Reborn Conceited Soldier

C1088 Combined

C1088 Combined

In that instant, countless long blades with a black aura rushed towards Sikong Banyu. All directions were sealed off and there was not a single gap for Sikong Banyu to escape. The might of the black sabers actually caused some of the space to crack when they flew; it was obvious from this.    


"Can he block it?" Daoist Qinglian swallowed his saliva and secretly asked himself in his heart, "Even an onlooker like me can feel the terrifying power of this technique. Let alone such a concentrated attack, I would probably be seriously injured in an instant. However …" Sikong Banyu wasn't him.    


Honestly speaking, Daoist Qinglian did not want Sikong Banyu to die here, even though he did not know what grudge there was between Sikong Banyu and Dragon Guard. However, for someone like him, his future was limitless. No one would feel pity for the death of a genius.    


"The right envoy's Sky Destroyer Blade is simply unable to defend against it. Looks like it has saved me a lot of trouble this time." Left Envoy sneered in his heart. He was very clear on the power of the Sky Blade. Even if an expert of the intermediate stage of the SemiGod Stage were to meet it, they would at least lose a layer of skin even if they don't die, let alone a fake semi-God Fighter like Sikong Banyu.    


He had already anticipated the fate of Sikong Banyu's ten thousand cuts. However, in the next moment, the smile on Left Envoy's face froze and his eyes were filled with disbelief. That was because he saw dense sword energy fly around Sikong Banyu who was surrounded by countless blades, and when the blades hit the surrounding sword energy, they didn't have much energy and were directly swallowed up.    


At this moment, Sikong Banyu was standing in the Sword Qi Domain with his hands behind his back. In his hand was a luxurious long sword, and that long sword was no longer an illusionary sword, but a real three-foot long sword.    


"I didn't mean to take you out, but in the end, I still used the power of a Sword Spirit!" Sikong Banyu let out a sigh and looked at the luxurious sword in his hand. The Sword Spirit's power must have enough bearing to be able to unleash its strongest power, and Sikong Banyu had never had a good weapon to use, which made it difficult for him to unleash a lot of his strength. For example, the power of the Sword Spirit, protecting himself with the ten thousand swords.    


The longsword in his hand had been conjured using the incomplete Heavenly Edict. Ever since the Heavenly Edict was destroyed by Yin Tiangong, it became Sikong Banyu's private property. However, the Heavenly Edict was incomplete and therefore weak. Yin Tiangong had told him before that it was best not to use it carelessly. Otherwise, if the Heavenly Edict suffered another heavy injury, it would not be worth it.    


But now that he had comprehended Saber Force, without a weapon that could bear the Sword Spirit's power, perhaps he might not be able to withstand the attack of the Right Envoy! Therefore, Sikong Banyu had no choice but to take out his Heavenly Edict for emergency use.    


"Right Emissary, I'm afraid you will be disappointed. However, I don't know if you will be disappointed in me." Sikong Banyu let out a cold snort and suddenly raised the sword in his hand. The blade stirred and in an instant, it seemed like the countless sword Qis were all absorbed by the sword in Sikong Banyu's hand and gathered together.    


"Sword Dao... "Yu Zhan Tian."    


In the blink of an eye, the sounds of thousands of men and horses fighting against each other resounded in the crowd's ears. The combination of the Gold Spear Iron Horse, the Long Wind Battle Drum, and the smoke of the battle had all appeared in front of everyone's eyes. The overwhelming sword Qis seemed to have turned into thousands of men and horses charging into the battle.    


Shock, fear, terror …    


"Not good …" When Left Envoy saw this scene, he instantly turned pale with fright. He had originally thought that Sikong Banyu would lose his ability to fight under the Sky Destroyer Blade attack. Never would he have thought that Sikong Banyu's fighting strength was so strong that not only could he resist the Sky Destruction Blade, but the power of the attack that he used was not inferior to the Sky Destruction Blade. The right envoy could not block such an attack at all, and if he did not attack, the right envoy would most likely die.    


"Rushing to the sky in silence." Left Envoy shouted loudly, a pure green three-foot-long blade appeared in his hand, and he rushed to the right side of the envoy. At the same time, the blade of his sword turned gently, and in an instant, it turned into countless green sword shadows, forming a huge green disk that firmly stood in front of the two.    


BOOM! Sikong Banyu's sword qi finally landed. The terrifying impact directly caused the green discs formed by the cyan long swords to crush to the edge of collapse. Left Envoy desperately maintained the defensive system. The Genuine Qi in his body was quickly surging, and he was extremely shocked in his heart.    


Previously, he was just a bystander and felt that Sikong Banyu's strength was slightly weaker than the right envoy, but when he fought personally, Left Envoy realized that this person's cultivation was not as good as the right envoy's. His fighting prowess was indeed not as good as the right envoy's, but his fighting prowess was actually slightly better than the right envoy's.    


Of course he didn't know that the Son of Heaven's Sword Dao was famous for being tyrannical and overbearing, and any great Dao would be suppressed in front of it, unless one's understanding of it exceeded Sikong Banyu's by a lot, or their cultivation level was higher than Sikong Banyu's by a lot. But now, the two of them didn't occupy anything. Naturally, they felt that they were inferior.    


"Kacha …" Sikong Banyu's sword aura crushed the air, causing cracks to appear on the defensive disc formed by Left Envoy. If the remaining parts fell down, it would be enough to kill the left and right side of them.    


"I'll help you." At this moment, the Right Envoy also reacted and immediately hit Left Envoy's back with his palm. The remaining Genuine Qi rushed into Left Envoy's body crazily. In an instant, the full circle of the crack slowly recovered.    


Seeing this, Sikong Banyu let out a snort. He pressed down the sword in his hand and the power of his sword qi increased by another layer.    


"Bang …" Both sides took on the attacks and defenses that they had condensed. Finally, they reached their limit in the air and exploded with a loud bang. A terrifying blast wave howled forth and swept away the three of them.    


Even though Sikong Banyu had known about this situation and was prepared, he was still sent flying dozens of feet away as he braced himself for the impact. His face reddened as blood oozed out from the corner of his mouth.    


"Motherf * cker, it's already become a Seven Injury Fist. Looks like I have to get a set of inner armor. Otherwise, when I fight with others in the future, before they fall, I'll be injured by the shockwave." Sikong Banyu cursed secretly.    


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