My TikTok Connects Myriad Realms

C142 Dual Thunder Knife

C142 Dual Thunder Knife

"It is indeed a little troublesome." Zhou Yi slightly frowned. After all, there was a huge gap between his cultivation level and Master of Shenwu Sect's. Just a one against two was already a bit difficult, but now there was one more. It would be more or less tricky.    


However …    


"Who said I only have one Thunder Knife?" Zhou Yi looked at Master of Shenwu Sect with a mocking smile.    


Before the Patriarch of the Shenwu Sect finished speaking, intense lightning bolts and gales of wind lit up in front of him. In the blink of an eye, the gale that was engulfing everything stopped, and Zhou Yi who was enveloped by the electric light earlier also entered his eyes again. It was just that his other hand had a Thunder Knife that was condensed from blue light.    


Thunder Knife.    




"This …!" Master of Shenwu Sect, who was originally full of confidence, clicked his tongue.    


"My apologies, but I have a total of two Thunder Knife." Zhou Yi said with a smile. He did not lie, with his current strength, he could only condense two Thunder Knife, and no more.    


But it was enough.    


Zhou Yi held the two Thunder Knife s in his hands, his body constantly emitting tiny blue electric sparks, like high voltage wires, and his aura was at least 10 times stronger than before.    


"Monster!" Realizing that Zhou Yi did not use all his ability just now, Master of Shenwu Sect was flabbergasted and a drop of cold sweat flowed down his forehead.    


Cold sweat covered his pale face.    


"Qi and Spirit!" Master of Shenwu Sect quickly defended his mind. With a thought, the God of Qi behind him pounced out and shot towards Zhou Yi like a cannonball.    


Seeing the arrogant Spirit of Martial Dao approaching him, Zhou Yi smirked and the Thunder Knife in his left hand struck out.    


A bolt of lightning seemingly burst out from the ground into the sky, the Thunder Knife that was slashing out was initially only half a meter long, but now, it suddenly expanded by several meters. Just as it was about to hit the Spirit of Martial Dao, the Spirit of Martial Dao did not dodge at all, but instead exploded into smoke with a loud bang.    


"What!" Zhou Yi was surprised, his Thunder Knife could be long or short, he thought it would be enough to cut the Spirit of Martial Dao into two, but before the attack even landed on his body, his target had already exploded, causing the Thunder Knife to suddenly miss.    


"I fell for his trap." Master of Shenwu Sect let out a proud smile at the same time. The initially dissipating Spirit of Martial Dao dodged the Thunder Knife, but the cloud like Supreme Qi did not dissipate in the air, like bubbles floating around Zhou Yi. With a thought, the Supreme Qi seemed to be attracted, quickly gathering above Zhou Yi's head and taking the shape of the Spirit of Martial Dao once again.    


"What's going on!?"    


The next moment, Zhou Yi's scalp went numb. He felt a fierce wind pressure coming from above his head. He immediately leaped back and easily dodged the attack from above.    


With a hong sound, the fist that the Spirit of Martial Dao had thrown down was like a cannonball that struck the ground, blasting apart all the rocks and soil in the sky.    


Zhou Yi, who had just landed not far behind, did not even have the time to blink his eyes. Another Spirit of Martial Dao broke through the billowing smoke and dust and rushed in front of him with a speed that could not even be followed by sound.    


Zhou Yi did not have time to swing his blade to counterattack as he continued to leap backwards. The incoming Spirit of Martial Dao was like a shadow following him. The Spirit of Martial Dao was like a boxer as it continuously swung its storm-like fists at him.    


Zhou Yi stopped his sliding steps, raised the incomparably bright Thunder Knife with both of his hands, and quickly parried the attacks of the Spirit of Martial Dao. Each of his punches shook the air, causing circular ripples in the air like water, and the ground under his feet suddenly collapsed and shattered.    


The deafening sound continued to bombard the construction site of the North Mansion. The nearby urban and rural junction all heard the commotion that seemed to come from far away, and some people even woke up from their dreams and looked towards the abandoned construction site of the North Mansion. However, they were all confused and confused.    


Zhou Yi completely blocked the attack of the Spirit of Martial Dao, but the other one quickly joined the battle under Master of Shenwu Sect's control. Right now, he wouldn't be at a disadvantage against two people, but it wasn't his style to take a beating on one person.    


"Great Thunder Slash!"    


While attacking, Zhou Yi shouted loudly, and the two Thunder Knife actually merged together. Their body under the brilliant lightning suddenly expanded dozens of times, turning into a huge Thunder Knife.    


The two Spirit of Martial Dao were attacking right and left, but it was as if Zhou Yi was holding a huge lightning bolt. He quickly turned around and slashed horizontally, like a circular wave of air sweeping across the sky.    


"What a strong move!" Master of Shenwu Sect had personally witnessed the scene of a tens of metres long Thunder Knife slashing horizontally. That kind of power was not something that a human body could withstand, but Spirit of Martial Dao was originally formed from the condensed astral energy, and as long as the astral energy was not extinguished, it could be continuously formed. Very quickly, under the control of his thoughts, two Spirit of Martial Dao s appeared once again around Zhou Yi.    


"This is the moment!"    


Just as the Spirit of Martial Dao was about to wrap around him again, Zhou Yi took a stride forward, his body flashing forward as he threw the two Spirit of Martial Dao far behind him and charged towards Master of Shenwu Sect.    


He was well aware of the nature of the Spirit of Martial Dao, so even if he were to kill them hundreds or even thousands of times, it would be impossible to truly destroy them. Zhou Yi didn't want to waste energy with them, so he decided to attack the real effective target, Master of Shenwu Sect.    


Master of Shenwu Sect saw Zhou Yi flying towards him, but it was too late for him to stop Zhou Yi with the Spirit of Martial Dao in his hand.    


"Double Thunder Slash!" Zhou Yi spread out his hands, and the Thunder Knife that was originally one turned back into its normal size and hacked at Master of Shenwu Sect.    




With a keng qiang sound, sparks flew. Master of Shenwu Sect's Flame Phosphorus Knife blocked the two Thunder Knife s that were hacked down from above, and the two of them did not take the opportunity to retreat, and started to fight on the spot.    


Their arms were trembling as they used their weapons to compete with each other. The Flame Phosphorus Knife that was forged by Wang Teng had been quenched, so its blade could withstand high temperatures for up to a thousand degrees. However, the Thunder Knife not only had the characteristics of a blade, but it was also accompanied by pure high temperature lightning.    


Slowly, the Flame Phosphorus Knife Blade emitted a red metallic light. This was because the Flame Phosphorus Knife had been in contact with the Thunder Knife for a long time, and the Thunder Knife's high temperature had been continuously accumulating on the blade's body. Very soon, Black Turtle, Hall Master, and the others who were standing far away felt a wave of heat blowing towards them. They saw the air around the two of them vaporize.    


In the end, Master of Shenwu Sect was the first to be unable to bear the oppressive heat. He pulled back his stretched arms and forcefully pushed away Zhou Yi's Thunder Knife.    


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