Beast Piercing The Heavens

C168 Golden lion seed

C168 Golden lion seed

It wasn't that Ye Qingniu didn't react, in fact, as he was sitting on the carriage, he had been using the Spiritual Consciousness to sense the situation around him the entire time. More accurately speaking, ever since he left the God City a hundred miles away, he had been on guard.    


Although under the God-slaying Guard's mighty display, the Evil Spirits was defeated helplessly. After all, Ye Qinghan's innate talent was too heaven-defying, to have such a cultivation level at such a young age. Most importantly, if Ye Qinghan were to grow up with his abnormal technique, it would definitely become a nightmare for his Fey Barbarians.    


It was just that just before the appearance of the Evil Spirits, a violent anomaly of the weather origin energy appeared in the northeastern direction. Ye Qingniu and the elders sensed it one after the other and at that moment, they were all investigating the movement in the northeastern direction.    


There was indeed something abnormal happening in the northeast, and it came from the sky. A group of people flew over from the northeast, and they released all of their aura. They were incredibly arrogant, and could feel it from far away.    


Although Ye Qinghan and the others had a low realm, of course they did not know about it. At the same time, he immediately began to check if the person from the northeast sky was an enemy or a friend. When he felt that it was a familiar aura, he was stunned for a moment.    


Why is Ye Tianlong here? And he brought so many experts with him?    


It was just that before he could think of this question, Feng Zi's loud roar had pleasantly surprised him. He suddenly trembled, and with a sweep of the Spiritual Consciousness, he discovered that behind Ye Qinghan and the others, there were three Demon Clan s that were rushing straight towards them.    


There was no time to think about how the Evil Spirits could sneak over without alerting him, the clan elders were already on the horse carriages. He roared and activated his Saints first, he rushed out of the carriage and formed a War Beast in the air, flying straight behind Ye Qinghan and the rest.    


"Evil Spirits, you're a dignified First Holy Saint, how dare you be so shameless? A sneak attack on a junior? " Ye Ping reacted, his entire body releasing a burst of Qi, his entire person was like a sharp sword that rushed towards Ye Qinghan and the others, at the same time he took out a signal flare from his chest, and threw it into the air.    


"Demon? How dare you?"    


At almost the same time, several people flew out of the carriages at the same time. Their family's young masters and mistresses were all in front of them. If they were all killed by Evil Spirits, how would they explain themselves to the patriarch?    


They could all feel the surging aura in the northeastern sky and could feel the tyrannical might of Ye Tianlong's dragon. Once the signal flare which was unique to Ye Family explodes, Ye Tianlong would definitely rush over with all his might, and they would only need to delay for a moment, to be able to successfully protect the few young masters and young misses.    




The signal detonator had not exploded yet, but Ye Qingniu's Saints had suddenly shattered. Evil Spirits and the two Demon Clan s, under the full force of the attack, Ye Qingniu's Saints had actually shattered instantly. At the same time, a gigantic golden lion phantom appeared behind Evil Spirits. Its blood red eyes stared at Ye Qinghan who was running away and said fiercely: "Ye Qinghan, kill my son.    


When Evil Spirits finished speaking, the lion phantom behind him roared and actually turned into a gigantic golden palm, smashing towards Ye Qinghan and the others who were running away.    


"Evil Spirits, you dare?"    


Ye Qingniu roared again, his speed soaring again. At the same time, the War Qi in his hand flickered, transforming into a green Kui Cattle, bringing with it an incomparably tyrannical aura, it flew towards Evil Spirits's huge palm.    


"Fuck, there's actually another Demon Sage? And there was another person at the peak of Demon Monarch? You four go delay the Demon Sage while I go delay the leopard myself. " The Hua Ruo laughed bitterly, then shouted angrily at Ye Ping and the rest. In an instant, she snuck over and dived towards a Demon Monarch on the left side of the Evil Spirits.    


"Young Master Long, Yue Xiang Fei, Feng Huo, the four of us will go stop the Monkey King Demon Sage. As long as we can delay them for five minutes, my Patriarch will definitely come!" Ye Ping gritted his teeth as he yelled towards the A King's Realm Cultivator s.    


The few people present had all experienced the chaotic battle thirty years ago. Just now, the combined attack of the three Demon Clan s smashed apart Ye Qingniu's Saints, easily allowing them to see the true strength of the three Demon Clan s.    


There was no need to mention Evil Spirits, the Saint Demon Clan Realm cultivator. Fifty years ago, he had already entered the Demon Sage Realm, and the one on the right was a Demon Clan that was four or five meters tall like a large ape. The remaining Panthers with extraordinary speed was the strength of the peak Demon Monarch s. After all, if one were to step into the Demon Sage s realm, their speed would increase even more, and Ye Qinghan and the rest would have died miserable deaths under his claws.    




The signal detonator, under Ye Ping's effort, finally reached a dozen meters high and exploded. A ray of fire red light illuminated the surroundings, and after the red light shone, an even denser and berserk roar came from the sky in the distance:    


"Evil Spirits, if you dare kill Ye Qinghan, I will definitely make your hundred thousand people with Demon Clan die with him!"    




When Ye Qingniu released the Spiritual Consciousness, he had already sensed their existence. He had so unrestrainedly released his aura, hoping that Ye Qingniu and the others could sense him from the start.    


However, before he could be happy, before he could imagine how he could praise his grandson who had been neglected for more than ten years … He could feel that when Ye Qingniu's Saints and the three from Evil Spirits had shattered their Saints, the surrounding air had become chaotic. Immediately afterwards, he saw a gigantic illusory golden lion, and a burst of dazzling red light.    


The red light was the unique signal flare that Ye Ping had released, while the Golden-furred Lion's illusory shadow was the only thing that existed in the entire continent, the Demon Shadow Battle Technique, which was the skill of the Evil Spirits, one of the Sacred Masters of the Demon Clan. So the first thing he did was to merge with the War Beast, circulating its full power, he crazily rushed towards the God Falling Mountain and roared angrily.    


"Persevere! You have to persevere on!"    


The Night Gun behind him, along with Ye Tianxing and the others also saw the gigantic Golden-furred Lion under the God Falling Mountain. Without wasting any time, it combined with the War Beast and increased its speed, following Ye Tianlong's gaze. Although he didn't say much, he was silently thinking in his heart. They weren't too far away from the God Falling Mountain, so at their normal speed, they would arrive in a minute or two. However, as long as they continued to walk forward, they would be able to enter the area enveloped by the gravity space of the God Falling Mountain, and their speed would decrease by a few points. Thus, they estimated that it would take them at least five minutes to reach the battlefield.    




Ye Tianlong's angry roar made the running group of people feel joy. Ye Tianlong was coming? As long as Ye Tianlong came, they would definitely be safe. Ye Qingniu's attack was strong, but his defense was not that high. It was evident that his Saints had been shattered in an instant by the combined attack of the three Demon Clan practitioners.    


But Ye Tianlong was different. His War Beast was the one with the strongest defense, the Worldbear. As long as his Saints was within range, it would definitely not be possible for Evil Spirits and the rest to break through it in a short period of time.    


It was just that their happiness only lasted for a short second, before the huge golden palm above them slammed down on their heads, the impeccable pressuring contained in the golden palm made them feel as though the surrounding air had stopped flowing, and their hearts seemed to jump out. The originally difficult steps were now as though they were being pressed down by a huge mountain. They were actually unable to move at all …    


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