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C24 Passing the Test in the Blink of an Eye!

C24 Passing the Test in the Blink of an Eye!

After meditating for several moments, Su Ba, who was sitting cross-legged on the jade platform, suddenly noticed his vision blurring and that the other students surrounding him had vanished.    


The only thing left around him was a vast expanse of nothingness, as if he was isolated from the rest of the world.    


At this moment...    


The surrounding scene suddenly changed!    


A lush of greenery started growing on Su Ba's feet as it quickly spread pass the horizon of the vast expanse.    


Within a few breaths, Su Ba found himself on a boundless prairie.    


Lowering his head, Su Ba gentle picked up a grass leaf from the earth. It felt smooth with a faint fragrance of actual nature.    


What a brilliant illusion technique.    


Su Ba's brows twitched slightly, realizing that this kind of illusion array could only be set up by a martial warrior who had already broken through the Acquired Stage in Yun Meng Martial Mansion. Furthermore, the expert must also be well-versed in the creation of arrays and formations.    


Just as he was thinking about it...    


The ground suddenly rumbled and shook, as if a magnitude had shocked through the vast plains.    


Suddenly, Su Ba noticed himself rapidly enveloped by a large shadow, feeling a slight chill from the sudden lack of sunlight.    


Raising his head in response, Su Ba saw monster the size of a mountain behind him.    


The monster, wearing a hideous appearance, possessed a pair of bloodshot eyes the size of a water bucket. With the spread of his arms, it was as if the day had suddenly been enveloped by the dusk of the night.    


Catching a glimpse of Su Ba standing underneath him, the monster roared amok — lifting its humongous right foot and stomping it down on Su Ba.    


Su Ba, seeing the unimaginably terrifying power directed straight towards him, convinced him that he would be eventually be stomped into meat paste at this point.    


As the air vibrated unnaturally in the surroundings, waves of Ki gushed out like a hurricane.    


Depsite all those realistic illusions, Su Ba remained unwavering as he stood calm in his place.    


Since it was an illusory magic array, everything that existed in this realm must be fake.    


But it is easier said than done.    


Su Ba felt a strong shock and impact pushing down on his mind even before the giant foot landed on him.    


He knew it was fake, but he still could not shake off this feeling of dread — as if it had been carved into the depths of his soul.    


The shadow of the giant foot in front of his eyes enlarged infinitely as Su Ba continued to watch it approach him in silence.    




The instant the huge foot stepped on his body...    


Su Ba's mind trembled visibly, as if his soul was going to float out of his existence in the next second.    


At this moment, Su Ba let out a cold snort — his mind reminding him that it was all a simple illusion.    


*Cling! Clang!*    


With a slight shattering sound, all the impact and feeling of dread had vanished within that instant.    


The first trial had been passed!    




Outside the illusion...    


On the pavilion in the middle of the lake...    


"Oh? Someone has already passed the first round? This might be a new record!"    


An old man sitting beside the stone table looked at Su Ba who was sitting on the jade platform not far away and exclaimed in surprise.    


"Hmm, he passed in just a blink of an eye. Not bad, looks like a good sapling with great potential of growth!"    


The other elder also nodded in admiration.    


These old men were all the elders of the Yun Meng Martial Mansion. Every year, they would take the time to come and see if there were any good seeds planted among the new disciples.    


What they deemed as a worthy seed in their hearts would naturally be the genius of all geniuses.    


At this time, Deacon Xia Hang was also there. Seeing Su Ba pass the first stage as such a fast pace, his face revealed a sudden trace of shock.    


He knew that Su Ba possessed the true heart of a martial warrior, yet he did not expect it to be this strong.    


The other students were still gritting their teeth and struggling to hold on, but he passed by them without a change in his expression.    


To pass the test with such a fast pace was even considered to be surprising in Yun Meng Martial Mansion.    


After the momentous shock proceeded with absolutely joy.    


"You're doing well, young one. I was not wrong about you after all."    


Qin Jiuyue, who was standing to the side, wore a look of surprise on her face. It seemed that Su Ba really had the ability to back up his tone of a scoundrel.    


Even if one passes the first of five trials with such ease, it could not be said to be the same for the other four remaining trials.    


The corners of Qin Jiuyue's mouth curled into a faint, wry smile as she continued watching.    


And at this time...    


Su Ba had already proceeded to the second trial.    


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