Super Awesome Son-in-law

C322 Hamster

C322 Hamster

Han Ling was not surprised by Shen Qianyao's attitude at all. In her heart, she was also rejecting this matter. Han Family and these people were all her relatives, so Han Ling was clearer than anyone about their capabilities.    


However, since Han Hong had already said it like this, she could only try her best. Moreover, with Shen Qianyao's personality, as long as she was soft and tough, she still had the confidence to convince Shen Qianyao.    


"Don't be in such a hurry to refuse. Let me explain to you what's going on." Han Ling said gently.    


Su Yang went back to his room. He was too lazy to interfere in this matter. No matter what Shen Qianyao decided, Su Yang would respect her.    


Sitting on the bed, Su Yang took out the sensor from his wallet. It was very small in size and could easily be lost, but in Su Yang's hands, this was something that would never happen.    


After calculating, Mole had left for quite some time. He must have definitely entered Geocentric Prison already, but the sensor did not react for a long time. Did something happen to him, or did Su Tianyang not appear in Geocentric Prison at all?    


Whenever Su Yang thought of this matter, his mind would become restless. He hoped that Su Tianyang was still alive and had placed great expectations on this matter. He was very worried that this dream would be shattered.    


"Grandfather, you must live. As long as you are alive, I will think of a way to save you." Su Yang muttered to himself resolutely as he held the sensor tightly in his hand.    


In a dark room.    


The invisibility of the darkness was creepy. In this kind of environment, no matter how resolute one's heart was, one would still feel fear.    


At this moment, a figure was squatting at a corner of the wall. His hands were hugging his knees and his body was trembling slightly.    


Ever since Mole woke up, he had been in this kind of environment. He knew that he had reached the Geocentric Prison and was probably locked in a place similar to a confinement room. This was probably the treatment every newcomer to the Geocentric Prison would receive.    


Mole didn't know how long he had been here, the dark, sunless environment prevented him from touching the light, and he could feel the time. The only thing that made him feel anything other than darkness was the occasional earthquake that occasionally occurred, which made Mole guess that the location of the Geocentric Prison should be somewhere deep underground.    


Geocentric Prison, deep in the earth's core?    


If it was really like this, then it was no wonder that Geocentric Prison could be kept hidden from outsiders for so many years, because it simply did not exist on the surface of the earth.    


"Fortunately, I'm a frequent visitor of the Reflection Chamber and I'm already used to this kind of environment. If I were a normal person, my state of mind would have long since collapsed." Mole comforted himself. Judging from his slightly trembling body, he was not that determined.    


After all, this was a completely dark room, and he could not see anything. For people who were used to living in the light, it was impossible for them to continue living in this sort of environment.    


"Close it. With my current condition, it won't be a problem to close it for another ten to eight years." Mole had always been self-reminding and cheering himself on in his heart. He knew that if he crumbled at the first step, he would never have the chance to escape this place.    


At this moment, the door suddenly opened. In the pitch-black environment, there was finally a ray of light.    


The dazzling light made Mole unable to open his eyes, so he could only lower his head.    


From the sound of the footsteps, Mole could tell that three people had come to take him away from this environment.    


However, when the footsteps came closer, Mole suddenly received a merciless beating. After the beating, those people quietly left and did not bring Mole away.    


Lying on the ground, once again sinking into the darkness of the room, Mole felt despair for the first time. Was this a set meal for Geocentric Prison? Not only did they have to lock him up in this dark environment, they even had to be beaten?    


"Laozi is a cockroach, don't even think about killing me!" Mole gritted his teeth and said.    


The room suddenly began to shake, this time more frequently than the last.    


"You bunch of guys, aren't you afraid of shattering this damn place and burying all of you alive?" The strong vibration caused Mole's heart to tremble, and this made him even more certain that the Geocentric Prison should be underground.    


At the villa on the mountainside, after Su Yang put away his sensor, Shen Qianyao also returned to her room.    


Seeing Shen Qianyao's listless look, her shoulders naturally slanted downwards, and she could roughly guess what was going on.    


"Do you agree?" Su Yang asked with a smile.    


Shen Qianyao bit her lips. She disagreed with everything, but it was nothing compared to Han Ling.    


"Su Yang, you won't blame me, right?" Shen Qianyao lowered her head, not daring to look Su Yang in the eye. It was Su Yang who bought the company, and it was also he who made the company develop today. Although Shen Qianyao was the nominal chairman, the company's current status had nothing to do with her.    


In other people's hearts, Shen Qianyao was the company's chairman, and this was a fact that everyone could see. However, in Shen Qianyao's heart, she believed that Su Yang was the company's master, because without him, the company would have already gone bankrupt.    


"How could I blame you? But they won't stay here forever, will they?" Su Yang didn't want to meet the Han Family head on and with Han Sheng's personality, letting him stay here would cause trouble sooner or later.    


Of course, Su Yang wasn't afraid of Tian Family, and Tian Family wouldn't make things difficult for him, but Su Yang wouldn't let Han Sheng act so arrogantly and recklessly.    


"Mom promised me that she wouldn't let them live here." Shen Qianyao said.    


"That's good. It's about time, I'll send you to the company." Su Yang said.    


Shen Qianyao intentionally glanced at Su Yang's wallet. Recently, she has seen a lot of scenes where Su Yang was in a daze while holding the wallet, so she guessed that there must be something very important to Su Yang inside.    


"If there's anything you're unhappy about, or are worried about, you can tell me." Shen Qianyao didn't directly ask Su Yang what happened. This was her most understanding point, because she knew that as long as Su Yang was willing to tell her, even if he didn't ask, she would still know. But if Su Yang wasn't willing, she definitely wouldn't force Su Yang to do it.    


"Nothing, let's go." Su Yang stood up, put away his wallet and said.    


Su Yang wouldn't tell her about Su Tianyang unless he could save Su Tianyang one day. If Su Tianyang was already dead, then this would be the secret that Su Yang would bury.    


While driving to the company, a special situation happened in Tian Changsheng's dojo.    


Luo Binn brought his grandson, Luo Xuyao, with him. This time, he was not accompanied by the same person from last time, but by a man who looked even more gloomy. He was around 30 years old.    


Ever since he lost last time, Luo Binn had been holding a grudge against this incident, and could even be said to be holding a grudge. He had found an expert, deliberately kicked the restaurant, and also wanted to find a good girlfriend for Luo Xuyao, but he did not expect that he would lose face. For Luo Binn, who loved face, he naturally could not accept such an ending.    


After such a long time, Luo Binn finally found someone he was satisfied with. Therefore, he couldn't wait to come to Tian Changsheng Martial Arts School.    


When Tian Changsheng saw Luo Binn, he knew that the person who came was not friendly and this was something he had expected. Having known Luo Binn for so many years, he knew Luo Binn's temperament like the back of his hand.    


"Luo Binn, you arrived a little later than I expected." Tian Changsheng said.    


"Sigh, I've been busy recently and haven't had the chance to reminisce about old times. This time, I finally managed to squeeze out some time." Luo Binn said with a look of admiration on his face. His time was actually spent on finding experts. Without absolute confidence, how could he risk being humiliated a second time to come here?    


Tian Changsheng looked at the person beside Luo Binn. This person's overall temperament looked very gloomy. When he was not talking, he was like a deep pool. Although it was quiet, it gave people the feeling that he could silently take someone's life.    


"I really don't have time, so there's no need to reminisce about the past." Tian Changsheng said with a smile.    


Luo Binn shook his head and said, "How can that be okay? We are still young, so we don't have much time to live. Every time we meet, we will have one less."    


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