The Ace Bodyguard

C458 Strange Dagger

C458 Strange Dagger

In order to discredit the Ming dynasty, as well as to achieve their current dynasty's clarity, the dynasty would have to write about how dark the Ming dynasty was, and how prosperous their dynasty would be. These things would definitely exist and could not be avoided.    


In the history of the Ancient Times, Wang Xiao only knew the tip of the iceberg. Maybe the tip of the iceberg he knew about was mostly not real either. For example, the Yellow Emperor unified the Five Great Clans, defeated Chi You, fought against Chi You openly for three days and three nights, then killed Chi You and so on.    


It was also possible that the Yellow Emperor did not kill Chi You openly, but instead used some schemes and tricks. It was only because the Yellow Emperor had won and Chi You had failed that people had decided to write about the good side of the Yellow Emperor, turning Chi You Hei into a complete mess.    


History is written by the victors. The victors can write whatever they want to make the losers look ugly. The victor could not only write history books, but also enjoy the fruits of his victory. As for those who failed, not only would they have to bear the crime of not being blacklisted, they would also have to silently endure the pain of failure in a dark corner.    


The assassin told Wang Xiao, "Ancient Times, there are Five Clans on this piece of land, namely Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth. The Five Clans are, on the other hand, the entire cold and desolate holy land. They all lived under the protection of the Five Tribes, and within the Five Tribes, countless Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering experts also appeared.    


Listening to the killer's explanation, Wang Xiao thought hard about it, trying to find a way to escape his opponent's suppression. This person's mysterious object was simply too powerful, if he did not think of a way to escape, he would definitely die in his hands. Although it would be very difficult to escape his fate of being born after being entangled by this object, Wang Xiao would definitely not wait for death.    


The person continued, "The Water race has the most experts and they are the most ambitious ones. Their Holy Maiden, Wulunma, was also one of the most powerful women of the time. Although she was not invincible and could not be compared to the Ten Gods of the Great Wastelands, she could not be underestimated. "    


Wang Xiao had read about the Wuslan Mar in a few books on Ancient Times before. He knew that this woman was a Holy Maiden of the Water Clan, her cultivation was strong, and her ability was sky-high, but she was very ambitious. Amongst all the Holy Maiden s in the Five Great Clans, the Water Clan's Holy Maiden, Wululan Ma, was the most merciless. The Gold Clan's Western Wang-mu was a kind-hearted king who respected the world, the Turkish Holy Maiden Fairy Wu Luo was a gentle girl, while the Wood Clan's and the Fire Clan's Holy Maiden, although their strength was not as good as the Western Wang-mu's, were still kind-hearted and kind. They were not evil people.    


After hearing that the killer had mentioned the Ouroboros Clan, Wang Xiao was sure that the thing that the assassin had used must be connected to the Ouroboros Clan. Otherwise, why did the assassin not mention a single one of the experts from the Ancient Times?    


The assassin continued, "Because of her ambition, she didn't want the emperor to unite the Wasteland and China. After that, she fought a great battle with the Yellow Emperor on the east coast. Her treasure, the Flying Flowing Light Silk, was created using the Dark Elemental Silk of the North Sea. The Flowing Light Flower Silk was sturdy and sturdy, and extremely powerful. And because of this, Eustacia had the confidence to fight the Yellow Emperor. Relying on the Flowing Light Flying Ribbon, Wuston indeed had a great influence on the Yellow Emperor. In desperation, the Yellow Emperor used the Xuanyuan sword to cut a few strands of the Flowing Light Flying Ribbon off the Whistling Light Flower. Seeing that the treasures had been damaged, Usilanma fled. "    


"If I'm not mistaken, the hair-like items you're using should be the Flowing Light Silk of the Wuslan Mar. Were those the strands chopped off by the Yellow Emperor?" Wang Xiao asked.    


"That's right." The assassin nodded his head: "Wang Xiao, you are truly extremely intelligent, able to tell at a glance. But unfortunately, even though you are extremely intelligent, you will not be able to escape death, today you will definitely die."    


Wang Xiao had never heard of the assassin's history of Ancient Times. Just a few strands of the Flowing Light Flying Ribbon had been sliced off by the Yellow Emperor's sword, yet it was still able to possess such powerful strength. It was hard to imagine just how powerful the Flowing Light Flying Ribbon of Eustacia would be.    


It was a pity that time would never go back. If time could go back and he could return to the Ancient Times, perhaps he would have the chance to experience the strength of the Flowing Light Silk.    


"Why is this thing in your hands?" Wang Xiao asked.    


The thing in the other party's hand was a treasure of the Ancient Times, and it had been at least ten thousand years since then. Therefore, Wang Xiao was very curious, why would this assassin have such a treasure. Fortunately, this person only obtained a few strands of the Flowing Light Silk Divine Artifact's skin.    


If he obtained the entire Flowing Light Silk, he would have no choice but to surrender. He could only resign himself to his fate and allow the enemy to kill him as he pleased. However, even if this assassin really did have Flowing Light Ribbon, with his Genuine Qi, he could still use such a powerful Divine Artifact. If he messed up the situation, he might even be injured by the enemy's Divine Artifact.    


"Wang Xiao, there's no need for you to ask any further. It seems that an ignorant and ill-informed person like you, might be seriously ill with you. Ancient Times is only a myth-like story, it doesn't even exist." The assassin said in disdain to Wang Xiao.    


After hearing the other party's words, Wang Xiao felt slightly ashamed, because what he said was indeed very reasonable. In fact, Wang Xiao had always suspected that the Ancient Times s and the Divine Artifact were just myths. But after meeting this assassin today, he realized that what he suspected was true.    


The current Wang Xiao was wild with joy in his heart, because all of the legends regarding the Ancient Times were true, so the treasure Divine Artifact was also real. As long as those treasures really did exist in this world, perhaps he would have the chance to obtain them and see their glory.    


However, after a short moment of happiness, Wang Xiao fell into despair, because he would die in the hands of the assassin.    


Perhaps today, he would die in the hands of this assassin. Even if Ancient Times truly existed, even if there was a treasure with them, what did it have to do with him? Thinking about these things, Wang Xiao couldn't help but feel a little sad.    


"Wang Xiao, slowly enjoy the fear of death. Today is the day of your death next year, but don't worry, I will definitely burn some paper money for you." The hitman said proudly.    


After feeling proud for a while, the assassin's eyes revealed a strong killing intent, he quickly made his move, and the wind and thunder roiling Genuine Qi, also quickly rushed towards Wang Xiao's seat. It was one thing for him to not make a move, but to go all out the moment he made a move.    


Rumble rumble rumble!    


Rumble rumble rumble!    


A strong surge of killing intent surged forth, as though it was trying to annihilate Wang Xiao. Feeling the danger of death getting closer and closer, Wang Xiao was burning with anxiety.    


As for the restriction on the mysterious thing, he was truly powerless against it. If he wanted to escape, he would have to do so from the heavens. Could it be that he would die for sure? Could it be that he would die at the hands of the enemy? No, no, impossible, Wang Xiao was truly unreconciled.    


In that moment of life and death, Wang Xiao finally thought of something. He had a red dagger on him, and it was extremely strange, not gold, not iron, not wood, not the same. As for what it was made of, Xiao Hong was not sure either. Back then, when he was on a mission overseas, Wang Xiao killed an enemy and obtained this dagger from his enemy. At that time, he wasn't very curious about this dagger, so he took it with him.    


Later, Wang Xiao realized that the dagger was extremely sharp, as though it was made of clay. But other than its incredible sharpness, it seemed to have no other use.    


Although this dagger was extremely sharp, it was not a long sword. As it was too short, it was difficult to use. If it was a longsword, it could be used as a weapon. The blood on Wang Xiao's body dyed the dagger red, and suddenly the dagger shone with an endless amount of light, as though it could illuminate the entire world with its alluring red light.    


This dagger seemed to have a mind of its own, as though it knew its master, Wang Xiao, was in danger.    


Ka ka ka!    


The enemy was an unbreakable mystery, and under the attack of Wang Xiao's dagger, they were all broken into pieces.    


The assassin was initially laughing complacently, but upon discovering this scene, his expression changed drastically.    


"This …"    


What was going on? Why was it like this? His mysterious being was extremely tough, not fearing fire or water. It had clearly trapped Wang Xiao, but why did it suddenly fall apart?    




Wang Xiao's dagger quickly flew out and landed on the assassin's chest.    




With a scream, the assassin's body was covered in blood and his injuries were severe. If it was an ordinary dagger, his injuries might not have been too serious. But Wang Xiao's dagger was not an ordinary dagger. Wang Xiao also immediately rushed over, taking advantage of the sudden change in situation, he was still in shock, but he did not have enough time to think, as the most important thing right now was to kill the assassin.    




After rushing to the other party's side, Wang Xiao quickly launched a group of attacks, striking the other party's head. The head is the weakest part of the body, and if one is attacked, it is very likely to be life-threatening. After getting punched on the head by Wang Xiao, the assassin's head was in danger of dying.    


Seeing the other party lying on the ground, Wang Xiao felt at ease. Damn it, this hitman had even shamelessly boasted about wanting to kill him, but in the end, he was still lying on the ground dying.    


Wang Xiao touched the dagger in his hand, and it returned to normal. It was no different from before, as if it was an ordinary dagger. If not for the scene that just happened, Wang Xiao would never have believed that the dagger in his hand could be so powerful that it could emit light. Not only that, even the mysterious item that was as tough as his opponent could be cut off.    


This dagger that had regained its calmness was almost exactly the same as an ordinary dagger. Wang Xiao originally wanted to understand the profoundness behind it, but he had no way of knowing. If he could figure out the mysteries within, with this dagger that could emit an endless radiance, he would be able to protect his life in future battles.    


Forget it, since he could not see through them, he would just wait. For now, he would deal with the assassin and send him to hell. As long as it was someone who dared to deal with him, Wang Xiao would not be merciful. To be merciful to the enemy was to be cruel to oneself. Regarding this, Wang Xiao was fully aware of it. Moreover, when facing enemies, he would never show mercy.    


"Wang Xiao, what's the name of your dagger? Why is it that it is emitting so much light, so powerful? " The assassin asked in surprise.    


"This dagger is also a treasure of Ancient Times, it is much stronger than those few damaged threads of yours." Wang Xiao said proudly. Actually, even Wang Xiao did not know whether the dagger in his hand was a treasure from Ancient Times or not, but he reckoned that it was. If it wasn't a treasure from Ancient Times, why would it be so powerful?    


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