Beast Piercing The Heavens

C338 Proposed marriage

C338 Proposed marriage

East side of the Exorcism City, above the Jinghu Island.    


Yue Qingcheng caressed the guqin by the lake alone. Facing the beautiful Still Lake, an intoxicating smile unconsciously appeared on her otherworldly face.    


Today, she didn't wear her peach palace. Instead, she wore a white Palace Skirt, but there was still a vulgar peach flower on her head. The flower reflected the red light, and the person shined upon the flower was even more beautiful.    


At this moment, she didn't play that "broken matrix", but started playing a gentle and beautiful tune. The melodious zither sound lightly rang on the lakeside, gliding across the tranquil Still Lake, spreading into the distance, and then being played back, bringing along a lingering sound.    


Yue Qingcheng stood there quietly after the song ended. A light breeze blew past, and her snow white palace fluttered in the wind. Her absolutely beautiful face was filled with a sweet smile. Such a smile could crush cities and empires.    


"Pah!" Pow! "Pah!"    


"Such a great song, 'Feng Siniang'. Girl, you're missing your lover!"    


Three light applause came from behind him. It was already a teasing laughter.    


"Oh, I'm not coming. Clan Leader, please tease Qingcheng …" Yue Qingcheng was startled, she turned to look, only to realize that Yue Xishui was smiling at her, her eyes full of ridicule, and immediately blushed and became bashful.    


"That young man was unmoved? That young girl was not in love? What was there to be ashamed of! Since the heavens had created men and women, they were respectively allowed to find their respective partners, hold the hands of their children, and live with them until they were old enough to live in this noisy world! Qingcheng, Ye Qinghan is not bad, treasure him well. "    


"Mhm, what the Patriarch said makes sense. Qingcheng is fortunate enough to find her true love, so I will definitely give my life to protect it!" Yue Qingcheng nodded slightly, with determination in her eyes. After pondering for a moment, she suddenly asked Yue Xishui: "Clan leader, you …. Have you ever loved someone? "    


"A loved one?" Suddenly, Yue Xishui was asked a question, she became a little disappointed, the image that appeared in her mind was the old man in black robes with a stubborn face, and she said in a sad voice: "There was one, but I could not let go of my position as Patriarch, and he was also the successor to the Patriarch at that time, so in the end, I could only let him go …"    


"Then you can redeem yourself now. You've become a god and can put down many things. Of course, you can pursue your love and happiness now!" Seeing Yue Xishui's dejected expression, Yue Qingcheng also became sad. For the sake of Yue Family, it could be said that Yue Xishui had ruined her entire life's happiness, and had suffered greatly for her entire life.    


"Now it's different. He's already the clan leader, and there are countless grandsons and granddaughters. There are some things that you can't have if you miss them … " Yue Xishui powerlessly shook her head, her expression somewhat lonely.    


"Chief, I still feel that I should strive for my own happiness. If I don't, you will regret it." "Rather than living the rest of my life in regret and sadness, I might as well …"    


Yue Qingcheng looked at Yue Xishui and her beautiful face. She could not help but feel pain in her heart, and she started to think for Yue Xishui. She hoped that she would be brave enough to pursue her own happiness. But... Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by a strange song coming from afar. She looked towards the Still Lake with slight anger, but unexpectedly, her face was flushed red. Her charming face instantly became as red as a powder, and her face was so red that it surpassed the peach blossoms on her head.    


"Aiyo, your sister on the other side …" Listen to me, brother, today... Come and ask for a kiss, the bird in the sky... I'm going to put... "Sister will marry and go home …"    


From the Still Lake, countless small boats were quickly rowed out.    


In front of the boat stood a handsome young man in a bright red robe, a red cap, red boots, and a large red flower on his chest. At this moment, he was still holding a bunch of red roses in his hands. He was singing a strange love song and waving the roses in his hands, looking at them affectionately … If it wasn't Ye Qinghan, who else could it be?    


"Cluck, cluck, cluck …" Ye Family's marriage proposal is actually very unique. Qingcheng still isn't dressing up to welcome your little lover? "    


Yue Xishui laughed, her entire body full of laughter, but she managed to stop herself from laughing with great difficulty, and then started to tease Yue Qingcheng again.    


"Puchi …" "Don't come, Patriarch. I'm going back. I'm so embarrassed!" Yue Qingcheng looked at the Ye Qinghan who dressed strangely and sang a weird love song, and burst out laughing. Hearing Yue Xishui's teasing, her face became even redder, she stomped her feet, picked up her Palace Skirt and ran away happily!    


"Eh? Why did he run away? Was my love singing too strongly? You scared sister away? "    


When Ye Qinghan saw that Yue Qingcheng had arrived, he actually turned and ran, and could not help but stop waving his hands, twisting and turning his body, and fiddling with his clothes. The clothes made him extremely uncomfortable, he took a while to get used to it, and then turned to Night Gun and Ye Tianqing and asked.    


"You little bastard, don't you know any other love songs? The singing made goosebumps all over my body. It would be weird if your wife didn't run away! " Night Gun who was behind also felt unwell, and said to Ye Qinghan with his eyes wide open.    


"Cough, cough!" young patriarch's love song has its own charm! " Ye Tianqing's face was also covered with black lines as he said this with a slightly flushed face.    


"Damn, isn't it all your fault that I had to dress myself like this and sing some love song? I only know this song about suing for marriage, I can sing whatever I want!" Ye Qinghan's face was also filled with black lines. When he arrived at Exorcism City this morning. The empress dowager of Ye Family had made him wear a red robe, and had even given him many rules. He said that this was Flame Dragon Continent's courtesies for marriage, and would not lose etiquette no matter what …    


As the vice elders of the Ye Family and Hall Of Punishment, Ye Tianqing and Night Gun naturally had the duty to represent the Ye Family this time around. Bringing countless treasures, he came to Yue Family to request to marry the Holy Maiden.    




In less than an hour, all the boats docked. Countless elders and disciples of the Yue Family had arrived a long time ago, and began to welcome the Ye Family Envoys. They even specially organized a band to welcome them, beating the gongs and beating the drums.    


Ye Qinghan's face was full of smiles. Under the arrangements of the two hosts, he performed countless of ceremonies: splashing water, sprinkling flowers, saluting tea … Only after a few hours did he manage to complete the entire set of traditional Chinese etiquette, as if he had gone through a huge battle with a large group of people.    


The time was almost up. It was time to start eating. Even though it was said that he was eating, Ye Qinghan had not eaten a single mouthful of food. He kept holding his wine cup and toasting him one by one on the table, smiling non-stop as he drank another cup of strong wine, almost causing his face to twitch from laughing and his head to spin.    


Alright, for the sake of getting married, I'll endure it!    


Ye Qinghan resisted the urge to vomit and was tormented for another two hours. Only, he had thought that the banquet would end and he would be able to rest for a bit. But in the afternoon, they dragged him to the Yue Family shrine, saying that they were going to offer sacrifices to their ancestors.    


He burned incense and kowtowed again. After a busy afternoon, his head was already full. In the end, the banquet started and it was time to toast again …    


Fine, I'll endure!    


But... When Ye Qinghan had pretended to be drunk and left the stage early, preparing to sneak into the western courtyard and crawl into Yue Qingcheng's room, recounting the pain of love, he was suddenly surrounded by a group of masked women, saying that they could not meet each other before marriage …    


He decided that he could not tolerate this anymore and cursed in his heart. Why is it that even seeing his own wife is not enough? What kind of family did he seek?    


He couldn't bear it any longer. He was no longer polite, and directly fused with his War Beast. With his soul in a state of chaos, he caused the group of masked women to become completely stunned. Ye Qinghan took a small step forward and unhurriedly entered Yue Qingcheng's room.    


She turned to look and there was a faint smell of peach Hua Xiang in the room. On the dressing table beside a big red bed, Yue Qingcheng sat there shyly in front of a bronze mirror.    


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