Peerless Martial God 2

C513 Let's Go to the New Snow Region!

C513 Let's Go to the New Snow Region!

On the morning of the second day, Lin Feng and Meng Qing set off together towards the New Snow Domain. Originally, Huang Nv wanted to follow Lin Feng and even wanted the three Divine Beasts to follow them. She was afraid that Lin Feng's life would be in danger, but Lin Feng did not agree.    


The Great Desolation Dynasty had just been established, and there were still a lot of things to do. Huang Nv's mission was very important, and there might even be a brother of Huang Nv locked up in the Ghost Hall. The Great Desolation Token that was auctioned off at the auction at that time was proof.    


Therefore, Lin Feng had decided that among the few things he wanted to do, he would help Huang Nv rescue her brother from the Ghost Hall. Once the matter with Meng Qing was settled, this matter would be resolved. The last thing he needed to do was to bring Duan Xinye and Qiu Yuexin to the God City.    


The two women already had their own flesh and blood, and even now that their child was born, Lin Feng did not know whether they were their father or their mother. It could be said that Lin Feng was in a very urgent mood right now, and he could not leave any of these things behind.    


In the end, Lin Feng only left with Meng Qing. Walking with Meng Qing was not as sweet and warm as before. At this moment, the two of them did not say a single word. Even Meng Qing did not look at Lin Feng, which made Lin Feng angrier and angrier. If Empress Snow really dared to use Meng Qing, Lin Feng even secretly decided that if this Empress Snow really did not listen to his advice, even if he were to die, he would make her pay the price.    


Lin Feng and Meng Qing went to the New Snow Domain together. The old Snow Domain was naturally located in the Eastern Divine Land. Back then, it was still destroyed by the Hall Lord of the Spiritual Realm Temple. It was also from that time that Meng Qing began to work hard for the revival of the Snow Domain. Every time Lin Feng thought of this, he couldn't help but suspect that Empress Snow might have schemed against Meng Qing from that time.    


Lin Feng and Meng Qing flew at full speed for seven days, but they still only covered half of the distance. The distance between the Divine Palace and the Divine Prefecture could be described as a hundred thousand kilometers. Even if they flew at full speed, it would probably take them half a month to arrive.    


Lin Feng and Meng Qing had been on their way for the past few days. They did not separate for a moment, but the journey was always lonely. Lin Feng had wanted to talk to Meng Qing many times, but Meng Qing's cold expression made Lin Feng's good thoughts go out as if a bucket of cold water had been poured over them.    


Lin Feng did not blame Meng Qing. All of this was done by this Empress Snow in the dark. Lin Feng could not let this Empress Snow hurt Meng Qing any more, even if it meant sacrificing his own life.    


Another seven days passed, and finally, for the first time, Meng Qing said something to Lin Feng, which was that they had arrived at the New Snow Domain.    


Lin Feng raised his head and looked at the snow that stretched as far as the eye could see. The scene of a thousand miles of ice being frozen over a hundred miles of snow, and the snow that did not fall, froze the entire space.    


Lin Feng raised his head and looked at the snow mountain that was ten thousand meters tall in front of him. On the peak of the mountain, he could vaguely see a magnificent palace. That must be where the Empress Snow lived.    


Lin Feng did not stop at all as he flew straight towards the peak of the mountain. Meng Qing was expressionless as she followed behind Lin Feng. She also had a lot of things to report to her master, Empress Snow.    


When he arrived at the peak of the mountain, a bright snow-white palace stood there. Behind the palace, there was a ten-story pavilion that emitted snow-white Divine Light. Lin Feng felt that it was not ordinary. The pavilion there was where the Empress Snow cultivated. Perhaps this palace was just a cover.    


"You wait here for your master's summons." Meng Qing shot a cold glance at Lin Feng. There was not a single trace of emotion in her eyes. Looking at Lin Feng, she felt that he was even worse than a stranger. The more she acted like this, the angrier Lin Feng became. Lin Feng ignored Meng Qing's words and took a step forward, rushing straight into the palace.    


"How dare you trespass into the New Snow Domain?" Meng Qing's expression changed drastically as she rushed towards Lin Feng. Lin Feng raised his left hand and a fiery light filled the sky. A golden talisman was stuck to Meng Qing's forehead, and most of Meng Qing's cold and gloomy aura disappeared in an instant. She also fainted.    


Lin Feng pursed his lips into a smile and hugged Meng Qing in his arms. He kissed her cold face and said with a doting smile, "Qing'er, hubby will not let you be controlled. Definitely not!"    


As Lin Feng spoke, his eyes became more and more gloomy, and the killing intent on his body became more and more intense.    


"Hmph, brat, you have ruined my plans time and time again. Do you really think that I don't dare to kill you?"    


An angry shout came from in front of Lin Feng. Lin Feng slowly raised his head and hugged Meng Qing tightly in his arms. He looked at the beautiful woman in front of him, whose hair was completely white. The woman did not look old, and was even a little younger than Meng Qing.    


But it was this kind of white-haired snowwoman who was the culprit behind controlling and using Meng Qing, Empress Snow.    


Empress Snow looked at Lin Feng with a gloomy gaze. Lin Feng also stared at her with a sinister and cold gaze as he coldly shouted, "You better release the Meaning of Heartless Tao on Meng Qing. Otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite."    


Lin Feng shouted angrily as he stared at Empress Snow.    


Hearing that, the Empress Snow frowned. Then, she could not help but reveal a mocking smile as she shouted indifferently, "Why are you being so rude to me? Kill me, hehe, or seal me?"    


Empress Snow looked at Lin Feng with an indifferent expression and asked in a teasing manner. It was obvious that he did not take Lin Feng's threat seriously, or even put him in his eyes.    


If he was really afraid of Lin Feng's existence, how could he still use Meng Qing? The best joke that the Empress Snow had ever heard was Lin Feng. He actually wanted her to return Meng Qing to her original state and let her go.    


How was this possible?    


The way the Empress Snow looked at Lin Feng became gloomier and gloomier. Her gloomy and complicated gaze became more and more intense as she shouted coldly, "If you are smart, leave the New Snow Domain immediately. I will spare your life because of the feelings you had with Meng Qing before. Don't you know how to cherish it!"    


Empress Snow's words made Lin Feng furious. As a result, the aura of Lin Feng and Empress Snow became colder and colder, and they also collided with each other. Lin Feng was not at a disadvantage at all, but his expression became more and more serious.    


"In the past, there was a Empress Xi who also wanted to do something heartless to my woman, but I cut off her heartlessness and ruined her cultivation foundation. Empress Snow, I respect you as an elder and do not want to do such a heartless thing, so please return it to Meng Qing."    


As Lin Feng spoke, his eyes became gloomier and gloomier. This was the last gamble. If the Empress Snow still did not understand how to give in, then Lin Feng would definitely make her regret it. He would make her regret the consequences of offending him.    


Unfortunately, Lin Feng's words did not have any effect. The Empress Snow still shook her head with a cold expression. She even opened her mouth and coldly shouted at Lin Feng with ridicule, "Since you're so powerful, I really want to see it."    


The Empress Snow's face was filled with ridicule. She never believed that Lin Feng would have the chance and ability to teach her a lesson, so she could only mock and ridicule him.    


"Hehe, the Empress Snow still does what she wants and doesn't listen to Lin Feng's advice. If that's the case, then don't blame me for being impolite."    


Lin Feng stared fixedly at the mocking expression of the Empress Snow as he coldly shouted. He had made the final decision in his heart. He could not let the Empress Snow continue like this. He had to make Meng Qing completely forget about the Heartless Great Dao, and the best way was to kill the Empress Snow.    


Lin Feng took a deep breath, and the killing intent on his body became more and more intense. At the same time, Empress Snow's eyes focused and her brows furrowed. She began to feel uneasy and panicked, but she still didn't know where this feeling came from.    


"I'll ask you one last time, Meng Qing. Are you going to let me go or not?"    


Lin Feng stood in front of the palace and looked at Empress Snow with cold and serious eyes as he asked the last question.    


However, the Empress Snow had already decided to make her preparations. Even if she would rather destroy Meng Qing, she would never allow this pair of lovers to be fulfilled. This was something that she absolutely could not bear. What she wanted was to destroy the pair of lovers. The more loving they were, the more they had to be destroyed!    


Destroy, destroy!    


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