dong Ping, Xiao Yan and the rest who had been separated from them were all at the eighth level of General Rank. On the other hand, Tu Dou, Dashun, Zhao Dacheng, and Xu Mang were all only at the fourth or fifth level of General Rank. It was hard to say whether or not they could last until here.    


In fact, Shen Lang and the other two had experienced all the dangers along the way. Ferocious beasts could be seen everywhere along with elusive single-clawed monsters. If one was not strong enough, then one would almost certainly die if they were targeted.    


If they were ruthless and decisive enough, they would have a better chance of survival if they made a decision on the spot. However, Dong Ping and the others didn't seem to be that kind of person.    


Que De still remembered clearly that when he was chased by the Earth Bear in the training camp, Zhao Dacheng and Xu Mang obviously couldn't help him in anything, but they still chose to run with Que De even though they had plenty of opportunities to hide.    


Naturally, he only did this because he wanted to live and die together.    


"Who was the one who fired the signal detonator here?" A familiar voice suddenly came from outside, pulling Shen Lang and the other two, who were still worried, out of their thoughts.    


The three of them looked at each other, and a hint of surprise flashed across their eyes.    


The one shouting outside was Chen Zhenglai.    


"Instructor Chen!" Que De was the first to run out. Shen Lang and Fu Pingtao followed closely behind.    


"Que De, it's you guys." When Chen Zhenglai saw Que De and the others, he also revealed a smile on his face, "You came in time."    


"Instructor Chen, what happened that day in the forest? Why did you all disappear?" "Also, what happened to Dong Ping and the rest of the six?" Que De couldn't wait to ask the question that troubled him for many days.    


"Come with me, we'll talk on the way." A trace of sadness flashed across Chen Zhenglai's eyes.    


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