The Ace Bodyguard

C776 Go to the Auction

C776 Go to the Auction

After looking around at the surrounding people, Zombie Face muttered to himself: "I know, you guys will definitely be jealous of me, jealous that I'm too handsome. In front of me, all of you feel inferior, but it doesn't matter, as long as you know that I'm very handsome."    


Just as Zombie Face was feeling proud and thought himself to be handsome, a woman just happened to walk over. She was rather beautiful, with a good figure. These beautiful women were all beautiful women caught from various places during Yin Tianzheng's era, so they looked pretty good.    


Seeing the beauty walk over, Zombie Face smiled merrily as he walked over, and unknowingly appeared behind the woman. He then said: "Little beauty, isn't big brother very handsome?"    


Hearing a sound behind her, the woman turned around to look.    


When she turned around, she found that there was actually a zombie standing behind her, and it even had zombie teeth bared.    




The woman screamed. "Zombies, there are zombies."    




At the same time this woman shouted, the water in her hands directly poured onto Zombie Face's head. Furthermore, she smashed it ruthlessly onto his head with the basin, and then continued to flee in panic. As she was running, she shouted loudly, "There's a zombie, there's a zombie!"    


F * ck!    


Zombie Face wiped his face, the current him was like a drowned chicken. After wiping the water off his face, Zombie Face scolded: "You're too blind, what kind of eyes are you looking at me? A man as handsome as me can actually scare you to this extent, it's fine if you run away, but you actually made my head wet, and even used a bucket of water to smash my head."    


Wang Xiao walked out of the palace and walked by the lake. Di Loong should be back soon, he had nothing to do, so he decided to walk around to relax, he had nothing to do before Di Loong returned. He could only walk around to take a look at the scenery.    


In the clear lake, one could still see the countless fish swimming around. The scenery here was very good, far away from the city's clamor, there was no noise, and there was no pollution. The air was good, making it very suitable for cultivation.    


If she had time in the future, she would bring Yang Lei here for a vacation and a stroll. Yang Lei reckoned that Yang Lei would probably like this place.    


Not far away, under a row of willow trees, came the kid's teasing voice. This row of willow trees was lush and verdant, thousands of willow branches fluttered in the wind, it was very beautiful and spectacular.    


Wang Xiao walked over and stood behind a willow tree. He discovered that on a stone staircase by the lake, a woman was squatting there washing clothes. This brat was really a geo-ghost, he actually found this place and was squatting next to this woman.    


This woman was not afraid of imps, because she knew that the people from Divine Monarch Sect were not bad.    


"Beautiful lady, your slender hands are really beautiful. They look really good." The little ghost praised. At this moment, there was an expression on his face as though he wanted nothing more than to touch the other party's hand.    


"Really?" The woman asked happily.    


"Of course it's real. Such a beautiful woman like you, with such beautiful hands, can only wash clothes in this place. What a pity. It hurts just to look at her." The kid looked heartbroken.    




The girl smiled happily. Other than washing clothes and cooking, what else can we women do? "    


"Your idea is wrong. You have to keep pace with the times. Women nowadays don't necessarily have to wash clothes and cook. If I were to marry a wife, I would definitely not let her wash clothes and cook. I will definitely love her dearly." The little ghost exaggerated.    


"You're so kind to women." The beauty said.    


"Of course. Beauties are supposed to be loved and cared for. If we men can't protect women, then what are we called men? We might as well just smash our heads into them." The little ghost seriously said.    


Those who didn't know his personality thought that she was very particular about relationships, but those who knew his personality didn't believe his nonsense.    


After interacting with the little kid for so many years, Wang Xiao knew his personality very well. In the little brat's heart, there was no love at all. He loved anyone who saw one, as long as it was a woman. In his words, as long as it was a woman, as long as the other party wasn't an old woman, they would not need true love from someone who was lustful to such an extent.    


However, Wang Xiao felt that this brat's eloquence was really good, his flowery words and sweet words sounded very nice, in short, he was much better than Zhang Baiwan. Zhang Baiwan would not say such flowery words, he would only act arrogantly in front of the beauties.    


"Beauty, you don't need to wash your clothes anymore. I feel my heart ache just by looking at it. Don't you have a washing machine? "Why do you have to work so hard?" The little ghost painfully said.    


As the woman was washing clothes, she replied, "These clothes are made of pure cotton, so you can't use the washing machine."    


"What are you afraid of? Our sect has plenty of money." The little ghost carelessly said.    


"I know that our sect is rich, but we will try our best to save as much as we can. The current Sect Leader is very good to us, so we will try our best to save for our sect." The woman spoke from the bottom of her heart.    


"Then let me help you wash your clothes so that it won't hurt your slender hands. I feel so pained looking at it." The little ghost inadvertently touched her hand, then pretended to help the girl wash her clothes.    


The woman immediately retracted her hand. Her face was rosy and somewhat shy. Although they were no longer innocent, they had all been forced. The truth was that their hearts were pure.    


The little demon was truly a man of his word. As expected, he washed other people's clothes and even had a face full of smiles.    


Wang Xiao shook his head helplessly. This guy was working so hard in front of women, but if he had to do something for the sect, it would be like taking his life.    


"Brat, you're so nice. Your sect's people are all very nice." the woman said happily.    


"You haven't seen when I'm bad, but sometimes I'm really bad." The little devil smiled mischievously.    


The lady suddenly noticed Wang Xiao behind her, she immediately stood up, wiped her hands, and then knelt down. "Sovereign."    


"Get up, there is no rule for us to kneel. Everyone is equal, we are all brothers and sisters." Wang Xiao said calmly.    


"I'm used to it." The woman said respectfully.    


"Stand up, you don't have to kneel down when you see me in the future." Wang Xiao said in a serious tone.    


"Yes, Sovereign." The woman stood up respectfully.    


They all respected Wang Xiao a lot because he allowed them to live a life of dignity and freedom. In the White Tiger Sect period, they did not have freedom, they could not even walk out of the main gate, but now it was different. They could freely enter and leave the sect to go shopping in the city, as long as they completed their mission.    


If they wanted to run away now, they could leave at any time. There was no one watching them and there was no one restricting them. They could run away at any time, but no one wanted to run away.    


The little demon looked at Wang Xiao in dissatisfaction. He had his own opinions towards Wang Xiao, and seeing that the flirting was about to succeed, Wang Xiao actually appeared at this time.    


Wang Xiao also saw through the little demon's thoughts, hence he said to the little demon: "Little demon, quickly go and prepare, we are going to the provincial capital to participate in Auction Conference."    


Auction Conference!    


When the little demon thought about this very important matter, he really wanted to participate as well. He really wanted to experience and see those heavenly resources, this time, the Auction Conference would definitely be very majestic.    


"For such an important matter, I actually forgot. When are we leaving?" the kid asked.    


Looking at the time, Wang Xiao said: "It won't take more than 40 minutes, Di Loong will be back soon. Once Di Loong is back, we will set off together."    


"Brother Xiao, I'll go and prepare for it right away." The kid got up.    


"Go." Wang Xiao waved his hand.    


Before leaving, the little ghost turned around to look at the woman. With a smile, he said, "Beautiful girl, wait for me to come back. I'll help you wash your clothes."    


This woman had her head down the entire time, not daring to look at the little demon. Because Wang Xiao was here, although Wang Xiao was not strict with them, he was the Clan Master, and thus kept his distance.    


After the little ghost had left, only Wang Xiao and the lady remained. Standing in front of Wang Xiao, the woman felt terrified and uneasy.    


"Clan Master, I, I, I came here to wash clothes." The woman said timidly.    


"You don't have to be afraid, I don't have any intentions of blaming you. As long as you complete the tasks assigned to you by the sect, you will be free to go anywhere you want." Wang Xiao said in a serious tone.    


The woman nodded respectfully. From the beginning to the end, she did not raise her head to look at Wang Xiao.    


Di Loong called and immediately picked up, it was getting late, he had to leave immediately, if not it would be too late.    


He had originally wanted to see the Leader of the Infinite Sect before participating in Auction Conference, but it seemed that he wouldn't have much time now.    


"Di Loong, where are you now? When will you be back? " Wang Xiao asked anxiously.    


"Brother Xiao, I'm in the city, so why don't you drive over to pick me up and then head to the provincial capital. If you wait for me to come back, then you'll have to waste a lot of time." Di Loong said on the phone.    


Wang Xiao felt that what Di Loong said was reasonable. Rather than waiting for him to come back, it would be better for him to bring some people to the city center to pick him up. That way, he could save a lot of time.    


"Di Loong, wait for me at the highway entrance. I'll be there shortly." Wang Xiao said.    


Two minutes later, Wang Xiao returned to his position in the sect's parking lot. The three of them were already there waiting for him, Little Brat, Zombie Face and Water-ghost Face.    


"Brat, let's get in the car and head out." Wang Xiao quickly walked over and said.    


"Wang Xiao, where's Di Loong? Why didn't he go?" Zombie Face asked.    


The Water-ghost Face also said: "Could it be that you want to throw Di Loong aside? He's our two good brothers, and is also your sect's Deputy Sect Leader. How could you not let him participate in such an important event?"    


"You two don't have the right to speak, it doesn't matter if Di Loong goes or not, as long as I am here." the kid said.    


"Since Di Loong isn't here, we definitely won't go." Zombie Face expressed.    


"Right, I'm not going either." The Water-ghost Face also said.    


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