The Strongest Skill System

C376 Betting

C376 Betting

Seeing Shen Mengyao and Mo Fei picking which horse he should ride, Ye Mo had no choice but to agree to enter.    


The surrounding people looked at Ye Mo in shock once again. What luck did that guy have?    


Following Tang Yue's lead, they all rented horse riding gear and clothes, and all of them changed into the capable and fit British Knight attire.    


"Welcome to Gwyneth Horse Craftsman Field. My name is Harris, I'm a consultant tourist here …"    


Every time someone came into the stable, if not a member, Harris would come in and introduce the visitors to the horse species and some safety information.    


"Take her, Queen Nitia!"    


Shen Mengyao pointed to a white horse: "I used to ride with my dad, but he got busier and busier, so he didn't have time to accompany me! Look, Ye Mo, she's so beautiful! "    


Ye Mo nodded.    


"Queen Nitia is rather docile and is very suitable for young girls to ride. There is also a stallion there, called Percy. He's also very obedient. I, Jianyi, want to ride him!"    


Harris saw that Ye Mo was pretending, so he introduced him to a horse that a ten-year-old could ride. Would he dare to look around while he was introducing the horse and not listen?    


Ye Mo shook his head.    


Tang Yue walked over, "It seems like Brother Ye Mo doesn't understand horses!"    


"Oh, you understand?"    


"What a joke, although Young Master Tang is not a member of this place, his horse riding skills are top-notch. He once won a gold medal in a youth equestrian competition, and his family also has two strong horses …"    


The boy that followed Tang Yue talked with great confidence, and explained how Tang Yue could tame a fierce horse to the point where he was beaming with joy.    


Some of the tourists that spent money to come in were shocked when they heard that, and they all looked at Tang Yue with respect.    


Tang Yue then replied gracefully, "Ye Mo, pick one?"    


He had wanted to get him on the horse and then find a chance to teach him a lesson.    


However, Ye Mo looked at all the horses on the field and shook his head: "Too docile. There's nothing suitable for me to ride. I'll just lead the horses for Shen Mengyao."    


What? F * ck!    


Some of the tourists that were getting ready to mount the horse heard Ye Mo and couldn't help but shake their heads: he was just a country bumpkin, so he wasn't suitable for such a noble sport.    


Tang Yue's face flashed with disdain, "Too meek? Brother Ye Mo, you really don't understand horses. "    


Harris froze for a moment, then immediately said, "Sir, please allow me to introduce Tao Nji, he's a Mongolian Three Rivers Fierce Horse …"    


Harris pointed to a stallion about six feet tall, and told how it had become the treasure of the field.    


After he finished speaking, Tang Yue looked at Ye Mo and said,    


"Mr. Taunji, who needs six Mongol men to cover him, is not he good enough for you?    


"Even I don't dare to challenge him. Brother Ye Mo, your riding skills are really superb. Why don't you show us a few moves to broaden our horizons?"    


Tang Yue had already predicted that Ye Mo didn't know how to ride a horse. Otherwise, he wouldn't have said such words at such an occasion. It would be embarrassing for him, so he purposely provoked Ye Mo to make a fool out of himself.    


A male student received Tang Yue's signal and immediately cast a contemptuous look at Ye Mo. "If you can't ride a horse …"    


"Who said I can't ride?"    


Ye Mo interrupted the boy's words.    


Tang Yue's brows rose: I got it!    


"Since you can ride, how about we compete? Pick one of the horses here, and we'll have a equestrian contest! "    


With that, Tang Yue waited for Ye Mo's reply.    


Shen Mengyao had never heard Ye Mo say that he could ride a horse. Furthermore, his performance just now had proven that he was really pretending!    


If he really agreed to Tang Yue's request, she would be very heartbroken if he fell off the horse and got hurt.    


So he walked over and said, "Tang Yue, aren't you ashamed to use your short sword to compete with Ye Mo?    


"Ye Mo, let's go. I will walk the horse in the stable with you. I won't play with him!"    


If Shen Mengyao knew that Ye Mo couldn't even shoot his gun to death, she wouldn't suspect Ye Mo here.    


"Could it be that you're a scumbag that's hiding behind a woman?"    


Tang Yue tried again.    


Ye Mo smiled, "Sure, I'll compete with you!"    


Shen Mengyao panicked, "Ye Mo, are you crazy?"    


Ye Mo gave Shen Mengyao a warm look. "Rest assured!"    


Then, he turned around to look at Tang Yue: "Let's have a bet like this, shall we?"    


Tang Yue was waiting for Ye Mo to take the bait and now he wanted to gamble again. That made him even more excited. "Okay, what do you have that you can gamble with?"    


Ye Mo pointed at Bai Da Fei Li on Tang Yue's wrist: "How much is your watch? It looks like it's worth 299, right? "    


"What?" "Hahahaha ~ ~"    


Tang Yue and his buddies all laughed.    


There were some tourists who understood what was going on, so they immediately saw that the watch was worth a lot.    


One by one, they threw a contemptuous look at Ye Mo. Poverty restricted his vision.    


Even Shen Mengyao felt a little embarrassed for Ye Mo. That was a world-famous watch, and in his eyes, it was only worth 299?    


However, in Tang Yue's eyes, Ye Mo seemed even more lame. If he didn't even know this, how could he have the nerve to flirt with a school beauty?    


"This Bai Da Fei Li, five hundred thousand!" Tang Yue said proudly.    


"So expensive?" Then let's bet on this! "    


Tang Yue's eyebrows jumped: "Then what can you use as your bet?"    


"Hmm ~" Ye Mo pretended to think.    


Tang Yue immediately grabbed the opportunity: "How about this, I'll give my watch to you if I lose. If I win, you only agree to two conditions, how about that?"    




Ye Mo agreed straightforwardly.    


My god, cold sweat broke out on the other tourists' foreheads again. Five hundred thousand!    


This was a huge gamble.    


He was the champion of horse riding, so even if that poor brat sold him, he wouldn't be able to take out five hundred thousand, right?    


Shen Mengyao became anxious again, "Ye Mo, why did you agree without asking?"    


She nagged like a nagging good wife and mother, feeling ashamed of Ye Mo's extravagance.    


"No need, because I... It's impossible for me to lose! "    


Ye Mo was full of momentum.    


"Good, very good!"    


Wu Tie immediately shouted. He didn't want Shen Mengyao to persuade Ye Mo again, so he reluctantly decided to stop gambling when he woke up.    


"Pick your horse!" Compared to me, which one? "    


Ye Mo didn't even think and directly pointed at the Percy introduced by Harris: "Let's do it!"    


"Did I hear wrong?"    


Tang Yue shouted and laughed out loud.    


"You want to use this worst horse to compete with me in horsemanship?    


Are you here to be funny?    


"Let me tell you, I took 500,000 as a wager. When the time comes, don't go back on your word, or else …"    


As he finished his sentence with a smile, his face was filled with a cold expression.    


The others also shook their heads. This guy was definitely going to lose.    


Harris also said, "Mr Ye, Percy is only slightly more intelligent than those obstacles, and he's never been trained in horse riding. You chose Percy because you want to lose to this Mr. Tang!"    


"Let's talk about it after the competition!"    


Ye Mo walked over and mounted on Percy's low horse like a hero of war.    


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