Prince and I in Desert Island

C26 Wang Yao Is Missing

C26 Wang Yao Is Missing

Although he was a little disappointed, all the gloom in his heart was swept away when he saw the two girls skipping about.    


As long as they were happy, nothing else mattered, right?    


"Auntie Lin, look what this is about. There's a can of beef and a can of lunch …" Wang Yao was like a cute waiter. She held two cans of beef in her hands and shook her head, looking cute and helpless.    


"Where did you come from? This is good, I'll cook a feast for you tonight!" Auntie Lin said, a little unsettled.    


I took a total of six boxes. Just now, Li Yan and Wang Yao robbed two boxes. I still have two boxes in my pocket, so I gave the one in my pocket to Auntie Lin.    


I wanted to see if there were any hooked wild sheep or other animals in the pool, so I took the empty kettle with me.    


Wang Yao panicked when she saw that I was about to leave. She put down the can in her hand and ran towards me. Where am I going? I told her to go and see if there were any animals on the hook, and to get some water.    


"Elder sister Li Yan, let's go and see if there are any wild sheep taking the bait!" Wang Yao ran into the tree hole to call Li Yan, because Li Yan was helping Auntie Lin carry bear meat inside the tree hole.    


Hearing Wang Yao call her, she ran out to give the bear meat in her hand to Auntie Lin and ran towards me.    


The one who just ignored me was now holding my arm, as if they were a couple that didn't leave me. But to be honest, I enjoy it.    


The man didn't want a beautiful girl around him. A saber matched a hero, and a beautiful woman loved a hero. Not to mention the fact that he wasn't a hero, he wanted a beautiful woman to hold his arm. He would become the center of attention.    


If he had that little bit of temperament, most women would think that he was a rich second-generation clansman. A few girls who liked to watch idyllic dramas would think that this man must be the kind of man who was warm and tyrannical like in the storyline. He had truly fallen in love with that girl, and they only got together after experiencing so many obstacles …    


And we men will agree that a good cabbage has been replanted by a pig. Then he stared at the man as if he were looking at a dog.    


A man holding a beauty in his arms would raise his head and strut his chest, giving us a disdainful look. In his eyes, there were three words, "Bite me!"    


There was not a man that didn't like beauties, nor was there a man that didn't like beauties. Furthermore, there wasn't a man that didn't feel envious and resentful towards men who held beauties in their arms.    


Especially us single dogs, we always like to go to the footbridge and move a stool around to watch the beauties coming and going on the streets, and sometimes a few of us even like to comment.    


For example, if only she had a oval face... That woman is so sexy, is she doing that... That girl is so sexy in her leather pants. That girl is already a child, yet she's still taking good care of herself … The woman in the middle actually wore a yellow mask …    


Of course, this is all before I became a soldier. Speaking of becoming a soldier, I just returned a few days ago.    


One second, we're still talking about it, but if we meet a beautiful woman and ask her where we're going the next, we'll become very serious and very polite." Just to leave a good impression on a beauty who might never see him again. This was a man.    


Acting tough was a form of knowledge. To act tough required a lot of practice and practice over time. This process requires a bold and meticulous approach, indomitable in every way, aggressive in every way, diligent in every aspect of learning … I'm actually acting okay.    


Now, two of my best beauties were holding my arm. This kind of scene had only happened in dreams before. If I remember correctly, one of the beauties in the dream is Liu Yifei and the other is Lin Zhiling.    


That's right, my goddess is the goddess Liu Yifei and the immortal supermodel Lin Zhiling.    


In terms of figure, Wang Yao and Li Yan could be said to have the body of devils and devils, and in terms of beauty, they were the most outstanding and refreshing of all angel faces. Even in terms of temperament, they were no different from those A-list celebrities.    


Now, they took the initiative to hold my arm, occasionally touching my shoulder in the heat of the moment. I feel extremely comfortable, blissful to the point of not wanting it.    


There were no animals taking the bait at the pool, but I wasn't depressed. The sense of superiority that Wang Yaoyan had given me hadn't disappeared, and there were many big and small animal footprints at the edge of the pool, indicating that they had come to drink water. I was sure that there would be animals taking the bait in a few more traps.    


Most of the footprints came from one direction, and I thought we could catch them by setting some traps in the direction they came from. When I set up the trap, Wang Yao and Li Yan had already received the water and were waiting for me there.    


When I'm done, they hand me the canteen full of water and leave, holding hands and humming a tune. I'm a bit confused, what's the meaning of this? They were here for a walk.    


I thought to myself, it's all my fault for spoiling them. Right now they have no discipline, no form at all. How could he forgive such a girl? If I forgive them for spreading the news, how am I supposed to deal with it? I am a dignified one...    


On second thought, I was just feeling satisfied. I couldn't do anything about them. Even if there was a way, I wouldn't give it up. Who asked them to be so beautiful? I'd love to get them a jug of water...    


Thinking of this, I couldn't help but say to myself, "Li Kai, you bitch!"    


I chased after them excitedly. When they saw me jogging, they couldn't help laughing. I couldn't help laughing after they laughed as well. As long as they were happy, anything was worth it.    


"It smells so good!" Wang Yao had an intoxicated expression on her face. When we were still some distance away from the tree hole, we could smell a fragrance that we haven't smelled in a long time. It was the taste of spicy instant noodles. It was actually the taste of the sauce in the canned beef. I swallowed my saliva and quickly walked towards the place where Auntie Lin was cooking dinner.    


Auntie Lin warmed the beef pot sauce in the pan, then mixed the bear meat with the sauce and added a little water. Looking at the red chili oil on the bear meat, he felt a great appetite.    


We could not wait to wait by the hearth for the meal to start.    


"Children, it's time to eat." Auntie Lin happily placed a pot of spicy and fragrant bear meat between us. I ran to the tree hole and got a bottle of Romanee-Conti. I poured a box for Auntie Wang Yao and Liyan Lin.    


"To celebrate the fact that we've survived until now …" Wang Yao raised the box in a decent manner.    


We picked up the box and gently touched each other for a sip.    


"To celebrate the fact that we can still eat so much here," Li Yan said shyly, holding up the can full of wine.    


We had another sip    


"For our meeting on the deserted island, let's get to know each other and have a drink together!" Auntie Lin also raised the box and bumped into us.    


"I hope you're as happy and carefree as you are now." I raised the can and drank with them.    


We all had a wonderful meal because we hadn't had such a delicious dinner in a long time.    


After dinner, I taught Li Yan and Wang Yao some tricks for using a gun. They were all extremely focused. Wang Yao took out her Desert Eagle golden pistol and continued to practice.    


Auntie Lin only opened two cans of beef. She said to keep them until we caught the wild sheep and used them to make a hotpot. We're hungry again.    


I think we'll be able to catch them tomorrow after setting up so many traps. I hope we can get the lamb cooked tomorrow as soon as possible. I'm looking forward to it.    


After lying down, we quickly fell asleep. I had a dream, in which Wang Yao pulled a bunch of balloons and continuously smiled at me. I asked her why she was smiling, but she didn't say anything and just smiled at me. I wanted to reach out and touch her face, but she suddenly disappeared just as my hand was about to touch her face.    


I woke up from my dream, there was no one in my arms, I couldn't see Wang Yao so I touched with my hand in the dark. I touched a hand, I touched a face with my hand, but I didn't know whose face it was. Because the three of us slept on the floor, we made Auntie Lin a taller bed with sheepskin.    


Li Yan woke up and asked me what was wrong, I said I just dreamt that Wang Yao had disappeared, scaring me. I thought she'd really lost it.    


"It's okay. She's sleeping with me." Li Yan whispered.    


I reached out and took them both in my arms. Although my hands were numb from waking up every day, I was relieved only if they slept on my arms.    


When I woke up, Wang Yao's feet were on top of me again. Her body was tightly pressed against mine, with one hand pressing down on my head as a pillow, while the other hand was holding onto my waist …    


Li Yan, on the other hand, was sleeping face to face with me. She held Wang Yao with one hand and pulled my arm with the other.    


I closed my eyes and went back to sleep after seeing them sleeping soundly. I just didn't expect to wake up with the sun already so high in the sky.    


I quickly got up, took my gun and ran towards the beach. I had missed the opportunity to sneak into the beach, so I could only slowly approach the scouting point.    


As I approached the survey site, I looked up to see that there were only six or seven people smoking and eating near the tents. I searched the beach carefully, taking note of every hole they dug.    


They had dug four places, and the last one was close to where we had buried our victims. There was no one in the cave now, and I didn't see Atai.    


The boat was still at the shore, wondering where they had gone. Had they dug up something? Where did the others go? On board the ship? But I observed nothing on board for a long time.    


I was wondering where Artest had gone. There were also those ten-odd people …    


Suddenly, the word "waterfall" flashed through my mind. To the waterfall, they must have gone to the waterfall.    


Crap, Li Yan, Wang Yao and Auntie Lin …    


I didn't have time to think about all that, so I quickly ran to where Wang Yao and Li Yan were defending. I kept running as fast as I could. After a while, my face was covered in sweat and the sweat that flowed into my eyes made my eyes hurt. I didn't stop. I wiped my sweat with my sleeve and continued running.    


When we reached the place where Li Yan and Wang Yao were hiding, I whistled softly, but nothing happened. I tensed up and blew again before I saw Liyan rise from the bushes behind the tree.    


I was relieved to see Li Yan, but I couldn't see Wang Yao for a long time. My heart tightened.    


"Where's Wang Yao?" I asked anxiously.    


"Little White was lost after you left, so she and I went to look for it. It's been a long time since we found it. She was afraid you'd be in danger, so she let me come here to help you. She'll continue looking for Little White herself …" Li Yan quietly replied.    


"She went in that direction …" I relaxed a bit, because if it was the little white rabbit that lost her, she went to look. She should have returned by now.    


"The direction we went last time …" Li Yan answered.    


"Which way?" My heart was suddenly troubled.    


"To Ena Cavern …"    


Hurry up and go back. I didn't wait for her to finish speaking before I pulled her hand and ran back. I only hoped to see Auntie Lin and Wang Yao when I returned. Even if she did not find a rabbit very sad cry, as long as she is still alive I am willing to catch a rabbit for her every day.    


When I got to the tree hole, Auntie Lin was helping me tie my shoes. I ran to her side and asked if Wang Yao was back. Auntie Lin shook her head and said, "Isn't she with you guys?"    


My heart sank to the bottom. I told Li Yan and Auntie Lin to hide our things and hide them in the forest. I didn't want to come out until I got back.    


After instructing them, I grabbed some bullets and ran towards the waterfall …    


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