Recycle System Upgrades Instantly

C2 Transcendent Divine Might Nine Yang Divine Technique!

C2 Transcendent Divine Might Nine Yang Divine Technique!

[System Detected: Fusing... ]    


[Instant Salvaging System: Fused] [Attribute Panel Generated]    


[Newbie Benefit: 300 Strengthening Points]    


At this moment, a monotonous, artificial voice suddenly shocked past Su Ba's mind. Immediately after, an attribute panel containing the information regarding his cultivation popped up in his mind.    


[Host]: Su Ba    


[Cultivation Realm]: One-star initial stage (+)    


[Cultivation Technique]: None    


[Weapons]: None    


[Martial Skills]: None    


[Enhancement Points]: 300 Points    


[Lottery]: 100 points of enhancement points, available for one lottery draw    


[Storage Space]: 1 cubic meter (+)    






Realizing his new ability, Su Ba burst into a fit of shock and excitement!    


And then, his usually calm face glittered with a trace of happiness!    


Though he had never seen such a system before in his past life, he instinctively figured out what the 'System' was capable of.    


So this is the benefit of reincarnating in another world!    


An instant salvaging system?    


Su Ba's brows twitched as he asked plainly, "System, what functions do you have?"    


No response...    


Following that, Su Ba persisted a few more questions but still didn't receive any response from the System.    


"Seems like I can only figure it out myself."    


Su Ba frowned.    


Since he technically just woke up, Su Ba subconsciously wanted to get off the bed.    


The moment when he placed his hands on the bed and pushed backwards...    


"A normal wooden bed can give 0 points of enhancement. Do you want to salvage it?"    


The notification sound in his mind caused Su Ba to notice vaguely that he seemed to have come into contact with a certain function of this System.    


In order to verify what he just heard...    


After Su Ba got off the bed, he walked in front of a wooden table and placed his hand on it.    


"One normal wooden table. Do you want to salvage the item for 0 enhancement points?"    


This confirmed the System's function!    


With that, the system's notification rang out once again!    


After further experimentation using various methods, Su Ba concluded that only when his hand came into contact with an object's surface would the system notification sound appear again.    


This discovery caused Su Ba's spirit to tremble in excitement!    


Despite his excitement, it was quickly replaced by a hint of disappointment, seeing that none of the items in his room would give him any enhancement points. Was it because the quality of the objects was too ordinary?    


At this moment!    


Su Ba took a quick glance at his attribute screen.    


Hm? 300 enhancement points? It seems to have been given by the System at the beginning.    


It seems that the enhancement points can bu used to perform some sort of lottery?    




Why is there a '+' sign next to the the cultivation realm?    


Out of pure curiosity, Su Ba clicked on the '+' sign, which was behind the cultivation realm.    


*Beep! Beep!*    


"Cultivation realm increased to One-star medium stage, enhancement points (-100)."    


A feeling a warmth suddenly surged through his entire being!    


As the feeling subsided, Su Ba could feel that he had become stronger!    




Su Ba's eyes lit up with enthusiasm!    


Isn't this basically the same as leveling up in a video game?    


By having such a skill, it meant that there would not be a limit to how much he cultivated in this world! Even if his cultivation talent was dastardly to the point of trash, his cultivation could still be improved just by using those enhancement points earned from the System!    


Flowing along with his burst of agitation, Su Ba clicked on the (+) symbol behind the cultivation realm!    


*Beep! Beep!*    


[Enhancement points insufficient] [Unable to raise cultivation]    


He looked at his remaining enhancement points and saw that he still had 200 points left.    


Is it really not enough...    


In that case, Su Ba was not going to force it and moved on.    


On the other hand, with the remaining 200 points, he could use it to draw the lottery in the System at least twice.    


Su Ba shifted his attention on the [Lottery] section of the attribute panel.    


After thinking for a moment, he decided to use his points on the lottery draw.    


After all, he could not level up his cultivation talent nor had the need to upgrade his [Storage Space] for the time being.    


If he were to draw something like a certain martial technique or some other martial arts related item, wouldn't that give him even more benefits?    


Su Ba convinced himself.    


[Lottery]: Start    


*Beep! Beep!*    


[Enhancement points: -100] [Lottery started]    


[Congratulations, you have obtained absolutely nothing!]    




"Why the hell are you congratulating me for? Damn System!"    


With a dark expression, Su Ba muttered to himself again with a frown.    


[Lottery]: Start    


This time, at least give me something! Anything is fine!    


[Enhancement points: -100] [Lottery started]    


[Congratulations, you have drawn the martial technique: Nine Suns Divine Art!]    


A secret manual wrapped in blue leather suddenly fell into Su Ba's hands.    


A martial technique?!    


Beyond elated from this time's lottery, Su Ba immediately began looking through the manual.    


Nine Suns Divine Art    


A transcendent divine technique!    


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