Super Awesome Son-in-law

C414 Nocturnal Investigation

C414 Nocturnal Investigation

Mo Yang clenched his teeth. He had obviously come prepared to block the license plate and display the number in another area. There were so many minivans on the street, who knew where the van that took Shen Qianyao went.    


The more meticulous their arrangements were, the more it proved that the other party had come with ill intentions, and Shen Qianyao's current situation must be extremely dangerous.    


He couldn't let Shen Qianyao get hurt while Su Yang was in the hospital. Plus, this was done by his men, if he couldn't give Su Yang an explanation, how could he show his face in front of Su Yang?    


"Gather everyone, investigate thoroughly that night, and don't let a single one of the villages or small towns in the suburbs go." Mo Yang said.    


Lin Yong suggested, "Should we join forces with everyone in the Gray Zone to increase our strength?"    


"Such a big commotion, are you afraid that Su Yang won't know about it?" Mo Yang stared at Wu Jun. Although what he said was very reasonable, once the influence expanded, the chances of Su Yang receiving the news would increase. Mo Yang couldn't let Su Yang know about this in this kind of situation.    


Once Su Yang recuperated, Mo Yang would naturally ask for forgiveness for this matter.    


"Yes." Lin Yong shrunk his neck and said with a face full of fear.    


That night, several hundred people moved out overnight. They started a carpet-style search in the Cloud City that was surging secretly.    


In the villa on the mountainside, Han Ling and Shen Shikang were still waiting in the living room because Shen Qianyao didn't come home.    


"What's wrong with that girl today? She's not coming home at such a late hour and she's not answering the phone. The bigger the better." Han Ling complained.    


Shen Shikang twitched his eyelids and said, "Could something have happened? My eyelids have been jumping nonstop today."    


Han Ling stared at Shen Shikang and said, "That crow's beak, let's not talk anymore."    


Although he didn't want anything to happen to Shen Qianyao, his sixth sense told him that if something hadn't happened to her, Shen Qianyao would have gone home long ago. Even if she didn't go home, she wouldn't have picked up the phone.    


"Could it be that she secretly went to meet with that good-for-nothing?" Han Ling said angrily. This was the only possibility she could think of. Shen Qianyao not answering the phone was like avoiding her out of guilt.    


"That's possible." Shen Shikang said.    


Han Ling immediately took out her cell phone. Since no one answered Shen Qianyao's call, she could only call Su Yang.    


"Let Sofia go home." When the call was picked up, Han Ling said it directly because she had decided that Shen Qianyao and Su Yang were going to meet.    


Su Yang was lying on the sickbed. Even his phone was held by Qi Yiyun. After hearing Han Ling's words, he felt confused and asked, "Where did Qianyao go?"    


"Su Yang, don't play dumb with me. If she didn't meet up with me, then why isn't she home yet? And she didn't even answer my call." Han Ling said coldly.    


Hearing this, Su Yang's expression changed. Shen Qianyao didn't go home and didn't answer the phone. Could something have happened? However, he had already sent people to protect Shen Qianyao. If there really was an accident, he should know.    


"I'm really not with Qianyao. Have you called Shen Lingyao yet?" These two best friends would often get together. Could it be that they were playing at Shen Lingyao's house and had forgotten the time?    


Han Ling frowned. She was sure that the two of them were together, but from Su Yang's attitude, it seemed that he really didn't know where Shen Qianyao had gone to.    


"I called Shen Lingyao a long time ago. She said that Qianyao left the company after work and wasn't with her." Han Ling said.    


"Don't worry, I'll call and ask." Su Yang said. Mo Yang's men were protecting Shen Qianyao secretly. Those men should know where Shen Qianyao went.    


"Su Yang, if anything happens to Shen Qianyao, it must be related. Sofia must be found tonight, or else I won't be finished." Lili had no enemies. If she was taken, it had to be related to Su Yang, so Han Ling threw the blame directly at Su Yang.    


Su Yang didn't answer and just hung up.    


"Help me dial Mo Yang's number." Su Yang said to Qi Yiyun in a low voice.    


"Could it have been done by Su Yan?" During the call, Qi Yiyun asked Su Yang.    


Su Yang didn't say anything. No matter who did it, as long as it was a threat to Shen Qianyao, even the gods couldn't do it.    


After the call connected, Mo Yang was the first to speak, "Is it boring for this brat to be hospitalized? Why don't you give me a call at this time?"    


Mo Yang's tone was relaxed, but Su Yang could feel that he was deliberately putting on an act, as if he was trying to cover something up.    


"Mo Yang, where's Qianyao?" Su Yang asked coldly.    


Seeing Su Yang's caller ID, Mo Yang had a bad premonition. However, since it was so sudden, how could Su Yang, who was in the hospital, know about it?    


"Don't worry, I've already sent people out to look for it." Since Su Yang already knew, he couldn't continue hiding it anymore. He could only tell Su Yang the truth.    


"Do you think I can relax?" Su Yang said.    


"I will find my sister-in-law as soon as possible. I definitely won't let her suffer any harm. With our current situation, we still need some rest. Don't worry, just hand this matter to me. Don't you believe me?" Mo Yang said.    


Su Yang naturally believed in Mo Yang, but since Shen Qianyao's whereabouts were unknown, how could he be at ease?    


However, Su Yang also knew his condition. With his current body, he was not allowed to leave the hospital, and even if he did, he might not be able to help.    


"Notify me of any news as soon as possible." Su Yang said.    


"Alright, don't worry. As long as there's news, I will immediately inform you."    


As soon as he hung up, the phone rang again.    


Looking at Han Ling's caller ID, Qi Yiyun asked, "Should we answer it?"    


Su Yang nodded.    


Just as he pressed the answer button, Han Ling's angry roar came through the phone, "Su Yang, this evil spirit, did he have to kill Qianyao just to be satisfied?"    


"If it weren't for that, how could Qianyao be in danger? After so many years, don't you know that you're a scourge?"    


"What exactly does my Shen Family owe me? Did I dig the grave of my ancestor? If I had to go like this I wouldn't be able to get along with my Shen Family."    


"Why didn't you just kill him? If you died, you wouldn't be harming others."    


Qi Yiyun hung up without Su Yang's consent after hearing the ear-piercing and intense words.    


Even as an outsider, Qi Yiyun couldn't bear to watch any longer.    


Su Yang had endured humiliation at Shen Family for so many years, and the benefits brought to Shen Family were innumerable. If not for Su Yang, how could Han Ling live in a villa at the mountainside, living a carefree and luxurious life? But for her, Su Yang was treated like an outsider from the beginning to the end.    


"There's no need to care about such a woman." Qi Yiyun said.    


Su Yang shook his head and sighed, "She is right. If it wasn't for me, Qianyao wouldn't have to bear such a risk. Everything happened because of me."    


"But aren't the benefits brought to the Shen Family enough? They used to live in a run-down district that didn't even have an elevator. No, she wasn't even qualified to enter the Cloud Peak Mountain villa complex. " Qi Yiyun said indignantly.    


"Money is just worldly possessions. Qianyao's risk is her life." Su Yang said.    


Qi Yiyun gritted her teeth. Su Yang's feelings for Shen Qianyao had reached an unquenchable level. It was as if he could bear any grievances for Shen Qianyao.    


"I am willing to bear such a risk, even at the cost of my life." Qi Yiyun looked at Su Yang sincerely. Even though it wasn't the first time she showed goodwill to Su Yang, this time, it was definitely the most resolute.    


She was willing to take any risk, willing to use her life to win a sincere relationship with Su Yang, as long as Su Yang was willing to treat her like how he treated Shen Qianyao.    


"Not qualified." Su Yang said lightly.    


Even so, Su Yang would not change his mind. Shen Qianyao's happiness was incomparable to any other woman in this world.    


"She's so happy." Qi Yiyun turned around and walked to the window, tears streaming down her face. Her heart ached, making it hard for her to breathe.    


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