The Ace Bodyguard

C176 Farewell to Yang Lei

C176 Farewell to Yang Lei

After hearing Zhang Wei's request, Yang Lei was also very unhappy, because she felt that Zhang Wei had gone overboard and actually made Wang Xiao kneel or bark like a dog. Wang Xiao was a very dignified man, she would never agree to this. However, there was no dignity in this world.    


Whoever had the most money and the most power would be the lord.    


"Wang Xiao, my patience is limited. You should hurry up and make a decision. Do not think that I will let you off the hook with Yang Lei's pleas. " Zhang Wei threatened.    


Those old managers were also looking at Wang Xiao gloatingly, as if they were seeing him kneel before them.    


Wang Xiao finally understood how cold the world was.    


At this time, even Yang Lei did not say a single word.    


After all, she was an entrepreneur. If she really fell out with Zhang Wei, if she really became enemies with him for her own sake, the loss of her Huayao Group would at least exceed one billion. Thus, Yang Lei could only choose to remain silent.    


In the face of absolute benefits, the so-called camaraderie was not worth mentioning.    


If she had only offended ordinary people, and Yang Lei did not suffer too much loss, she would definitely help him. But because she had offended Zhang Wei, if Wang Xiao still sided with him, not only would she lose more than a billion people, she would also find it difficult to succeed in developing her Jin Country.    


In the face of such huge benefits, Yang Lei also lowered her head.    


Wang Xiao felt his heart go cold. After giving up so much for Yang Lei, what did he get?    




Wang Xiao sighed helplessly. Even though he was very unhappy about today's matter, he didn't blame anyone; he could only blame reality for being too cruel.    


"Wang Xiao, hurry up and choose." Zhang Wei said in an overbearing manner.    


Wang Xiao picked up a glass of red wine and sprinkled the red wine in the cup onto Zhang Wei's face, splashing red wine all over his face, making him look like a drowned chicken.    


Everyone was shocked, they never thought that Wang Xiao would actually be so daring to use red wine to sprinkle it on Zhang Wei's face. If Wang Xiao saying that Zhang Wei was an idiot had surprised them, then Wang Xiao's current actions had really shocked them.    


However, there were also people who admired Wang Xiao's courage.    


Yang Lei opened her eyes wide, and did not know what had happened. After a moment of shock, she finally regained her senses. How could Wang Xiao be like this, how could she not give Zhang Wei any face in front of so many people. Last time Wang Xiao was in the villa, although she threw Zhang Wei out, there was only her and Zhao Xiaoya at that time.    


As no one knew about it, and she personally apologized afterwards, Zhang Wei endured it. However, Zhang Wei would never forgive him for what he had done today. Yang Lei really regretted bringing Wang Xiao along. If she had known earlier, he wouldn't have allowed Wang Xiao to come here.    


After tossing the red wine in the cup onto Zhang Wei's face, Wang Xiao stood up and left.    


"Wang Xiao, you actually dared to treat me like this." Zhang Wei was furious.    


He had also wanted to pretend to be a gentleman, not scolding or swearing. Especially in front of Yang Lei, she had to pay attention to his image, but Zhang Wei was really unable to endure it.    


Wang Xiao originally wanted to give Zhang Wei a good beating, but he endured it in the end.    


If it was anyone else, he would have already punched and kicked them, but he did not directly beat up Zhang Wei because of him. If he really beat up a group of Zhang Wei, Yang Lei would definitely go crazy.    


"Kill him for me."    


After Zhang Wei gave his orders, a few men rushed over. These people were his henchmen, his bodyguards, and all of them had strong abilities and were good at fighting.    


When the bodyguards heard Zhang Wei's orders, and knew that Wang Xiao was being disrespectful to Zhang Wei, a few of the lackeys ferociously rushed over.    


Zhang Wei originally thought that when the bodyguards appeared, they would definitely kill Wang Xiao. It was just that he did not expect that in front of Wang Xiao, his subordinates couldn't even withstand a single blow, and were quickly smashed to the ground.    




The entire audience was dumbstruck, how could Wang Xiao be a driver? Was a driver that good at fighting? With his own strength, he was able to beat up all of Zhang Wei's subordinates, and in less than ten seconds. Everyone was very clear, the bodyguards by Zhang Wei's side were all powerful, and were definitely experts in Top Level.    


But those experts were all defeated by Wang Xiao in less than ten seconds.    


Zhang Wei originally wanted to continue howling, but it could be seen that the subordinates of those people were useless. After getting defeated by Wang Xiao so quickly, he could only swallow his anger, not daring to continue howling. Because he was worried what would happen if Wang Xiao got angry and returned to beat him up.    


However, he could not let this matter go, after this meeting, he would definitely find someone to kill Wang Xiao.    


Beneath the inn, Wang Xiao left quickly by himself.    


Meanwhile, Yang Lei had also chased after him. Wang Xiao, how can you be like that, how can you be so barbaric, and not casually beat people up, who do you think you are, Li Xiaolong? "    


"Yang Lei, this matter today can't be blamed on me. I just can't bear to see Zhang Wei being so arrogant." Wang Xiao said.    


"On what basis are you not liking people? Isn't it just because Zhang Wei has status, money, and you don't have anything, why are you so jealous? There are a lot of rich people in this world, if you were to be jealous of every single one of them, wouldn't you die from anger?" Yang Lei said angrily.    


Wang Xiao did not explain himself, but Yang Lei's words were way too excessive.    


Actually, the biggest reason why he was displeased with Zhang Wei was because of Yang Lei. When Zhang Wei shook hands with Yang Lei again and again, although Yang Lei was disgusted, he did not scold him angrily. This made Wang Xiao feel extremely disgusted in his heart.    


"Wang Xiao, you have ruined my big business. My company had no small amount of difficulty in finding a chance to develop their Jin Country, but you have destroyed it. You are my jinx." Yang Lei shouted in anger. She was indeed very angry. He had been suppressing his anger for a long time. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been so angry.    


Wang Xiao's personality was still impulsive and did not change at all. Someone like Wang Xiao, who was so impulsive, would definitely implicate him in the future. Perhaps, his own company would be destroyed by Wang Xiao sooner or later.    


"Don't you want to develop your Jin Country, and expand your company's business to its Jin Country? This is very simple, I promise I'll help you finish it." Wang Xiao tried his best to maintain his calm, and tried to calm down.    


"You? Do you even have the ability to do that?" Yang Lei asked.    


She refused to believe that Wang Xiao had the ability to help her company and allow her company's market to enter Jin Country. If Wang Xiao was really so capable, how could he still work in the Huayao Group? He would only receive a salary of a few thousand yuan every month, and he was not even thinking about advancing.    


"You'll see." Wang Xiao said.    


"Alright, then I have a whole new level of respect for you." Yang Lei said in anger.    


"I know what you are thinking. You think that I am a disgrace to you? You think that I have no ability, no money, and no status, so I do not have the qualifications to be together with you." Wang Xiao finally said these words. What he originally did not want to say, even though he had suppressed it for a long time in his heart, he had not said it in such a straightforward manner from start to finish.    


But today, Wang Xiao had finally said all these words.    


"Yes, so what? I gave you a chance. Wang Xiao, not every girl is like Zhang Tingting, not every girl has dreams. " Yang Lei said angrily.    


"Since that's the case, there's no need for us to be together. Yang Lei, you should go to rooftop and continue to participate in your gathering. From today onwards, the two of us will be strangers to each other."    


Yang Lei was dumbstruck, Wang Xiao actually said those words, and Wang Xiao actually said that she wanted to act like she was a stranger, and ignored him.    


Although Yang Lei hated Wang Xiao, she didn't really hate him. Now that she heard Wang Xiao's words, her heart felt like it had been stabbed by a knife, and was very uncomfortable.    


"Wang Xiao, what did you say? Yang Lei asked.    


"Let's be strangers in the future. I won't look for you anymore. Isn't this the result that you wanted?" Wang Xiao asked.    


Yang Lei's eyes were a little red, she wanted to cry. How could Wang Xiao be like this, how could he be so heartless? She didn't think that he made any mistakes, and he didn't think that she had anything that let Wang Xiao down. Life has a different background and thoughts.    


Yang Lei was born into a rich family, and she was also the CEO of Huayao Group right now, so she was right in hoping that Wang Xiao would achieve something, hoping that she would advance step by step in her career. Although she had treated Wang Xiao coldly and despised him, she had done it out of goodwill and hoped that Wang Xiao would work hard.    


But Yang Lei never thought that this would actually be the result.    


"Yang Lei, don't worry, I will allow your company to develop to the Jin Country. This is what I owe you. Wang Xiao said.    


"Scram, scram. I don't want to see you again." Yang Lei roared loudly.    


She only felt her heart ache. She really wanted to cry because she felt wronged. Yang Lei held back and did not cry.    


Wang Xiao left in big strides, not even turning his head back.    


Looking at Wang Xiao's leaving figure, Yang Lei suddenly felt very regretful. She really wanted to rush over and grab Wang Xiao's hand, and say sorry to Wang Xiao. She had been too impulsive just now, and asked for her forgiveness. But, Yang Lei really couldn't open her mouth.    


She didn't want to lower her head to Wang Xiao, and she also didn't want to admit her wrongs to Wang Xiao either. Yang Lei never thought that because of this matter, she would leave behind an eternal pain in her heart in the future, a shadow that she would never be able to erase.    


Although she really wanted to turn around and urge Wang Xiao to stay, she couldn't open her mouth.    


Wang Xiao left with large strides, walking towards the car park. This matter left a shadow in his heart.    




Wang Xiao raised his head and looked at the sky. He had already given up on Yang Lei, so he did not want to pay any more price. Since he destroyed Yang Lei's chance to develop her Jin Country, he would think of a way to make up for it.    


After making up for this matter, he would no longer owe Yang Lei anything.    


Even though he had been looked down upon by Yang Lei before and was cold and indifferent, Wang Xiao had never thought of giving up. However, he could not forget what had happened today. He could not go back to the past, nor could he pretend that nothing had happened.    


This was because he was also a man. He also wanted face and dignity.    


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