Reborn Conceited Soldier

C1592 Death of the Purple Peak Master

C1592 Death of the Purple Peak Master

However, when Purple Peak Master performed it, it meant that he was betting everything on it. He wanted to die together with Fengdu Great Monarch and Di Jun.    


"Fengdu Great Monarch, why does Patriarch Styx know this method, Purple Peak Master? What exactly is going on? " Di Jun was shocked. As long as the target did not die and the blood demon did not die, the appearance of the blood demon would not end. However, Purple Peak Master, who had turned into a blood demon, had his strength skyrocketed. How could he be so easy to deal with?    


Fengdu Great Monarch said, "Now is not the time to discuss about this. Di Jun, although this blood demon is powerful, it is not intelligent enough, and it only knows how to slaughter. Otherwise, not only you and I will die, the blood demon will absorb the blood here and strengthen itself.    


"Sigh …" Di Jun pursed his lips in anger when he heard this. If he had known earlier, he would have gone all out to kill Purple Peak Master earlier. It was too late now.    


"The true scripture of the sun, the Golden Crow's descent." Di Jun shouted.    


"Ga Ga …"    


Di Jun turned into a giant fiery red Three-legged Golden Crow, releasing a scorching heat. However, this heat was different from the heat that the Hanba had caused. The Hanba's fire was dark and cold, while Di Jun's fire was a scorching yang fire, strong and overbearing.    


"Ga Ga!"    


The Three-legged Golden Crow let out a roar and its tail suddenly coiled up its body, forming a blazing sun. It charged towards the blood demon that Purple Peak Master had turned into. The temperature was so hot that even the air it passed through was set ablaze.    


The legend of Great Witch Hou Yi shooting the sun appeared. In those ten days, the sky was filled with ten Three-legged Golden Crows. However, the 10 Gold Crows of Hou Yi's Shooting Sun were not as strong as Di Jun. Otherwise, Hou Yi, who was a junior, would not be able to contend with Di Jun even if he had the Shooting Sun God Bow.    


After all, at that time, Di Jun controlled the Heavenly Court, and as the Three-legged Golden Crow, naturally he was a little fearless. Furthermore, at that time, when the Witch Clan controlled the earth, he was an enemy in itself, which was why the legend of Hou Yi shooting the sun appeared.    


"Daomization of the Yellow Springs." Fengdu Great Monarch saw that Di Jun no longer hid anything and even revealed his real body. He knew that Di Jun was trying to kill the blood demon, so he didn't dare to be negligent.    


The seals in his hands flashed again and again, and in an instant, his body swelled up without end. In addition, he started to liquefy like a water wave, finally transforming into a yellow ferocious ghost dragon. At the same time, a turbid scene appeared in front of him, charging towards the blood demon.    


Two experts at the peak of the first level of the origin realm unleashed their powerful techniques in succession, not to mention this was a battlefield. Even though the Fighter s of the five great forces and Zixiao Palace avoided the scene where the three experts battled, the strength of the three of them were simply too strong.    


Di Jun's Three-legged Golden Crow was like a slaughtering machine to the Fighter under the Origin Stage. Anyone affected by the flames would be burnt to ashes in an instant without even a chance to scream. Fengdu Great Monarch obtained the power of the Yellow Springs. The Yellow Springs itself was the place where all the filth in the Underworld gathered. As long as the River Styx water did not have the protection from the source, when ordinary people came into contact with it, even their soul would be corroded.    


As for the Blood Demon that Purple Peak Master had transformed into, there was no need to mention it. This was the ability of the River Styx Grandmaster, and anyone who got close to a certain range would have their blood sucked away cleanly without even having a chance to resist.    


In the blink of an eye, all the attacks from the three great masters had cleared out a radius of ten miles. Besides the three of them, there was no other living beings.    




Finally, three powerful attacks collided, and terrifying shock waves swept out, causing the area of five kilometers to instantly double in size. After all, the shock waves produced from the exchange between the Origin Stage experts was not something that the Fighter s of the Origin Stage could withstand, so other than the half-step s who were severely injured for a bit or two, the rest of the people were just like dead leaves being swept away by the fierce wind.    


In the air, Blood Demon, Ghost Dragon, and Three-legged Golden Crow clashed. One could see that the Blood Demon's gigantic arm was burnt away by the flames of the Three-legged Golden Crow, while its body was bitten by the Ghost Dragon.    


The Blood Demon gave a furious roar, shaking its head with all its might as if it was in extreme pain. However, its blood-red eyes were filled with madness. At the same time, his huge body also exploded. The terrifying impact directly pushed away both the Three-legged Golden Crow and the Ghost Dragon, and even the River Styx, which was transformed by Fengdu Great Monarch, started to vaporize under the pouring of the blood, and in the next moment, it was broken.    


Only after Fengdu Great Monarch and Di Jun were sent flying far away did they finally stabilize their bodies and return to their human form. However, at that moment, the two of them were in a very sorry state. There were traces of blood on the corners of their mouths and their faces were slightly pale. They seemed to be quite injured.    


This was because the blood demon in front of them had already slowly dissipated, and Purple Peak Master also revealed himself. His body seemed to have been dismembered by five horses, and a crack appeared on it, as if a breeze could cut apart his limbs.    


He had died without a sound. He could not die any more.    


After all, the Great Art of Blood and Demon Disintegration was a terrifying technique that could allow the heavens and earth to live together. If one could not kill the enemy, then the one who died would be themselves and everyone would definitely die in this battle.    


There was no right or wrong, because all they wanted was to live. What was wrong with that? If they really said something wrong, then it could only be said that they did not control their own destinies and had become a method for others to threaten them!    


Seeing this, Di Jun took a deep breath and raised his hand to release a flame onto Purple Peak Master's corpse. The corpse immediately burned up and turned into ashes that scattered into the air. Although Purple Peak Master was his enemy, no one wanted his corpse to be in the wilderness. Since he was the opponent, no matter what he was before, his death should be respected enough.    


Watching Purple Peak Master turn into ashes, Fengdu Great Monarch and Di Jun did not feel any joy from their victory. Instead, they felt an inexplicable sense of loss, as if they had seen themselves in the future.    


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