My TikTok Connects Myriad Realms

C118 Incoming Attack

C118 Incoming Attack



In a vacuum, because there was no medium, there was no sound at all. However, when the ten thousand Mechanical Combat Aircraft s all shot out high-energy beams, Zhou Yi was completely stunned.    


In the silence, millions of high-energy rays shot towards the Fiend Ship. Zhou Yi, who was in the mech's armor, saw the high-energy beams that shot out simultaneously, dragging their tails and disappeared into the depths of the universe. Before he came back to his senses, a 1000m golden light seemed to rise up from the depths of the silent universe, and a dazzling light reflected into Zhou Yi's retina from who knows how many tens of thousands of kilometers away.    


"This …" Zhou Yi was not dazzled by those rays of light, but his face was filled with shock. His entire body seemed to have frozen, standing blankly in the universe through the mechanical armor.    


The light from the distant fire not only illuminated his face, but also the huge Mechanical Combat Aircraft beside him. The light from the fire was reflecting the light from the distant fire, illuminating every inch of the silver-painted metal armor.    


Zhou Yi didn't believe that anything could survive under that kind of terrifying power. At this moment, that Demon Battleship had already been covered by a sea of fire.    


However, the truth was always unexpected.    


The flames from the high-energy ray shot out after the target exploded formed a sea of fire thousands of kilometers wide in space. Within that sea of fire, several black figures suddenly shot out.    


"Watch out!" Attention! The Demon Ship still has signs of life! "    


At the same time, Zhou Yi heard that electronic female voice again. However, the voice sounded very urgent.    


"What's that?"    


Soon, Zhou Yi saw the creatures that rushed out of the sea of fire. That's right, it was a creature. They were like octopus from hell, with black skin tentacles wildly waving around. There were no eyes and no facial features, making them look like black octopus-like tentacles.    


Zhou Yi couldn't imagine how organisms could survive in a cosmic vacuum. In his opinion, only martial arts cultivators who had entered the Esoteric Immortality Stage possessed the ability to traverse the universe with their physical body. Even Martial God wouldn't be able to survive in the vacuum for a long time, but these disgusting tentacles did.    


From a distance, these tentacle monsters were not considered big at first, but as they approached the Mechanical Combat Aircraft at an unbelievable high speed, Zhou Yi suddenly realized that their size was beyond imagination. If the mechanical armor was a hundred times bigger than the aircraft carrier on Earth, then these tentacle monsters were a hundred times bigger than the Mechanical Combat Aircraft.    


Moreover, their numbers covered the sky and the earth. It was so densely packed that the naked eye could see everything.    


"What kind of monster is that!?" Zhou Yi shouted. This monster that exceeded him in size made him have no thoughts of defeating it. All that was left in his mind was the thought of running away. He did not even have the thought of shooting a short video anymore.    


However, even though he was sitting inside the Mechanical Combat Aircraft, he did not know how to control it.    


"Damn it!" I have to survive for more than a minute! How exactly will this Mechanical Combat Aircraft operate?! " Zhou Yi clenched his teeth. He was extremely anxious as he stared at the tentacle monsters that approached at high speed.    


"Attention all fleet!" Continue shooting at full force! "    


This space fleet was obviously as nervous as Zhou Yi. After the female voice sounded the command again, the tens of thousands of Mechanical Combat Aircraft shot out high-energy radiation, trying to stop the tentacle monster from closing in.    


However, the tentacle monsters seemed to have expected this to happen. The formation that was rushing towards them immediately dispersed, and the tentacles that had grown out of their bodies, which looked like black fur, nimbly dodged the high-energy beams shot at them at the speed of light.    


However, even though there were millions of high-energy rays, there were still many tentacles that were directly hit. It was as if their bodies were being sliced apart by blades. In the blink of an eye, a large number of tentacle monsters had lost their ability to move, becoming huge corpses that floated silently in space.    


It was a pity that there were only a small number of tentacle monsters compared to the number of Mechanical Combat Aircraft in the Universe Fleet. There were still a large number of fish that had slipped through the lines of fire, waving their tentacles as they continued to approach.    


What made Zhou Yi even more worried was that the electronic female voice didn't give the order to fire the high-energy ray again. Just as he was feeling anxious because the tentacle monster was getting closer and closer to him, the electronic female voice finally rang out.    


"Attention all fleet!" All the warplanes have been deployed to stop the Tentacle Devil. "    


"All the fighter jets, move out?" Zhou Yi was surprised for a moment, then immediately saw that the Mechanical Combat Aircraft beside him did not continue to attack from a distance, but its tail engine shot out the pushing energy, instead, it rushed towards those so called Tentacle Devil, as though it wanted to fight in close combat.    


"What's going on? "With the universe civilization over, you still want to be like an airplane playing with a dog?" Zhou Yi was dumbfounded, unable to comprehend the scene in front of his eyes.    


However, what he did not know was that each high-energy ray shot would consume a huge amount of energy from the Mechanical Combat Aircraft, and two consecutive shots had already reached the tactical goal of the universe fleet headquarters.    


Zhou Yi saw the Mechanical Combat Aircraft that rushed out fighting with the Tentacle Devil.    


Those Tentacle Devil's body were gigantic and extremely flexible, but they were not weak either. They constantly moved around in the three-dimensional space like humans, causing the tentacles to flail towards nothing. At the same time, countless of missiles and high-powered radiation shot out from all over the ship and struck onto the Tentacle Devil's body.    


Although their attacking methods were very primitive, once those tentacles touched the Mechanical Combat Aircraft, they would easily pierce through the armor layer of the ship like extremely sharp spears, causing the Mechanical Combat Aircraft to explode.    


Balls of explosions accompanied by fiery sparks violently shook the void of the universe. The originally eternal silence of the universe had transformed into a battlefield of intense slaughter.    


Zhou Yi, who was still on the spot, didn't manage to escape either.    


Although there were other Mechanical Combat Aircraft ahead of them, one of them accidentally broke through the Mechanical Combat Aircraft's defense line and approached it from afar at a high speed.    


"Crap!" It's targeting me! " As the distance between them shortened, it became bigger and bigger in his eyes, to the point that it seemed to cover the sky. He could even vaguely imagine how many tentacles on its body suddenly stretched out and shot towards him together.    


Zhou Yi had witnessed the scene of the Mechanical Combat Aircraft being penetrated so easily. He knew that if this Mechanical Combat Aircraft was destroyed, even if he wasn't able to escape the aftermath of the explosion, he would definitely die if he was exposed to the vacuum.    


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