Beast Piercing The Heavens

C100 Surrounded?

C100 Surrounded?

"The strength of this Demon Emperor is not bad, he actually blocked the few assassinations that I and Hua Xin made. If it wasn't for Fairy Lady's help, taking care of him wouldn't be that easy!" Immortal Lady is truly charming, Demon Emperor can actually faint from electricity. "    


Evening Seventeen was in a slightly happy mood. Originally, the matter regarding Ye Jiu had caused a trace of sullenness to rise in his heart. He looked at Demon Emperor's corpse, which was bulging with small eyes and a sinister face, and said gratefully to the bawd like Immortal Lady Yue.    


"Hehe, Seventeen, stop flattering this old lady. This Demon Emperor has obviously been severely injured, and was completely exhausted by Hua Xin just now. Otherwise, how could this old lady knock him out so easily? " Although Immortal Lady Yue did not spare him with her mouth, she clearly enjoyed the flattery from the Evening Seventeen. Her charming and flirtatious face blossomed into a smile, and her curvaceous body trembled even more violently.    


"You don't have anything to offer me. Lady, I'm afraid seventeen has other intentions. He's told me that he has a crush on you for a long time …" Hua Xin chuckled, and joked while looking at Evening Seventeen.    


Evening Seventeen was obviously unafraid of the stage. He secretly smiled, raised his eyebrows, and stared at Immortal Lady Yue's towering breasts, and said: "Hehe, Hua Xin has spoken my mind! "I'm just afraid that Lady Piaomiao won't like a boorish person like me …"    


"You two aren't so silly, there are a lot of girls in the Moon Tower who told me that the two of you are the most dissolute members of the Five Great Clans. I am not a pure and innocent little girl, and was deceived with just a few words. You want to deceive me? Your cultivation experience is still far from enough!" Fairy Yue rolled her eyes, obviously not pleased with the two's flirting. She laughed and scolded, twisting her plump butt to walk towards the woman with Yue Family.    


"Alright, Seventeen Blossom Heart will stop playing. I need to pack up and get ready to leave!" Ye Shisan glared at Evening Seventeen, gesturing for the two of them to go back to work. Evening Seventeen shook his head, rubbed his nose and left. Hua Xin chuckled as she moved in a flash.    


However, in less than half a moment, Hua Xin appeared once again. His previously playful expression was now very, very gloomy.    


"Level one alert, three Demon Clan Squads appeared in front of us! "From a distance of five kilometers, retreat rapidly towards the south!"    


"Level one alert, three Demon Clan Squads appeared in front of us! "From a distance of five kilometers, retreat rapidly towards the south!"    


"Level one alert, three Demon Clan Squads appeared in front of us! "From a distance of five kilometers, retreat rapidly towards the south!"    


Hua Xin's voice was not loud, but it was sharp and urgent. After he called out three times to confirm that everyone had heard him, he sneaked out.    




Hua Xin's urgent and sharp words were finally awakened after he shouted for the third time. They were all stirred up, and were at a loss as to what to do. They looked around in confusion.    


"What are you looking at? Everyone retreat!" Ye Shisan's face quickly darkened, he did not care about everyone's expression, and shouted loudly.    


The prestige that Ye Shisan had formed in the small team over the past few days, began to take effect. Everyone suddenly came to their senses, and one after another, they picked up their Demon Clan remnants and threw away the items in their hands. Ye Qinghan didn't care about the remaining points that he had yet to collect, and quickly gathered with the group. They began to run in an orderly manner towards the south. Gradually, they started to run like madmen as they fled …    




"Three Barbarian Clan Squads have appeared in the south, and are rushing towards us. They are fifteen kilometers away!"    


In the next moment, a scout from Hua Family brought over yet another piece of intelligence, shocking the entire team, causing them to stop in their tracks as they sprinted. Ye Qinghan and Ye Shisan looked at each other, and each saw a trace of surprise and confusion in the other's eyes! Hua Cao, Feng Zi and the others also looked at each other, somewhat at a loss and a little doubtful!    




"A Demon Clan squad appeared in the west. Yao Kaka is most likely leading the team and they are rushing this way. They are fifteen kilometers away!"    




"From the east, a Barbarian Clan team is rushing this way, from five kilometers away! "Seems like they are taking the lead and are confirming it!"    


Eh? Ah? Eh?    


What happened?    


What was going on?    


The team was like ants that had been blown up. They began to stir up a commotion, and everyone's eyes were filled with fear and confusion!    




How could he be surrounded?    


And it was even surrounded by a group of Fey Barbarians? It looks like... It was as if Demon Clan and Barbarian Clan had teamed up together to prepare to leave them here.    




How could Demon Clan and Barbarian Clan be combined? It was impossible to unite the two races, not to mention that they had a blood feud between them. Even if they had joined hands, how could they have appeared so coincidentally and arranged things so well?    


And how would they know the exact location of their team? Why were they charging straight towards their team?    


There was a lot of confusion, a lot of confusion, a lot of questions...    


But Ye Shisan knew that it was impossible for him to understand and he did not have time to think about it. He only knew that right now, they were in grave danger. Extremely dangerous. The danger was so great that if one was not careful, the Super Elite Team of the four families, the future heir of the four families, and the rest of the seven A Powerhouse Of The Dukedom s would all die here today. Therefore, he did not ask for other people's opinion and directly gave out orders.    


"All soldiers heed my orders, and advance towards the southeast at the fastest speed possible. Blossom Heart Evening Seventeen, bring the ten people of Hua Family to the front and see if they can lure the three small teams from the south away. Everyone spread out from the Hua Family.    


At the same time, Ye Shisan swiftly sent a sound transmission to the few Duke Stage Realm Warriors. According to the plan they had prepared, if they really had to, only the A Powerhouse Of The Dukedom s had escaped with their young masters and mistresses. Under such a tense situation, the A Powerhouse Of The Dukedom s of the various families didn't have any good ideas, they could only see if they could escape. If not, they could only abandon the descendants of their families and protect their young masters.    


Ye Qinghan, Flowerplant Feng Zi and the rest did not speak much, and quickly followed the large group towards the southeast. The team members clearly felt the oppressive and suffocating atmosphere. Some of the Yue Family Girl began to tremble. They knew how serious the situation was. Perhaps in the next second, they would all become ice-cold corpses on the ground.    


Run! Running at full speed!    


They couldn't be bothered with the weeds and mud on the road, as their robes were already in disarray. The thorns on the ground had already cut through the skin on their feet, and many of the bandages on their faces were already hanging by their ears, so much so that they couldn't be thrown away. They all knew that if they didn't run now, the non-humankind would tear them into pieces.    


"F * ck!"    


Ye Qinghan spat out a stalk of grass that had somehow appeared from the corner of his mouth and cursed out loud. He looked at Yue Qingcheng, whose face was flushed red from being slightly out of breath, with a worried look on her face. Barbarian fighting and Yao Kaka, they actually joined hands? He actually knew where they were? They actually surrounded them?    


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