Godly Emperor

C202 "I am the Grand Moon Star Lord, I am not the Grand Moon Star Lord!"

C202 "I am the Grand Moon Star Lord, I am not the Grand Moon Star Lord!"

All of the Celestial Yin Sect disciples beside Xiao Ni couldn't help but take a deep breath when they heard Chang'e's words. If even a crippled secret treasure could have the attack power of the Profound Immortal Stage, then wouldn't that mean that Chang'e's cultivation had already surpassed the Profound Immortal Stage and was most likely a Immortal Lord Stage cultivator?    


Everyone in Celestial Yin Sect looked at Chang'e and guessed in their hearts.    


How would they know, Chang'e wasn't a Immortal Lord Stage cultivator at all, but a Golden Immortal Realm cultivator.    


"There's no need to go. I'll walk by myself." Chang'e said indifferently. Only after knowing that it was Wei Yuanmao's man did her expression relax slightly.    


"Yes." Xiao Ni immediately answered, she didn't have the intention of stopping Chang'e at all, or even following her around.    


And at this moment, when Wei Yuanmao heard that Chang'e had appeared in the Imperial City, he immediately ran out from the Imperial Palace.    


It was said that Chang'e was the coldest goddess in the world, so Wei Yuanmao would like to meet her here.    


However, Chang'e had obviously left when Wei Yuanmao had arrived, leaving behind only Xiao Ni and the group of Celestial Yin Sect's elders and disciples present.    


Upon seeing Wei Yuanmao, Xiao Ni immediately brought all the disciples present to pay their respects to Wei Yuanmao, "Greetings Your Majesty."    


The surrounding crowd, when they saw the dragon robe on Wei Yuanmao, how could they not know that the person in front of them was the emperor of the China Dynasty, their emperor.    


Stunned, the crowd immediately paid their respects to Wei Yuanmao: "Greetings Your Majesty."    


"Get up, everyone is busy with their own things, don't worry about me." Wei Yuanmao waved his hand at everyone and said.    


"Thank you, your majesty." Everyone responded and then stood up. After getting Wei Yuanmao's permission, they still continued to do what they were supposed to do.    


Of course, there were also people who were relaxed. When they saw Wei Yuanmao appearing, most of them looked at him from a distance, and among them, some of the girls' eyes revealed a fanatical look, full of love and adoration for him.    


"Where's Chang'e?" Wei Yuanmao did not care about the people around him, and immediately asked.    


Xiao Ni was slightly stunned, because she didn't even know who Chang'e was. However, seeing Wei Yuanmao's anxious expression, Xiao Ni immediately realised that this Chang'e was most likely the female Ranker from just now.    


After coming to this conclusion, Xiao Ni immediately replied, "Your Majesty, Chang'e just left."    


"Left?" Wei Yuanmao was puzzled, because after he summoned Chang'e out, he didn't even see Chang'e before he left? What was with this departure?    


"Yes, Your Majesty. About that, we did indeed see the Senior Chang'e that you were looking for earlier and we even spoke to her. However, Senior Chang'e said that she wanted to walk around in the Imperial City." Xiao Ni explained.    


Wei Yuanmao heaved a sigh of relief. He had thought that Xiao Ni had said that Chang'e had left the China Dynasty. If that was the case, who knew where he would be able to find her.    


Summoning a character, the first thing he did was not to look for him. Instead, he was planning to stroll around the imperial city. This was truly hard for people to understand.    


After knowing that Chang'e was still in the Imperial City, Wei Yuanmao immediately used the Lucky Golden Dragon to search for her.    


With the help of the Lucky Golden Dragon, Wei Yuanmao quickly saw Chang'e. At this moment, Chang'e was strolling on a prosperous street in the imperial city.    


After seeing Chang'e, Wei Yuanmao's heart skipped a beat and in a flash, he quickly arrived beside his. When Chang'e saw Wei Yuanmao suddenly appear, he almost jumped in fright.    


"Greetings, your Imperial Majesty." Chang'e was a cultivator of the Golden Immortal Realm after all, so when she saw Wei Yuanmao, she immediately bowed to him.    


When the people around saw Wei Yuanmao, they quickly kneeled and kowtowed, "Greetings your majesty."    


It was too difficult for them to see the emperor once. If nothing unexpected happened, it was very likely that they would never see the emperor once in their lives.    


"Get up." Wei Yuanmao smiled and waved his hand.    


"Thank you, your majesty." Chang'e smiled.    


"We have just arrived at China Dynasty, why didn't you come see us first?" Wei Yuanmao looked at Chang'e and said, "You know that I have been thinking too much about you!"    


Hearing Wei Yuanmao's words, Chang'e was slightly stunned, then her face immediately flushed red. In the past, no one had ever dared to speak to her like that.    


"His Majesty is getting serious." Chang'e reacted and bowed slightly.    


"Hahaha." Wei Yuanmao could not help but laugh loudly. As he spoke, he brought Chang'e back to the palace.    


Chang'e was a cultivator of the Golden Immortal Realm, especially when the China Dynasty was promoted to the imperial court.    


As for Chang'e, if she were to run around randomly, she could leave the China Dynasty at any time with Chang'e's Golden Immortal cultivation level. At that time, if Chang'e was not present when the China Dynasty was promoted to the imperial court, there might be a problem.    


Wei Yuanmao believed that there must be a reason why the System could summon Chang'e.    


"Chang'e, I wonder if you know about the Supreme Yin Star Sovereign?" All this while, in Wei Yuanmao's heart, Chang'e had always been the Grand Moon Star Lord, and the Grand Moon Star Lord, was exactly Chang'e.    


Hearing Wei Yuanmao's question, Chang'e smiled slightly and said, "Is it the Grand Moon Star Lord?" Chang'e's eyes narrowed slightly and she nodded. "I naturally recognize the Supreme Mistress of the Great Moon."    


"You're not the Supreme Yin Star Sovereign?" After Wei Yuanmao found out from Chang'e that the Lunar Star Sovereign was not Chang'e, he asked with a face full of suspicion, "Then who is the Lunar Star Sovereign?"    


"Does Your Majesty really want to know who the Grand Moon Sovereign is?" Chang'e looked at Wei Yuanmao and said.    


"That's not true. In my heart, I've always thought that you were the Star Lord of Grand Moon." Wei Yuanmao said.    


"Hehehehe." Chang'e smiled gently and said, "Your Majesty, you've done well. The Supreme Mistress is Chang'e, but Chang'e isn't the same."    


"What's going on?" Wei Yuanmao asked doubtfully, "Since the Lunar Star Sovereign is you, then why aren't you the Lunar Star Sovereign?"    


Chang'e smiled. "I don't know about that either, but I do know that there's someone who's the same as me in the primitive world."    


"Oh, who is it?" Wei Yuanmao was surprised.    


"Grandma Meng." Chang'e said indifferently, "It can be said that Grandma Meng and I were just the reincarnated bodies of great powers. Grandma Meng was the reincarnated body of the Witch Clan's Hou Tu, and I was the Supreme Mistress of the Grand Moon.    


Therefore, while I am the Star Lord of Grand Moon, I am not the Star Lord of Grand Moon. "    


"Then, where did the Star Lord and the Hou Tu go?" Wei Yuanmao became suspicious again. All this time, he had always thought that Chang'e was the Supreme Yin Star Sovereign, and Grandma Meng was naturally a Witch Clan Hou Tu.    


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