Beast Piercing The Heavens

C287 Evening feast

C287 Evening feast

"Brother, it's not good to deal with them like this, right?" Wouldn't five hundred laps be too much? " Ye Qingyu held the tea on the table and looked at the back of the eight people who were running awkwardly.    


"Hehe, these eight people have bad characters. Let's punish them a little. Don't worry, we won't tire them to death!" Ye Qinghan looked at Ye Qingyu's slightly creased brows and those big eyes. Thinking back to all these years, he felt a little guilty and sighed: "Girl, all these years, I caused you to suffer!"    


"Hmm? It's not hard. As long as I can stay by my side, Qingyu will not be afraid of any hardships! " Ye Qingyu placed his teacup down and shook his head slightly. He blinked and looked at Ye Qinghan as he spoke softly.    


Ye Qingyu's calm words made Ye Qinghan feel incomparably warm and touched. He shifted his gaze to the side and saw the white hair on Ye Qingyu's head. He stood up and slowly walked in front of her. He reached out his hands and gently wrapped them around her waist, lifting her up. Then, he sat down and picked up Ye Qingyu, placing his on his lap.    


"Don't worry, I will never leave you again!" Never! " Ye Qinghan's slender fingers gently caressed Ye Qingyu's white hair, her heart filled with boundless tenderness. This girl, could die for him, die for him, die for him without a care for her own safety and charge into God Falling Mountain for him …    


"Big brother, I want to be your bride. I want to marry you and have children for you. What you promised me back then …" After being hugged by Ye Qinghan, Ye Qingyu's expression turned bashful. His snow-white face flushed red as he lowered his head and spoke in a low voice.    


"Being able to marry a girl like Qingyu is a blessing that I cultivated over a hundred lifetimes. Girl, don't you know how outstanding you are? In a few years, you will become a god. Brother, do I dare to not marry you? " Seeing Ye Qingyu reveal such a shy expression for the first time, Ye Qinghan laughed and joked around.    


"Whether I become a god or not is not important. The most important thing is to be able to be your wife!" Ye Qingyu gently said as he raised his head and slightly shook it.    


"Mm …" Qingyu, I need to tell you something. After some time, I'm going to … Prepare to marry at the same time, you... Qingcheng knew Qingwu from the Yue Family. She was very good to me, and I liked her a lot. As for Qingwu, I accidentally ruined her body, and she also deeply loved me. So... "Tell me, is big brother a beast …" Ye Qinghan was silent for a moment, and decided to clarify everything with Ye Qingyu. Although he knew that Ye Qingyu would definitely not say anything, but this matter had to be made clear sooner or later, so he decided to bite the bullet and open his mouth today.    


"Brother, there's no need to say anymore. I don't mind. I know you will treat me well. This … "That's enough!" Ye Qinghan's clarity did not cause even the slightest change in Ye Qingyu's expression. Instead, she extended his finger and covered Ye Qinghan's lips, his eyes filled with gentleness.    


"Mm …"    


Once again, he felt Ye Qingyu's unrestrained deep feelings, a light moisture appeared in Ye Qinghan's eyes. Without saying anything, he put his hands on Qingyu's slender waist and tightly hugged, not willing to let go …    




"Xiao Hanzi! Xiao Hanzi! "    


Just as Ye Qinghan was enjoying the warm world between these two people, running sounds and Ye Qingwu's angry shouts came from outside the hall. Ye Qinghan immediately pushed Ye Qingyu to get up, but he walked towards the door himself.    


At the green door, Ye Qingwu first appeared in a sexy fiery red skintight dress, then came with a smile dressed in a group of Peach Blossom Palace.    


"Xiao Hanzi, your clan is too biased towards you, your garden is so much better than mine! "It's all Green Zen wood, it's too extravagant, too extravagant …" Ye Qingwu pouted his lips, then shook his nose and walked in with a face full of complaints. Yue Qingcheng, on the other hand, did not say a word.    


"Hehe, Sister Xiao Wu, this will not be your garden in the future. In a short while, you and Sister Qingcheng will be married off to me, what are you jealous of?" Ye Qinghan felt embarrassed and could not speak, but Ye Qingyu who was beside him said those words openly and playfully, winking at Ye Qinghan.    


"Well, yes, what are you jealous of? You are all my women, aren't mine yours? " Ye Qinghan grinned, came to his senses, and started to argue with Ye Qingyu.    


"Pui!" Who agreed to marry you? You don't know shame! " immediately pulled Yue Qingcheng's hand, glared at Ye Qinghan, and said in a displeased tone, "Qingcheng, ignore this scoundrel. Come, let's go and take a look around!" With that, he pulled Yue Qingcheng and ran off.    


"Haha!" Let's go, Qingyu, let's go to the Sky Platform to have a look. I plan to set up a banquet there tonight to entertain Long Sainan and the others! " Ye Qinghan laughed out loud and pulled Ye Qingyu along with him.    




In the evening, Feng Zi and the others were invited to come. They stayed at the Nightingale's Castle because they wanted to build a good relationship with Ye Qinghan and pull others over to confirm their status in the clan. When they heard that Ye Qinghan had returned, they even sent him an invitation to attend the banquet, so of course they would be there on time.    


"Young Master Han, your garden sure makes people jealous!" Once Feng Zi entered, he shouted loudly and looked around.    


"Southern City Stone, Lake Color Carp, Purple Camphor Tree, Flaming Flower, Green Zen Tree, incredible! Young Master Han, your garden will cost at least one hundred thousand Crystal Coin. This Green Zen Wood is something we can only use after training in a secret room, but you, as an entire pavilion, can use it. Your Ye Family is too extravagant! " The flowers and plants were clearly people who knew what was good for them. Looking along the way, he actually recounted everything in the garden in detail, his face full of envy.    


"Hehe, right now, the are the ones who are not lacking in Ye Family. Any few of the treasures on Young Master Han can be exchanged for ten or a hundred Cold Heart Pavilion!" A trace of jealousy flashed across Long Shuiliu's eyes without leaving a trace, and his gaze swept past Yue Qingcheng who was beside Ye Qinghan. He felt envy, jealousy and hatred in his heart!    


She looked at Ye Qinghan who was standing amongst the three girls with a smile, and a complex look flashed past her eyes, praising: "This garden is very elegant, the decorations are very good, I like it!"    


Hehe, everyone, don't make fun of me, go to the Sky Platform. Tonight, we will drink to our heart's content. Ye Qinghan smiled and led the few of them towards the Sky Platform.    


"Come, let's drink a cup together five years from now!"    


"For our friendship, let's drink together!"    


"For the Empyrean God Realm, let's work hard together!"    




Starlight flashed in the sky as the full moon hung high in the sky. A cool breeze accompanied by a faint Buddhist and wine aroma enveloped the entire Cold Heart Pavilion.    


On the rooftop, everyone was happily drinking. Even Ye Qingyu, who had never drunk a single sip before, joined the group. Feng Zihuacao had come here to establish a relationship with Ye Qinghan in the first place, so of course the wine was continuously being drunk like water. Yue Qingcheng and Ye Qingwu were in a happy mood, and they started to drink more wine, but Long Sainan was feeling complicated, so he drank even more fiercely. The maids were continuously bringing out pots of fine wine and plates of delicacies. The atmosphere on the rooftop was immediately filled with a strong sense of atmosphere as the fragrance of wine permeated the air.    


It was already late into the night, and everyone was already starting to leave the venue as they were slightly drunk. Finally, only Ye Qinghan and the three women remained.    


"Sister Xiao Wu, I... We're going back! " Yue Qingcheng's face was flushed red, under the reflection of her pink clothes, she looked even more beautiful than before. She timidly looked at Ye Qinghan's drunk and confused eyes, and continuously glanced at her and Ye Qingwu, revealing a wolf-like gaze. She could not help but feel nervous, and immediately pulled Ye Qingwu's sleeves and asked.    


"Eh …" Ye Qingwu ungracefully burped and patted her full chest, causing the light in her eyes to grow even brighter. Boom! She also realized that the situation was bad and immediately stood up shakily, pulling Yue Qingcheng along as she headed down the Heaven Stage.    


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