Matrilocal Son-in-law Is Supreme

C91 You're Going to Lose

C91 You're Going to Lose

Shen Lang quickly made his move. He pressed one hand on Luo Yu's chest and tapped a few places from his head to his chest with the other.    


A faint golden light that could be seen with the naked eye flashed across Shen Lang's palm. Under Shen Lang's control, the light continuously entered Luo Yu's body.    


Luo Yu's mouth had a clear handprint around it. Judging from the size of the handprint, it was a woman's handprint.    


Judging from the condition of the traces disappearing and the time of Dong Qianying's departure, Luo Yu had stopped breathing for a very short time. Ordinary first aid methods had a certain chance of saving him.    


After a while, Luo Yu's heart finally started beating again. His chest rose and fell slowly, and he could even breathe now.    


"So close …" "Just a little bit more …" Shen Lang heaved a sigh of relief.    


Shen Lang had an idea as he looked at Luo Yu, who walked through the gates of hell once again.    


Since Dong Qianying wanted Luo Yu to die so badly, she decided to just let the situation be as it was. She let out the news that he was dead, which would save him a lot of unnecessary trouble and also ensure Luo Yu's safety.    


Soon, it was three o'clock in the afternoon.    


Dong Qianying's press conference was about to be held.    


At this moment, Dong Qianying was exceptionally relaxed because she had received the news of Luo Yu's death half an hour ago. Moreover, the news had reported that Luo Yu's death was due to his injuries causing his breathing to stop abruptly.    


This meant that no one would know that she had killed Luo Yu.    


Dong Qianying's heart was still beating fast when she thought of the scene where she impulsively entered Luo Yu's ward and pressed her trembling hands against Luo Yu's nose and mouth, but it seemed to be worth it now.    


As soon as Luo Yu stopped breathing, she nervously left the ward.    


Initially, he was worried that he might not be able to kill him if he kept his guard up for too long. However, from the looks of it, he had been overthinking.    


As long as the press conference was over and the agency began to publicize its image, Dong Qianying believed she could get through the crisis smoothly.    


At the press conference that followed, Dong Qianying-yan attended and made a point of showing her haggard side, which gave people a feeling of weakness. The content of her speech was also carefully written by the PR team.    


After a press conference, her public relations team immediately sent out press releases, some of which had been communicated beforehand.    


She was clearly a mistress who had hooked up with a married man. She had been forcefully described as a good woman who put her life on the line for true love and dared to admit her mistakes.    


At the same time, another part of the script pointed the finger at Chen Zhixiang, saying that compared to Dong Qianying's audacity, he was a cowardly turtle. Apart from that, the content implied that he had actually taken the initiative to express his goodwill towards Dong Qianying. Dong Qianying was merely a naive girl who had been fooled by her feelings.    


As for what Chen Zhixiang's wife did, of course it was because she was ordered by Chen Zhixiang. His goal was to curry favor with Dong Qianying.    


After a quick and outstanding public relations event, Dong Qianying's hardcore fans were so happy that they wished the whole world could cheer.    


In addition, with so many Madonna, holding on to the principle of who's the one who's pitiful and who's reasonable, he started to support Dong Qianying again.    


As a result, many of the passersby who were nothing but fence-sitters also followed suit and supported her. For a moment, Dong Qianying's negative image seemed to be suppressed.    


Qin Mingyue, Su Enya, and Ouyang Hui all woke up after Dong Qianying's press conference. The three women didn't expect that Dong Qianying would turn the tables against the wind when they woke up in the hospital.    


Looking at the increasing number of comments from Dong Qianying, the three couldn't help but feel angry.    


"Listen to me, what are these words? She actually said that Dong Qianying was single and that she didn't cheat, only courageously pursuing her own love. This comment had more than 2000 Likes! Heavens, aren't some people's opinions of others a little too ridiculous? " Qin Mingyue said with her mouth agape.    


Su Enya looked helpless. "There are all kinds of people in this world. Dong Qianying has never had so much support before this public relations event."    


"Everyone does have the right to pursue their own love, but this can't be built on the premise of destroying the family of others …" Ouyang Hui whispered. As she said that, her heart trembled a little. The scene that happened when Shen Lang went to her house for dinner appeared in her mind.    


Shen Lang continued to cut apples for the three women as he said, "Dong Qianying's public relations work is indeed not bad. If she doesn't have any other methods, it will be very difficult to suppress her. After this incident is over, she will still be that popular celebrity. But fortunately, we still have Luo Yu's card in our hands, so before we play this card, just treat it as watching a show. "    


"You haven't rested the entire night. Do you want to go to sleep?" Qin Mingyue asked Shen Lang.    


Shen Lang passed the peeled apple to her and said, "Your husband is in good health."    


"I know you're in good health, but you haven't slept all night …"    


"One night is nothing." Shen Lang blinked at her and said, "I'll be fine for three days and three nights."    


Qin Mingyue was about to say something when she noticed that Su Enya and Ouyang Hui were both sneering at her. Suddenly, Qin Mingyue blushed and shoved the apple she had just taken a bite into Shen Lang's mouth.    


"Enya, Sister Hui, you two should continue to recuperate properly. Shen Lang and I will be leaving first." Qin Mingyue said to the other two women after glaring at Shen Lang.    


"Mhmm, go ahead."    


The two of them left the ward one after the other. After walking for a while, Qin Mingyue suddenly said to Shen Lang, "There's only one day left."    


Shen Lang rubbed his chin: "Obviously it was more than a day ago."    


"Alright, let's say one day. I know that with Luo Yu as a witness, Dong Qianying will definitely be finished, but Luo Yu is still unconscious. Dong Qianying will be able to play around for at least a few more days. Looks like you're going to lose. "    


After Shen Lang heard this, his face showed a pondering expression.    


Qin Mingyue asked, "What are you thinking about?"    


"I was wondering what our child's name should be."    


"You … Forget it, I'm too lazy to tell you. " Qin Mingyue smirked. "I still need to go back to school for a meeting. Go back and take a rest."    


"As you wish, old woman."    


After leaving the hospital, Qin Mingyue drove to school while Shen Lang rode his little electric donkey home.    


The first thing he did when he got home was to check the little mischievous cat litter box. Apart from a small amount of excrement, he did not see any trace of the diamond-shaped object.    


Shen Lang helplessly looked at the guy sleeping on the sofa, as if he was more addicted to sleep than before.    


Of course, he liked to sleep before, so Shen Lang didn't know if it was his imagination.    


Shen Lang took out a can of beer from the fridge and sat on the sofa. He drank while using his phone to watch the progress of Dong Qianying's scandal on the internet.    


Unsurprisingly, Chen Zhixiang, who was originally silent, finally spoke.    


Although Dong Qianying's omnipresent draft did not directly point him in the wrong direction, the rhythmic comments under it, mixed with the army of water, had turned him and his wife upside down. Even his children had been scolded by some of the people who went too far, and that touched his only bottom line.    


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