The Ace Bodyguard

C547 Space Secret Realm

C547 Space Secret Realm

Just what kind of huge tree was this, to actually be able to have such a tall and eccentric appearance, it was still the first time Wang Xiao had seen it. However, he was not a biologist, nor was he someone who studied plants, so he was not in the mood to know what kind of tree it was, since it had nothing to do with him. At this moment, he only wanted to take a good rest, recover his strength, and continue moving forward to look for the members of the Divine Monarch. With his back leaning on the big tree, Wang Xiao closed his eyes to rest and recover his energy.    


Although he was resting, Wang Xiao did not let his guard down. Of course, he did not dare to let his guard down either. Although from the moment he entered until now, he had never encountered any kind of danger, but that didn't mean there weren't any. In short, no matter what, he couldn't be on tenterhooks.    


Even if there was no crisis right now, it did not mean that there would be no crisis in the future. He could finally rest. After walking for more than 10 hours, even if his body was made of iron, it would definitely not be able to take it. Moreover, Wang Xiao's body was made of flesh and blood.    


The foot of the tree was cool, and although there was no sun in this area, it was warm. If his guess was correct, although there was no sun in this place, there was definitely a very powerful energy here. That energy was like the sun as it emitted light.    


In terms of Ancient Times, there were probably only a few experts that could unleash such a powerful energy. Other than the Divine Monarch, there might only be the Yellow Emperor and the Azure Monarch. Wang Xiao had read countless books on Ancient Times before, so he had some understanding about the experts of this era. Amongst the three strongest experts at that time, the Divine Monarch, the Yellow Emperor and the Azure Monarch were probably the loneliest.    


Back then, when they were discussing the sword in Mount Kunlun, he had lost to the Divine Monarch Shen Nong because he was young and reckless. The Azure Monarch, after being defeated, felt that he was lacking and decided to cultivate diligently in order to defeat the Divine Monarch.    


Ten years later, he fought a great battle against the Divine Monarch for three thousand rounds, and still lost to him. At that time, there had never been an expert who could fight with the Divine Monarch for three thousand rounds. After a few days and nights, even the White Emperor of the Golden Clan could only fight with two thousand rounds by relying on his mountain range. The following experts, such as Yangji Immortal, Patriarch Xihai, and Wood Clan's Thunder God, etc., these Divine level experts had only fought a few hundred rounds with the Divine Monarch.    


Azure Monarch spent ten years of time. To be able to fight with Divine Monarch for three thousand rounds and to fight for a few days and nights, his strength should be around the same. Even Divine Monarch was shocked by Azure Monarch's strength and praised him. However, the Azure Monarch had a strong personality, he thought that the Divine Monarch was just putting on an act, so he continued to train diligently, and wanted to defeat the Divine Monarch. However, Azure Monarch found out later on that his own cultivation had already reached its peak, making it difficult to improve. Divine Monarch had the body of one of the five elements, being able to cultivate the five elements, and was able to control metal, wood, water, fire, and earth at the same time.    


Azure Monarch was very unwilling. He felt that the heavens were unfair and gave him such good spiritual roots. But at the same time as he was unreconciled, Azure Monarch did not create a technique that only cared about grievances, so he meditated and created a divine art. He was able to detach his soul and continuously use his body to fight with his opponents, this technique was extremely powerful.    


After creating the Great Art of Breeding a God, Azure Monarch went to find Divine Monarch full of confidence, wanting to continue fighting with him and defeat him. But at this time, he received news that Divine Monarch had ascended to the Immortal Realm and died. It turned out that during the past few years of his creation, the Divine Monarch had personally tried countless of medicinal herbs and saved countless of people. In the end, about a hundred plants were poisoned and died. When he received the news, Azure Monarch was depressed, depressed, and unable to fulfill his wish for so many years, he burned it down.    


The reason why he had cultivated so harshly for countless years and created such a divine art was to defeat the Divine Monarch, but the Divine Monarch was actually dead. In that moment, he felt extremely dejected. The lost Azure Monarch arrived in front of his grave. He stood in front of his grave, which was filled with lush grass, alone, and watched over it for seven days and seven nights. No one knew what the Azure Monarch had said to his grave during those seven days and seven nights. Initially, they had full confidence in fighting Divine Monarch. However, after years of bitter training, they were unable to fulfil their wish.    


But it was also at this time that the Azure Monarch received news that the Divine Monarch had once passed down a Five Elements Divine Art to a person, who was none other than the later Yellow Emperor, the Xuanyuan family. At that time, Yellow Emperor was not the Yellow Emperor of the Land of Buried Gods. As for the name of Xuanyuan, there was no way to verify it. However, everyone was used to calling him Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan.    


At that time, the name of the Yellow Emperor was not Xuanyuan, but the name of the Yellow Emperor of the Ji clan. Azure Monarch found out that before the Divine Monarch died,he passed down his Five Elements Divine Powers to the Xuanyuan clan. After all, she had accepted the Xuanyuan clan as his disciple, so he went to look for the Xuanyuan clan. Since the Xuanyuan clan was the Divine Monarch's disciple, then defeating the Xuanyuan clan would be the same as defeating the Divine Monarch as well.    


However, after they found Xuanyuan family, the Azure Monarch was extremely disappointed, because at that time, not only had Xuanyuan family not become the unparalleled Yellow Emperor, they were also very weak. Not to mention the Divine level, they couldn't even reach the Junior God level or even the Immortal level.    


Thus, the Azure Monarch forced the Xuanyuan family to train, and even promised them that in twenty years, he would definitely find the Xuanyuan family and defeat his Five Elements Divine Arts. When the Xuanyuan family rose in power and was about to reach the Divine Monarch's level, the Azure Monarch was secretly harmed by his own clan's Wood God, Zhu Jiuyin who colluded with the head of the Ten Gods, and a few other Divine level experts. This caused his body to be destroyed, and only his Primordial Spirit to be able to escape. Fortunately, he had created the Great Art of Breeding Gods. Even if he did not have a physical body, he could still survive. However, from now on, he would be like a parasite, needing to rely on the body of others to survive.    


Because his flesh was destroyed, Azure Monarch's strength had decreased. He knew very well that he was no match for the Xuanyuan family, thus, once, on the shore of the Eastern Sea Region, Azure Monarch viewed the rainbow ocean scenery and released a skill called Blazing Light Blade. His strength had also improved, hence he wanted to fight with the Yellow Emperor. However, he was destined to be a very tragic person. In the end, he wasn't able to fight against the Yellow Emperor because of his unruly personality. When Wang Xiao had once read these ancient books, he had sighed deeply about the life of the Azure Monarch. However, none of the five emperors with Ancient Times had a perfect ending.    


Life was never perfect. Whether it was those high and mighty, or those ordinary people, their lives were full of ups and downs. Even in Wang Xiao's life, it was still incomplete. When he was young, he was once kidnapped and sold away by a trafficker. Later on, in the outer seas, he had carried out dangerous missions countless of times. He didn't know how many times he had personally witnessed his brothers, who risked their lives and risked their lives, being killed by the powerful experts of the other side. Yet, he was powerless to do anything about it.    


After returning to his country, although he established his Divine Monarch Sect and became the Clan Master of the Divine Monarch Sect, Wang Xiao had also experienced countless dangers. After experiencing so many crises, he was well aware that life was short and full of variables. As long as he saw it right, he had to grasp it firmly.    


Under the big tree, it was extremely cold. After resting for around ten minutes, Wang Xiao felt that his mental state was not bad, and his physical strength had recovered by a lot. The spiritual energy here was very abundant, so even though he didn't try to absorb the spiritual energy around him while he was resting, the spiritual energy around him continued to rush into his body.    


The spiritual energy here was even more abundant than the spiritual energy he encountered outside the valley previously, but because he had cultivated outside for a long time and absorbed countless amounts of spiritual energy, although the spiritual energy here was extremely abundant, Wang Xiao was unable to continue absorbing it. His Qi Sea was limited, and he could not absorb the spirit energy here without any limits. After getting up, Wang Xiao planned to look for a water source and then find something to eat.    


Since this place had forests, flowers, plants, and even water sources, there should also be some birds and beasts here. The trees here were definitely not naturally grown in this area of Small Space s. It was definitely because Divine Monarch had brought the seeds of the plants here after opening this area of Small Space s.    


Because plants are high level life forms, some simple aquatic algae life forms are even higher level life forms. This kind of high level life form, trees, had only appeared on Earth after hundreds of millions of years. Therefore, it was impossible for such a high level plant life form to appear in the Small Space s that the Divine Monarch had created in just a short span of ten thousand years.    


However, how did the water, soil, air and spirit energy come about, Wang Xiao could not understand. Of course, it was impossible for someone at his level to think through these problems. The Time Laws, the Time Laws, as well as many natural limitations of the laws, these things were things that Wang Xiao couldn't comprehend.    


With his current cultivation level, all he knew was how to absorb the spiritual energy, and how to convert it into attack power. An expert of Innate Stage indeed only knew how to convert spirit energy into offensive power, whereas a person of Qi Master Stage only knew how to transform spirit energy into a domain.    


Although Wang Xiao was also very curious about this point, he knew nothing about it.    


After he got up, just as Wang Xiao was about to leave, he felt something smashing down from above him, as if someone had quickly ambushed him.    




Wang Xiao's figure was extremely fast, he was able to quickly fly a few meters away, far away from the high altitude parabola. F * ck, who was it exactly, to actually dare to sneak attack me, did he not want to live anymore? Wang Xiao's killing intent rose sharply, but the killing intent disappeared very quickly after.    


He had been in this place for who knows how long, but he had yet to see anyone alive. If he did see someone alive, even if they were his nemesis, Wang Xiao would probably talk to them and chat with them.    


No one could feel the loneliness and loneliness; only the current Wang Xiao was able to feel it deeply.    


Boom! *    


A loud sound was heard, as if a huge rock had smashed down from the sky. Wang Xiao turned his head around, he actually wanted to see what kind of damned person it was that could use such a low level method to deal with him.    


F * ck, such a high altitude thing, this grandson is really too stupid. With such a low level method, who would think that someone with Innate Stage would die from a rock thrown high in the sky by someone. However, when Wang Xiao turned around, he saw a Red Fire Fruit on the ground.    


The fruit was very large, at least two basket-sized fruits. In the outside world, Wang Xiao had never seen a fruit that was so red and fiery, and one that was so big, it was around the size of two basketballs.    


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