Peerless Conceited Cultivator

C537 Three Disciples to Show off Their Power

C537 Three Disciples to Show off Their Power

At this moment, Chen Ping panicked. He was so helpless that he almost cried: "Why isn't Yang Pann back yet?"    


Zhou Chen was exceptionally contemptuous of Yang Pann. Just now, he was extremely arrogant, and when the matter was about to come to an end, you did not appear.    


He frowned: "Auntie, I'm afraid that Yang Pann has already escaped! Don't let them do it! They can't. Let's do it! "    


"Classmate Lil 'Ye, you guys hurry up and leave!" It will be bad if I get hurt later! " When Chen Ping thought about this, he hurriedly stopped Ye Lingloong.    


"Auntie, don't worry. We're here!" Ye Lingloong looked at Wu Gui and the others who were approaching with a murderous look on their faces.    


Her attention was all on Wu Gui. This bitch, she was trying to flirt with her just now, she would beat him to death later!    


"Lil 'Ye, how could you guys be a match for them?" Stop fooling around, let's go! Auntie, stop them! "    


Although Chen Ping was vain, but in truth, he was still a kind person. He did not want Ye Lingloong and the others to be injured!    


"Auntie, it's fine. They are no match for us! " Ye Lingloong struggled free from Chen Ping's pull and walked towards him.    


"Ah, there are a lot of people here!" Huang Xiaoming was a little timid, even his legs became a little weak.    


He had fought quite a number of battles, but it was his first time leading a large group of people to bully someone.    


Although Yang Pann had already taught him a set of techniques and martial arts, he still wasn't confident. This was simply sharpening the spear at the last minute!    


"Xiaoming, what are you afraid of?" Didn't Master say that if you want to become an expert warrior, you have to hone yourself in battle, overcome your fear, and train your attack skills and your endurance! " Lin Xuanhu encouraged Ye Lingloong as he followed him forward.    


"Alright! Resistance to beatings, wasn't that the ability to receive beatings? Damn, I wonder if Master's teaching ability is good enough? " Huang Xiaoming wanted to cry. At that moment, he really wanted to call his father.    


Asking his father to step forward, wasn't this done in just a few minutes?    


"What are you guys doing?" Why aren't you leaving! "    


Zhou Chen suddenly saw the three of them take the initiative to approach Wu Gui and the others.    


Originally, they thought that Ye Lingloong and his group would follow Yang Pann and act arrogantly, but when it was really time for the other side to take action, they would definitely escape. But isn't this just looking for trouble?    


"Beat them!" Ye Lingloong smiled indifferently.    


"I was about to attack just now! But Master has always stopped it! " Lin Xuanhu said while smiling.    


With the two parties quickly closing in on each other, the distance of over ten meters between them disappeared in a blink of an eye. The two parties immediately started fighting the moment they heard a disagreement.    


"Brat, are you looking to die!?" I'll help you! " One of the big sized man raised his wrench high up and swung it towards Huang Xiaoming's shoulder.    


"Aiya!" Huang Guangming, who was standing on the rooftop and watching the fight from the opposite side of the street, was shocked and screamed in shock.    


If his son could withstand the impact, he would have to lie in bed for half a month without getting out of bed!    


At this moment, Huang Xiaoming's mind was blank. He had completely forgotten all about the various martial skills and tricks, he only subconsciously raised his arm to block!    


However, when he met with danger, the zhenqi in his body circulated and gathered in his arm, forming a defensive ability.    


With a clang, the large wrench smashed into his arm, actually producing a sound as if metal and stone had hit each other.    


"Holy shit!" Why is it not painful at all! "    


Huang Xiaoming was surprised, but he immediately became ecstatic, and said with a smile: "Damn, so the cultivation technique Master taught me was truly useful!"    


The big sized man thought that Huang Xiaoming's arm would be smashed into pieces by this attack, but he never expected that the other party was completely fine.    


"Damn, what's going on? You've practiced it before? " His jaw dropped as he subconsciously took a step back.    


"Yeah, give it a try!"    


Huang Xiaoming was greatly encouraged, he laughed out loud and then kicked the man in the chest, sending him flying five metres away.    


"Awesome!" Seeing this from afar, Huang Guangming could not help but cheer.    


His original son might have liked to fight, but in actuality, he relied on his numbers or the other party knew his identity and didn't dare to take action.    


But now, his son trained in ancient martial arts and relied on real martial arts. It seemed like he was even stronger than normal police officers.    


When Wu Gui saw this scene, he was immediately shocked, and started sweating profusely.    


F * ck, a kick flying five meters away, how much force is that? It seems like these guys really have some skill!    


He wasn't the only one who was surprised. Everyone was full of confusion and wasn't sure about each other's strength.    


However, this group of people were experienced people. They knew that if they couldn't even deal with these three brats, then their demolition company would never be able to work for them in the East China Sea again.    


"The target is in our hands. Brothers, attack together!"    


As a result, they were only stunned for three or four seconds. Then, they immediately charged forward and began to attack.    


"Little girl, you should lie down obediently!" Wu Gui smashed towards Ye Lingloong with a baseball bat in his hand.    


"You're courting death!" Ye Lingloong was already angered to the extreme, a palm blade slashed onto his wrist.    


With a crisp smack, Wu Gui's wrist immediately fractured. The baseball bat had long flown away.    


"Aiya! "It hurts so bad!" Wu Gui could only feel that his wrist was so painful that he could not take a deep breath, and he could not help but scream miserably.    


This fellow never expected that the delicate looking Ye Lingloong would actually have such strength, and that her skills would be so clean and efficient.    


This fellow was so scared that his soul almost left his body. Just as he wanted to retreat, he suddenly felt something blurred in front of him, and Ye Lingloong had already charged forward like lightning and slammed her shoulder into his chest!    


Stick close to the mountain!    


As if he had been shot by a cannon, Wu Gui's entire body flew up into the sky with a whoosh!    


He flew seven or eight meters away, knocking over two of his comrades who were rushing over, then fell to the ground miserably.    


Wu Gui was struck so hard that his dinner spouted out, his chest was in pain, blood flowed out from his mouth, and he was bleeding profusely.    


"Yang Pann is so powerful, with just a casual poke of his finger. Our daughter is much more powerful than before! "    


Looking at this scene from afar, Zhang Jingyi's beautiful eyes flickered with a strange light, praising endlessly.    


"This isn't just a casual pointers, this is a pointers from a grandmaster of martial arts!" Ye Zhentian laughed heartily.    


With Yang Pann's help, Ye Lingloong's cultivation not only increased, but his martial arts had also become stronger, becoming more practical and effective.    


"Sweep!" I'll let you play the string! You feel so good after playing around with me? "Damn you!"    


Ye Lingloong's temper was so explosive, he simply could not forgive him. He rushed forward and madly kicked Wu Gui's crotch.    


Aiyo, Grandaunt, I was wrong. Please spare me!" "AHH!" It hurts so bad! "Ahh!    


Wu Gui simply did not have the power to resist. Just as he stood up, he was kicked down by Ye Lingloong.    


Like a football, he was kicked around the floor by Ye Lingloong, as his miserable screams resounded in the sky.    


After Ye Lingloong heavily kicked him three or five times, Wu Gui could only breathe.    


Lin Xuanhu was also very brave, one of the lackeys lashed out with his nine-section whip, he did not even bother to dodge and just allowed himself to be lashed out, shouting: "Let's train my endurance!"    


With a "pa" sound, the nine-section whip landed on his forehead. An ordinary person would immediately faint on the spot.    


However, not only did this fellow not cry out in pain, the corners of his eyes even twitched in pleasure. "En, comfortable!"    


The lackey jumped in fright. His face was extremely ugly, as if he had just eaten a dead child. F * ck, what the hell was going on? What kind of monster was this? Why was he beating this up?    


"It's my turn!" Lin Xuanhu immediately launched a counterattack and kicked the brat's knee.    


With a crack, the crisp sound of a bone breaking could be heard. This lackey's leg was bent back in a strange arc, dripping with blood. His flesh turned outwards, and his bloody bones were exposed.    


Lin Xuanhu laughed strangely and said, "Remember, when you hit someone, you have to strike the joints, because the joints are the most vulnerable parts of the body!"    


"This kid is being too ruthless!" Lin Mocun shook his head helplessly, but there was a distinct smile on his lips.    


"Hehe, Elder Lin you do not need to worry, this is called punishing evil and righteous, these people are all outlaws, they have endangered the entire society for many years, now Sir Lin is also teaching them a lesson!" Huang Guangming laughed.    


"Let's compete! Let's see who fights the most!" "Who's going to lose? Who's going to buy midnight snacks? I've already made three!"    


Huang Xiaoming's fists were powerful and filled with a terrifying power, as he knocked over a lackey with one punch.    


"Is that so? I only have one, so I have to do my best! "    


Lin Xuanhu rushed towards the most densely packed place in the crowd and then leaped up and kicked three times in a row. Immediately, the three lackeys fell to the ground and lost the ability to fight.    


He then used the recoil to somersault and landed firmly on the ground.    


The guy smiled proudly and said, "Four! I've overtaken you, Xiaoming! "    


"Don't be arrogant, just wait and see!"    


Ye Lingloong was still tormenting them, but when he heard her words, he panicked, dropped Wu Gui who was lying on the ground, and jumped out.    


With small steps, she closed in on the three thugs. With a sweep of her foot, she swept across their ankles.    




"Oh my god!"    


"It hurts so bad!"    


The three burly men immediately fell to the ground like uprooted trees, screaming in pain.    




Ye Lingloong screamed, dodging a Dual Bladed Pole that was sweeping over, she grabbed onto the lackey's hair and suddenly dragged it down.    


The lackey could not help but bend forward as he charged, and Ye Lingloong raised his leg and smashed it against the lackey's knee.    




That lackey's nose immediately collapsed, and blood spurted out of his nose as he somersaulted in the air, lying on the ground like a toad.    


Ye Lingloong proudly raised his pink bangs and laughed: "Sister already has four!"    


"It's over, there's no one left!"    


Huang Xiaoming wanted to continue fighting, but when he looked around, he found that there was no one around him.    


Yes, it was just at that moment, in less than a minute, the dozen of hoodlums were all killed by the three, and the remaining five or six ran away in fright.    


On average, Ye Lingloong and the others had beaten four or five people with such domineering battle achievements.    


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