The Strongest Beast-controlling System

C395 Troubleshooting Issues

C395 Troubleshooting Issues

The moment Jin Wanchong completely devoured the Five Ghosts Spirit Fanged Beast into his own body, his body instantly expanded by more than two times. At the same time, five ghost-like heads extended from his back, one after another, and climbed up to the top of his head.    


"Hahaha, fifth brother, don't get cocky too early. I have to admit that you are very strong, but if you want to win, I'm still too far off! " With that, the five heads turned into five large mouths that bit towards Lu Yang's body.    


Not only that, the five heads on his five foreheads represented greed, evil thoughts, evil thoughts, idiocy thoughts, and presumptuous thoughts. If these five heads of the evil spirits were to randomly bite into his body, then Lu Yang's body would be entangled by these five evil thoughts, causing his mind to be thrown upside down, the spiritual sense s were turned upside down, and in the end, his soul would go into disorder, and he would die.    


It could be said that Jin Wanchong's idea was extremely vicious.    


After all, there were some external injuries that could be inflicted by using a knife, but once these five evil thoughts entered the body, other than the person himself, he could not feel anything wrong with them at all. Even if they died, it would be because of his own lack of resolution, so if these evil thoughts had lurked inside for a long time, even if they found out, they probably wouldn't have been able to find Jin Wanchong.    


"Humph, you think I don't have five vicious beast heads with you? I'll show you how powerful I am today!" With that, Lu Yang followed Jin Wanchong's example and swallowed the three Hell Hound s into his stomach, and then three gigantic heads suddenly appeared behind Lu Yang.    






In the midst of the two's confrontation, the five evil spirits' heads and the three Hell Hound's heads clashed against each other.    


Although it was three against one, the Hell Hound itself was the guardian of the Gate of Hell, and facing these five evil spirits, it had a certain restraining effect.    


After a chaotic battle, three Hell Hound s had actually swallowed three of the five ghost heads. This time, Jin Wanchong was in extreme pain.    


In an instant, Lu Yang had broken through Jin Wanchong's' One with the Beast '.    


Speaking of man and beast becoming one, it was built on the foundation of his [Body Fusion]. However, compared to merging with another, it was clearly much stronger.    


With a "plop" sound, following Jin Wanchong's fall, the five Devil-toothed Beasts that had lost two heads, now became three Devil-toothed Beasts, and fell onto the ground together.    


"Someone, carry the young master away and take him to recuperate." How about it, does anyone still question Jin Wanshan's position in our Jin Family? " After Jin Tianbinng got his men to send Jin Wanchong off, he looked at the people around him again, as though if anyone dared to doubt Lu Yang, they would be going against him.    


"Hehe, Patriarch, Jin Wanchong was just acting on impulse just now. After all, we are young. Now I think there's no one left. " Seeing the awkward atmosphere at the gathering, a Jin Family Elder who was on good terms with Jin Tianbinng hurriedly stood up to regulate the atmosphere.    


However, he did not understand why Jin Tianbinng was trying to support Jin Wanshan. Wasn't this going beyond the bottom line?    


Of course, if this had happened a few years ago, these elders would definitely have allowed Jin Tianbinng to do as he pleased without restraint. But now, with the power and influence that Jin Tianbinng possessed, it could be said that he could do whatever he wished, and even the entire Myriad Beasts Sect was firmly grasped in his hands.    


Seeing that no one else said anything, Jin Tianbinng then waved his hand in satisfaction, and said, "Since all of you have no objections, then I won't say anything more. Let the party begin, let's begin the first program!"    


After Jin Tianbinng finished speaking, a group of female dancers who had finished dressing themselves started dancing in the hall.    


Although Lu Yang was not interested in these programs, he was actually rather interested in the dinner tonight. Thus, when it started, he did not seem to watch much of the show, but instead focused on tasting the delicacies on his seat.    


Although the entire night's worth of programs were not bad, in Lu Yang's opinion, these programs were not worth mentioning at all.    


However, at the gathering, because of Jin Wanshan's identity, Lu Yang got to know many high ranking elders of the Jin Family, because he had his own unique insight into many aspects, and his discussion made the elders have a whole new level of respect for him.    


If Lu Yang had always wanted to stay in the Jin Family, then the fact that he was able to obtain these connections would definitely be beneficial to him, but in the end, it was impossible for Lu Yang to stay in the Jin Family.    


Of course, other than a few Jin Family elders showing good will to Lu Yang, there were also a few other Jin Family elders from other branches, and some even wanted to marry their own daughters to Lu Yang. Some elders had even said that it wouldn't matter even if they became concubines, as this made Lu Yang feel extremely awkward.    


If it wasn't for the fact that these people had nothing to do with Lu Yang, it would be hard for him to even return to his place of residence tonight.    


"Master, I didn't expect you to be so popular!" If you can stay in the Jin Family, you can definitely open up branches and scattered leaves for the Jin Family! " After returning to his residence, Zhu Zhitong could finally come out from Lu Yang's body and ridicule him. His words also made Lu Yang roll his eyes. However, he did not argue with Zhu Zhitong.    


After all, after he gained a better understanding of Zhu Zhitong through his Zhu Family, he realized that Zhu Zhitong's achievements could be considered to be brilliant. Furthermore, the fact that he was able to lead his Zhu Family from a third level city all the way to this point by himself was not something that an ordinary person could accomplish.    


After understanding it all, Lu Yang had abandoned his previous opinion of Zhu Zhi, and had even started to worship him.    


Of course, this was only a feeling that came from Lu Yang for a moment, but he would not change the fact that he respected Zhu Zhitong as his senior. This also gave Zhu Zhitong the qualifications to joke with him.    


"That's right, Master. According to my experience, the treasure that Jin Tianbinng had given you could be a treasure to restrain demons. However, I can feel that there is a strange seal within this treasure. Although I am not very clear about the matters regarding the demons, I can vaguely sense that these strange seals are very likely going to restrict your actions in the future, and may even become shackles that bound you. " However, Zhu Zhitong was not an idiot, there were some things that needed to be done, thus, he changed the topic to the topic that Lu Yang was more concerned about.    


After all, the Ten Thousand Devil Hole was what they were most concerned about right now.    


"What?" There was actually such a thing! But that's also normal. If Jin Tianbinng was someone of the Devil Clan, it's normal for him to put me on guard, but why did they send me into the Myriad Demons Cave? Could it be just to help me advance to Profound Grade Beast-controlling Master? I don't think it's as simple as it looks. " Lu Yang guessed it again.    


"Mn, according to my understanding of Devil Clan, the demons that are helping you right now are very likely to be dead enemies with the demons in the Myriad Demons Cave. They weakened the power of the Myriad Demons Cave, but in reality, they are increasing their strength. In short, even though there are many contradictions between the Human Clan, the truth is that there is not much difference between the Devil Clan s and us. " Hearing Lu Yang's words, Zhu Zhitong sighed with emotion.    


"Senior, if you say so, then it's possible. It seems like the things this treasure is hiding might be even more terrifying than what we imagined. " If it was said that the demons had specially arranged for him to go to the Ten Thousand Devil Nest, then there must be an even more powerful mechanism within this treasure.    


Actually, even without inference, one would be able to think of such a thing.    


Everyone knew that Devil Clan were extremely greedy and malicious, and they would use any means at all in their actions.    


However, this race was not stupid, nor did they owe him anything, yet they actually gave him such a huge benefit that seemed like they would not even be able to repay him. This was already the most unreasonable part, which was why Lu Yang felt that it was even more terrifying the more he thought about it.    


"Lil Mei, have you managed to investigate the matter that you and I asked you to investigate?" Thinking of this, Lu Yang had no choice but to urge Little Mei to speed up the strict examination of Dark Devil's wrist guard. Otherwise, if there were any problems, the consequences would be very serious.    


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