Matrilocal Son-in-law Is Supreme

C90 The Layout Is for Catching Big Fish

C90 The Layout Is for Catching Big Fish

Jian Siyang, who was going to shoot, saw that Shen Lang was being held hostage, so he had no choice but to put his gun down.    


After the elevator door closed, Jian Siyang shouted with an ashen face, "Inform the people downstairs that the target has taken the hostage!"    


"Yes sir!"    


Jian Siyang took a few deep breaths: "Take the elevator, right? I'd like to see if it's the elevator or me."    


The instant before the elevator closed, Jian Siyang saw Shen Lang quietly raise a finger. He immediately guessed that Shen Lang was passing him a message.    


Thus, Jian Siyang ran towards the staircase without any hesitation and headed straight to the lobby on the first floor.    


Inside the elevator, Shen Lang said calmly to the man that kidnapped him: "You won't be able to run away."    


The man stared at the changing floor figures. "Shut up."    


On the way to the first floor, there were several occasions when people outside tried to get in, but they were all frightened by the situation in the elevator.    


Seeing that the elevator was about to reach the first floor, Shen Lang said softly, "It's about time."    


Right after he said that, the middle-aged man's right hand, which was holding the saber, felt pain. Then, his vision blurred and he lost consciousness before he could see clearly.    


In the lobby of the first floor, at the elevator door, Jian Siyang rushed here with his amazing stamina. He ran down from the 12th floor in one breath and he didn't even smell the same.    


"Pay attention!" Jian Siyang had a sharp gaze as he pointed the gun at the elevator door.    


The police officers in the vicinity were also in a state of alert.    


The elevator door slowly opened with a "ding" sound. Jian Siyang held his breath.    


What surprised him was that the expected scene of the target holding Shen Lang hostage did not appear.    


What he saw was Shen Lang putting his hands in his pockets, kicking out a shiny dagger and then calmly waving it at him.    


Jian Siyang quickly approached and found that the middle-aged man was lying in the elevator like a dead dog behind Shen Lang.    


"Phew …" Jian Siyang let out a breath and gestured to the other policemen.    


"What happened to him?" Jian Siyang stared at Shen Lang.    


Shen Lang shrugged, "Maybe he was too weak and fainted."    


The other policemen looked surprised and carried the middle-aged man out.    


"Faint?" Jian Siyang twitched his mouth, "Why do I not believe it?"    


Shen Lang smiled: "I won't stop you guys. I still have things to do, farewell."    


With that, he returned to the elevator.    


Jian Siyang looked at Shen Lang with a complicated expression. He only turned around after the elevator door closed again.    


"Captain..." I'm not dreaming, am I... It's so easy for us to... We only got him!? "    


After the policemen cuffed the middle-aged man, they still felt absent-minded.    


Jian Siyang lowered his eyes, "The big fish has fallen into the trap. Next, we can eliminate all of Xiong Tianyao's forces in one fell swoop. Report it to the higher ups immediately and launch a surprise attack."    


This sentence caused the other policemen's eyes to light up with excitement.    


The middle-aged man that fell into the net was Xiong Tianyao's sworn brother.    


Jian Siyang thought this arrest would be a close call. After all, this fish had once been a mercenary. Not only was it vicious and cunning, its skills were also exceptional. It also had several cases on its back.    


It was precisely because this person was so dangerous that the higher-ups had assigned him, the captain of the special forces, to follow Xiong Tianyao as a patrolman, waiting for an opportunity to take action.    


The result was unexpected, because of the two knives Shen Lang gave Xiong Tianyao, this big fish appeared in the country in advance, and even the capture operation was unexpectedly easy, Jian Siyang didn't even have the chance to show off his skills.    


He didn't have time to think too much about it. After giving his teammates the follow-up task, he personally led his two teammates to Xiong Tianyao's sickroom.    


At that moment, yellow-hair was feeding Xiong Tianyao in the ward.    


Xiong Tianyao said proudly to yellow-hair as he ate, "The person who came to see me just now was the elder brother of my sworn brother, a friendship that lasted more than 30 years! "It's all thanks to him that I was able to run amok on Bar Street. When my power grows again in the future, I'll be able to openly take him over. There's no need to hide like this."    


The yellow-hair was elated. "He really has the guts and ability. He's quite loyal to you, grandpa Xiong. I wholeheartedly accept it."    


"Of course. But having said that, he has specially come back to visit me, bearing a lot of risks. I have to inform some acquaintances in the Jindu City Department so that I won't harass him carelessly. "    


"Alright, I'll make the call now."    


The yellow-hair was about to make a phone call, but Jian Siyang walked in with two policemen in tow.    


Xiong Tianyao narrowed his eyes slightly, "I was just about to call your superior's leader. Captain Jane, you came to visit yourself. Why haven't you brought me any fruit baskets?"    


Xiong Tianyao thought that Jian Siyang was ordered by the leader to apologize to him. His tone was extremely arrogant.    


"So you're calling my leader. Sure, you can do whatever you want with it." Jian Siyang casually sat on a chair to the side.    


At this moment, yellow-hair called, "Old Li, there's something that I want to talk to you about …" "Ai ai, alright."    


The yellow-hair put his phone beside Xiong Tianyao's ear.    


Xiong Tianyao cleared his throat, "I say, this Jian Siyang below you came to my room. This brat's attitude isn't good enough, I think you should teach him a lesson." Let him answer the phone? Fine, give him a scolding right now! "    


"Kid, pick up the phone. It's your Boss Li over there." Xiong Tianyao sneered as he looked at Jian Siyang.    


The yellow-hair looked proud as he handed the phone to Jian Siyang. Both he and Xiong Tianyao couldn't wait to see Jian Siyang get scolded by the leader.    


"Boss, I'm letting them out." Jian Siyang said.    


He turned on the phone and a calm middle-aged man's voice came out, "Siyang, not bad. When this case is done, I'll write you down a credit."    


"Thank you, boss."    


"Back then, I had no choice but to get someone to agree to transfer you here. Furthermore, it would have been a bit unfair for me to let you, the captain of the special police squad, disguise as a patrol officer …"    


"No grievances, but they are all in the service of the people! "Boss, it's not easy for you. You have to pretend to be related to Xiong Tianyao. You have to report to the higher-ups about this, hehe."    


"I'm fine with it, but it made the policemen under my command feel like they were holding their breath. It made Xiong Tianyao think that these policemen were really afraid of him. This time, I'm finally feeling proud! "    


Hearing Jian Siyang and his boss talking one after the other, the originally complacent yellow-hair froze, and Xiong Tianyao even more so couldn't believe his own ears.    


"Old Li! You... So you were f * * king playing me!? " Xiong Tianyao roared. In his excitement, the seams of the two wounds on his shoulders had been ripped apart.    


"Otherwise, how could I really be in cahoots with you? You're thinking of beautiful things, right? We all worked hard to set up a trap just to capture that sworn brother of yours. " Old Li's voice on the phone was not polite at all.    


Jian Siyang said to Xiong Tianyao at the right time: "Oh yeah, I almost forgot to tell you, your bro just got caught."    


Xiong Tianyao's face was as red as a pig's liver as if he was struck by lightning. He spat out a mouthful of blood in anger.    


"Boss, let's hang up first. I'll end this matter here." Jian Siyang hung up the phone.    


Xiong Tianyao covered his chest with difficulty and said to the yellow-hair: "Quick..." Notify Everyone... Hurry up … "Hurry up and run!"    


The yellow-hair came back to his senses, gritting his teeth as he muttered, "I think it's better for me to escape by myself."    


After saying that, he wanted to rush out of the door, but he was pushed to the ground by Jian Siyang, and then his hands were cuffed by the other two policemen.    


Jian Siyang walked to the side of Xiong Tianyao's sickbed, "Seeing that you haven't recovered from your injuries, I'll let you stay in the hospital for the time being. Enjoy your last breath of air outside."    


With a "pa da" sound, the cold handcuffs cuffed Xiong Tianyao's right wrist to the hospital bed rail.    


It was impossible for Xiong Tianyao to run away like this. Someone was going to come over to monitor Xiong Tianyao for 24 hours. Therefore, Jian Siyang and two policemen left with the yellow-hair.    


On the other side, the two policemen guarding Luo Yu had received orders from their superiors to net Xiong Tianyao's gang on Bar Street, so the two of them went to reinforce him.    


On the way back here, Shen Lang met with an accident of being held captive, which delayed him for a while.    


When Shen Lang was rushing towards Luo Yu's ward, he suddenly saw a woman walking quickly away from his room. The woman was walking in a fluster and her movements were tense. She even unconsciously lifted her sunglasses and looked around.    


Shen Lang's heart sank. Even though he could only see half of her face, he was certain that it was Dong Qianying.    


Due to Luo Yu's safety concerns, Shen Lang could only enter the ward to check the situation.    


However, when he entered the ward, he found that Luo Yu had stopped breathing...    


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