The Ace Bodyguard

C545 Mysterious Space

C545 Mysterious Space

Thinking about how short his life was, Wang Xiao indeed sighed, and also felt a little sad. However, after a short period of time, he clearly saw everything. There was nothing to be afraid of. This was the cycle of the heaven and earth. There was always prosperity in everything. There was life and death, and there was no joy in life. There was no need to suffer in death.    


Even though a person's life is very short, they have a certain goal. Wang Xiao's dream is to become an expert, and let his sect flourish and continue to exist forever. Thousands of years later, even if his generation had long since disappeared into the flood of history, the sect he had established would still stand tall.    


After his mood had recovered, Wang Xiao carefully looked around but he still did not see Di Loong and the others. Because he did not see Di Loong, the little demon, or Hamed, Wang Xiao was worried for their safety. Everything in this place was so unfamiliar. No one knew of the situation here, and no one had ever come here. Because they were unfamiliar with this place, it was unknown what kind of danger could occur at any time.    


Just now, before entering the Small Space, Wang Xiao and the little ghost were holding each other's hands. They thought that after entering the Small Space, everyone would appear in one place. But Wang Xiao also did not expect that after entering the Small Space s, he would be separated from the little demon and the others.    


Di Loong!    


Little devil!    




Wang Xiao continuously called out the names of the three, hoping to find them. Only if he found them and everyone moved together, would Wang Xiao be at ease. This space was filled with danger, and inside it was an important Vicious Beast, a Taotie. Let alone an expert from Innate Stage, even an expert from Qi Master Stage would possibly die here.    


The three of them had fought alongside Wang Xiao before, especially the little demon and Wang Xiao, they had a deep relationship with him. If they met with danger and met with death here, they wouldn't be happy even if Wang Xiao found treasures during this operation.    


The forest resounded one after another, and these echoes came from far, far away. But other than these responses, Wang Xiao did not hear any of Di Loong and the other two. Actually, what Wang Xiao was most worried about was that, after entering this space, the little demon, Di Loong and the other two would also separate from each other and appear in different places. They would not know where each other was.    


If everyone were to spread out, the situation would become even more dangerous, and there would be no way to resolve it in the event of danger. He hoped that aside from himself, the three of them would be in the same place and not be separated.    


Wang Xiao suspected that everyone who entered this space would be split up, as if they were randomly sent to different places. Not only would they be separated, but the other masters would also be separated, unless they were lucky enough to be together.    


Even though this quiet forest was very quiet, with the exception of the beautiful flowers, plants and trees, there were no other dangers within, Wang Xiao's intuition told him that this place was very dangerous, and not as peaceful as it seemed on the surface.    


Often, the calm side of things was the omen of a storm. The calmer it was, the more careful and cautious one had to be. It was as though a hurricane and massive waves could erupt at any time on a calm sea. The huge waves that were dozens of meters high would mercilessly sweep away everything in their path.    


Di Loong!    


Little devil!    




Wang Xiao called out a few more times, calling out the names of his three brothers. He really wished to find these three brothers and move out with them. No matter how dangerous the situation was or how strong the opponent, everyone would fight side by side.    


But no matter how Wang Xiao called out, Di Loong and the rest did not move at all, as if they had already disappeared from this earth.    


Wang Xiao became more and more anxious. He even forgot to look for treasures, and only thought about the safety of the three of them. Perhaps, at that very instant, the three brothers also kept on calling out their names, hoping to find him and move out together.    


Looking at the quiet forest, Wang Xiao decided to find them as soon as possible. Maybe the three of them weren't too far away from him, or maybe they were far away from him.    


No one knew just how big this space was, but Wang Xiao reckoned that the space was definitely limited and definitely not as big as Earth. Although the Divine Monarch was very powerful, he was not a god. He was just a peerless expert, so the space that he created definitely could not be as big as Earth.    


However, the area of this space was not too small. If this space was very small, then there would definitely not be such a lush forest. There was a rule for all of this. It was just like some asteroids. Due to their small size and insufficient area, they didn't have a complete set of minerals. Therefore, they would never be able to produce life.    


Because it was his first time entering this place, Wang Xiao could not differentiate between north, south, east and west. This was because in this space, there was no sun, no moon, and no stars.    


Initially, he wanted to enter to search for treasures, but after entering this place, he realized that he had lost his way. His vision was blurry and his mind was blank. He had no sense of direction nor any clue to finding a treasure.    


There was no sense of direction within this endless forest. In this sort of situation, searching for treasures was like searching for a ship that had sunk into the ocean for several hundred years in this endless ocean. There was simply no hope. Wang Xiao even suspected if there were any treasures in this space. There were lush forests, continuous mountain ranges and treasures everywhere.    


Even if Divine Monarch truly had a treasure, he would not just casually throw it around in the air, in the deep forests or in the mountains. From the looks of it, there really was a treasure here, and it shouldn't be in this kind of place. Wang Xiao planned to continue moving forward. Although he did not have a sense of direction, and was unable to differentiate between north, south, east and west, he could not stay here.    


If they were outside in the world, they could determine the directions of north, south, east, and west based on the sun's position. However, in this sort of place, it was impossible to distinguish the north, south, east, and west from the direction of the sun. After entering, Wang Xiao was completely blind. The surrounding vegetation was extremely lush and flourishing. The old trees had intertwined roots and intertwined roots. Some tall trees were overgrown with countless parasitic plants.    


In truth, although the scenery here was very beautiful, it was almost the same as the outside world. In any case, it was no different from the outside world, it was just some flowers, plants, rivers, mountains and so on, it was completely different from what Wang Xiao imagined.    


Before this, he thought that the Divine Monarch's Small Space would be filled with white clouds as if they were everywhere. There were no plants, no mountains, and once he entered the Divine Monarch's Small Space, it would be like he was in the clouds. However, after entering this place, Wang Xiao realized that the difference from the outside world wasn't really that big.    


If one had to admit that this place was different from the outside world, the only difference was that the air here was clearer, the plants and flowers here were more lush, and the environment here was better.    


Ta ta ta ta!    


Ka-cha! *    


Ka-cha! *    


Wang Xiao walked alone within the forest, stepping on the leaves. A layer of branches covered the ground, and as he walked, the leaves on the ground were continuously broken. Brambles were everywhere and weeds were everywhere. Looking at the weeds beneath his feet, Wang Xiao carefully walked forward.    


He was worried that there might be poisonous snakes in the grass, or some vicious poisonous insects. No one had ever been here before, and no one knew the situation here. If one encountered something like a poisonous insect or ferocious beast, it might bring about danger to one's life. For poisonous insects, no matter how strong a master was, they had to be careful, because even a master wouldn't be immune to poisons.    


In the quiet forest, it was as if Wang Xiao was the only one. It was as if he was the last human in the world. There have been many people who have asked this question, what would it be like if you were the only person left in the world. Many people had thought of this question, but they had never experienced it.    


But at this moment, Wang Xiao felt this kind of feeling, as if he was the only existence in this entire world, as if he was the only existence. Within the forest, a gust of cool wind blew past, giving Wang Xiao a chilly feeling.    


Walking alone in this lush and unfamiliar forest, Wang Xiao had never felt such loneliness before. If there really was only one person left on Earth, then even if this person didn't starve to death, he would definitely die alone, dying in loneliness.    


Loneliness and loneliness were the greatest pains, and also the hardest ones to bear. A person can endure a day of loneliness or not talking to anyone for three or five days, but a year, two years, three years, definitely not.    


In front of him was a large tree. This tree was so tall that it seemed to reach into the clouds. Raising his head to look behind him, he saw that the trunk of the tree was covered with dense vines. No matter how the vines extended up the tree, they would absorb the water from the tree.    


It was unknown just how tall this great tree was. In any case, one couldn't see the end of it. It was as if it was connected to the Heavenly Palace. Such a large tree, if it were to appear in the outside world, it would definitely appear in Gillis' records. As for those experts, they would definitely come to study it.    


However, even if the experts came to study it, they would only be able to conclude that this tree already had several thousands of plants, and the soil here was very good. As for the other deeper problems, they would have to wait for further judgment and research. He remembered that someone once came across a tree, and saw that it was covered with countless mushrooms. He was very curious, so he invited experts to study it, and a lot of experts came to the tree. After studying it carefully, they came to the conclusion that this tree was different from the others.    


Here, the trees competed in natural selection, and the tall ones grew crazily and wantonly. Wang Xiao remembered going to the St Helens Volcano before. Back then, he had also seen countless tall trees within the St Helens Volcano. And because of the volcanic rock, the trees there were also extremely lush and verdant.    


However, the St Helens Volcano forest here was far inferior to the forest here; it was not even a tenth of this place. After looking at the tall tree, Wang Xiao wanted to climb up to the top, then look at the direction and confirm the path.    


Without a general sense of direction, it was easy to walk in a large circle. Since this was a forest, there were trees, weeds, and countless brambles everywhere. So, it was impossible for one to walk in a straight line. If one did not have a general direction, there would be many detours.    


Perhaps after walking for a few hours, he would return to the starting point. Some people lost their way in the forest many times, and after walking for a long time, they would always return to the starting point. Thus, they suspected that if they encountered a Wall-Hitting Ghost, they would scare themselves, and the result would be a mental breakdown. In reality, it wasn't that strange, it was just that they had lost their sense of direction and were unable to walk in a straight line in the forest, so it was very possible that they would return to the starting point.    


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