The Strongest Skill System

C240 Speech Site

C240 Speech Site

At the lecture venue.    


Ye Mo and Ma Ke got off the car together. Before getting off, Ma Ke gave Ye Mo a work plate. When people saw the name Mo Ye on the work sheet, they became excited.    


"Ah ~"    


Many people began to shout out in surprise. The young people shook their heads as they shouted, this was the only way they could vent the joy in their hearts.    


There were even a few people who fainted due to being too excited.    


This was not an exaggeration. It was something that came from the depths of their hearts. They did not want to suppress their emotions and let out their emotions in a crazed manner.    


Their bodies could only use fainting to protect themselves, otherwise, it would be very easy for them to suddenly die.    


The older man sobbed and held out his hand like "You're finally here."    


Although Ye Mo was wearing a face mask, this didn't affect their affection for him.    


The police, now maintaining order, led them to the stage.    


On the stage, there were a dozen or so men and women dressed more seriously, both white and black.    


Seeing Ma Ke and Mo Ye's arrival, they all stood up to welcome them.    


Surprisingly, Ye Mo knew these people. They were all famous entertainment and sports celebrities, including Denzel Washington, Will Smith, and O'Neill.    


These people were all heavyweight figures in the sports world and Entertainment Circle.    


There were even two white politicians who frequently appeared on television, as well as two white business leaders.    


Although they had come in an ordinary and personal capacity, they had given this speech quite a bit of appeal and attention.    


Although under the pressure of the tycoons like Hiederer, some of America's mainstream media did not report on this speech, it gave those small media a chance to see the viewership ratings rise to the top twenty in the entire country.    


These influential public figures had become loyal followers of Ye Mo today. They did not put on airs and treated Ye Mo with respect.    


He didn't feel that it was inappropriate for Ye Mo to wear a mask to let them meet each other.    


After introducing them one by one, Ma Ke walked up to the podium.    


"Thank you for coming today."    


Just now, the attack on Ma Ke's group had delayed them for a while, so when they arrived, he immediately began his speech.    


When the excited crowd heard the sound, they gradually quietened down.    


"You must already know what happened to us. I'm sorry I came late, but thank you for making this speech even more sacred.    


They will not succeed, because there is more than one Mark in the world, and the idea of freedom will never be defeated. "    


On the stage, Mark said, his voice playing so loud that every corner of the room could be heard.    


And right now, everyone was very quiet, because this wasn't a concert where people quietly listened to the directions of their thoughts, which was the hope for them to overcome their oppression.    


"Today, we have gathered together to struggle fiercely against the greatest of mankind …"    


Ma Ke's speech was impassioned and many people felt their blood boil as they listened to him. All they felt was that their ambition had yet to be realized.    


In the process, when Mark told stories of inequality, many people cried,    


When the speech was over, everyone gave him warm cheers and applause.    


"Next, we would like to invite thinker Mo Ye, who provides us with our greatest ideas, to give us a speech!"    


Mark introduced.    


"Ah!" "Mo Ye, Mo Ye, Mo Ye …    


They waved the sign with Mo Ye's name written on it. When Mo Ye arrived in front of the lecture theater, everyone became quiet.    


"I'm sorry to have to wear makeup like this today, but I know you're all confused as to why I'm wearing a mask."    


Below the stage, everyone looked at Ye Mo with reverence, waiting for his explanation.    


"It's not that I'm afraid of being seen, but that the enemy will chase me to the ends of the earth."    


At this moment, everyone laughed.    


"I am not afraid of being hunted because I know Chinese martial arts."    


Ye Mo gestured to Ma Ke and the latter stood up and said, "It was Mo Mr Ye who saved me when we were attacked. God bless Mo Mr Ye. "    


"The reason why I'm wearing a mask is because I don't want you all to worship me.    


If you really want an idol, then Mark is perfect. But don't misunderstand, I'm not detesting you. "    


Looking at the disappointed faces below the stage, Ye Mo continued to explain.    


"So you want to give us a feeling of mystery?" a black child suddenly asked mischievously.    




Ye Mo answered, "I just hope that when you struggle for freedom, I don't appear in your minds. I just hope that you can think of the article I wrote, the ideas that were conveyed to you, and the spirit that strives for equality."    


Walla ~ ~    


Below the stage, everyone quickly gave Ye Mo warm applause and screams.    


How many people were unable to make such selfless sacrifices? They wished they could immediately slap themselves in the face to earn a lot of money.    


However, Mo Ye didn't do that. His abandonment was great.    


Now, they truly believed that Mo Ye was the Pope sent by the heavens. He came to this world not to pursue fame and fortune, but to spread the flames of his spirit.    


At this moment, no one noticed that a helicopter was slowly approaching the podium. When the doors were facing them, someone suddenly picked up a rocket launcher and fired it directly at the podium.    


Kill one Mark, and millions more.    


Kill Mo Ye, there will never be Mo Ye in this world again!    


If it wasn't for Mo Ye, many people would rather throw their jobs away and meet on the street, or even strike and ask to amend the equality contract, perhaps no capitalist would be willing to spend a large sum of money to assassinate Mo Ye at the risk of his exposure.    


Because of Mo Ye, they had already lost a lot of US dollars. If the one who stood out died, no one would dare to make a sound. At least they could slow down the losses and even start to recover.    


Therefore, the rocket launcher was not aimed at Ma Ke, but at Mo Ye.    


The smoke from the artillery shells quickly caught the attention of the people. They screamed as some people ran out of the field while others wanted to rush through the fence to protect Mo Ye.    


However, their speed was clearly slower than the cannons.    


The other celebrities at the podium also fell to the ground. Denzel, Washington, Wilsmith and Ma Ke all charged at Mo Ye at the same time.    


However, they were still quite a distance away from Mo Ye, and their speed couldn't be faster than a cannonball.    


The cannonball's speed reached three hundred meters per second.    


Mo Ye seemed to be waiting to become a real 'god'.    


In front of the television, the Heidelers watched this scene with excitement.    


"Iron Bomb Hiring Regiment? I didn't expect you to hire them. " Heidler said to Hella beside him.    


"I already told you that my killer Jane is a hundred times stronger than those sissies you found."    


"Father, you are really getting old." Ryan said in due course. The intention seems obvious.    


"What, you want to take the family business away from me now? Do not forget that you are not the only son. "    


Hearing his father's words, Ryan's face twitched with a smile.    


Hella said, "Shut up, Heidler. If those doctors are here, you'd better not say anything like that..." "My family will not admit to the bastard of your affairs."    


"When you were young, you said you were going to give me freedom to run the family business, so I enjoyed my rights. You're responsible for this."    


Heidler had once said that whatever accident killed any of his illegitimate children, his property belonging to Ryan in a hundred years would be reduced by twenty percent.    


Now that Heidler knew he was old and had been caught in a rape attempt, he had to hand over some of his management to Hella again, in order not to interfere with the collapse of the company's stock, on the condition that his illegitimate sons get a generous helping hand.    


And he had to pay for the best law in the world to defend him.    


But Hella, apart from hiring her best lawyer, ignored the illegitimate children of Heideler.    


The most aggrieved of all should have been Ryan. Originally, he should have been the one to take over all of the Heidler Family's assets, but because of his father's stupidity, he had divided his rights. This old man deserved to die a thousand deaths.    


So Ryan, a little angry, suddenly came over and grabbed him by the collar and said, "I'm the first-in-line heir. If your bastards want to live a good life, you should forget them now and tell yourself you only have one son."    


"Oh hahaha …" You are truly my good son. As long as I am alive, you can forget about obtaining my power. "    


"Yes, yes, yes, you're still young. I still have a lot to learn." Ryan said coldly, his eyes full of killing intent.    


Suddenly, Hera took a deep breath and covered her mouth with her hands. She stared at the TV, almost popping out, because the situation had already reversed itself.    


The rocket launcher is a killing machine.    


Unfortunately, it met Ye Mo.    


In the midst of everyone's despair, it shot towards the place where Ye Mo stood, as if everything was settled.    


However, Ye Mo wasn't surprised at all. He did something that no one could see clearly.    


Before anyone could react, the shell had already started flying back.    


No one knew what exactly had happened in that instant.    


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