My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C1223 Odd Guest

C1223 Odd Guest

Hearing Ron's explanation, Cai Ning and Rose were a little nervous, but they weren't afraid. It was just that the moment they arrived, there were signs of violence, it was simply too exciting!    


Fidel, who was sitting in front, was very uneasy. He had arranged Yang Chen's trip to the Kaiser Meet under his father's orders, but from the very beginning, he encountered a bunch of freaks who were afraid that Yang Chen would blame him.    


"Father, we have booked a total of three VIP suites at the Federico Hotel, with the exception of those belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Pluto.    


"The other two are for the Sea Hawk elite fighters. I am worried that there will be a fierce conflict between the members of the Sea Hawk team and each other if they arrive."    


Ron frowned, "You don't have to be nervous. This matter isn't your fault. We should be able to get there quickly. The members of the Ocean Eagle Group should not have arrived yet. "    


Rose couldn't help but ask, "Mr. Ron, this time, our side is sending all the members of the Sea Eagle Mercenary Group, right?"    


Ron explained with a smile, "Madam, the choice of personnel is decided by Soren. Although the team uses the name of Sea Eagle, the internal members come from all kinds of forces under the command of Sir Pluto, including the killers in ZERO.    


It's just that we can't possibly hurt our own people, so we gathered in one group. For each Kaiser's conference, the Warriors who made the greatest progress and were ranked higher in terms of strength will be selected as well. "    


"When I was in Zhonghai, I knew Mo Lin and the others from the Eagle Squad. What level of warrior is Mo Lin in the sea eagle?" Rose curiously asked.    


Ron thought for a while, but didn't say anything when he saw Yang Chen dozing off. He could only continue, "Captain Mo Lin is in charge of northern European affairs. In fact, he specializes in snowfield operations, command, and other projects. As for combat, he is one of the best in the Sea Hawks, but he is not at the top rank of Sea Hawks nor the top assassins in ZERO.    


After all, in addition to their outstanding combat skills, many of the elite soldiers are inheritors of ancient powers and Adepts. Their strength actually surpasses that of ordinary humans. "    


Hearing this, Rose revealed a face of joy, she was very clear that Mo Lin's group wasn't the strongest when they used their full strength, and even couldn't wait to meet the representative team on Yang Chen's side.    


Yang Chen looked at the woman's elation and lamented in his heart. People are really different, they're both women. Lin Ruoxi always told him not to fight and not to kill, but if it was Rose, she probably wanted to kill an expert and solve the problem violently.    


As for what those guys in the white cloak were doing at the Federico Hotel, Yang Chen didn't care too much. He had seen a lot of storms, and he believed that things would turn around at the right time.    


After a while, the Bentley arrived at the luxurious Federico Hotel.    


They were already at the seaside. The sun was low in the sky and the sea breeze was salty. The atmosphere was cozy and warm.    


Outside the hotel, there were a large number of antique cars, indicating the slow pace of life.    


It was a calm painting, and if it wasn't for the bloodstains from the battle outside the hotel, the crowd of hotel tourists and the strong mercenaries, it wouldn't have looked so incongruous.    


The moment Yang Chen and the others got off the car, they saw a few ambulances carrying seven to eight injured mercenaries covered in blood.    


The owner of the hotel was a potbellied Arab who prayed to Allah to protect the mercenaries who stood up for his hotel.    


"Hassan, what's the situation?" Fedor was the first to walk over.    


The owner of the hotel, Hassan, was obviously familiar with Fedor, and he looked pained. "God bless you, Mr. Fedor, you are finally here. Forgive me for being incompetent, but I am unable to keep the proper VIP suite for you. The attitude of those people is so outrageous that I have to think about the lives of my employees. "    


"No one died."    


Hassan happily patted his chest, "Yes, although those kind mercenary warriors were injured, they are not in danger of dying. "Perhaps those people also took into account the fact that the rules of the Kaiser Conference will be disqualified from participating in the Kaiser Conference if you kill someone."    


"That's good …" Fedor breathed a sigh of relief.    


"Where are they?" Ron walked over and asked.    


Seeing Ron, Hassan immediately bowed respectfully, "Oh, that's great, you've come too, President Ron! They are in the VIP suite. "    


Ron nodded, turned around and said to Liu Tie, "Sir Pluto, I will lead the men there now. Tell them clearly, they shouldn't make enemies with the Mafia alliance on the island just for the room."    


Yang Chen didn't really think so, but the old man clearly wanted to protect his face, and he couldn't deny him the face of a landlord.    


"Leave it to us!"    


At this moment, several men and women with different figures got out of a black Dodge business car that had just arrived.    


A muscular white man with a bald head, with yellow teeth bared, shouted with a brilliant smile.    


Following closely behind the bald man was a slender Asian woman with the skin color of wheat and black hair. There was also a young Caucasian man with long hair with triangular eyes who looked very evil.    


The most striking contrasts were a fair haired white girl and a tall, skinny black man. They walked over together, which was extremely attractive.    


These five people wore all sorts of clothes, like they were five different groups of tourists on vacation that didn't match at all.    


When the five of them arrived in front of Yang Chen at the same time, they suppressed their excitement and bowed. Only then did everyone come back to their senses.    


"Sir Pluto, it's an honor for you to come watch us compete this time." The bald white man said with a nervous smile.    


Yang Chen looked at the three men and two women with interest, "You are the elites that were selected by Soren to participate in this competition?"    


"Yes, Sir Pluto. We are serious. If you don't believe me, General Soren will come here later. You will know when the time comes." The Caucasian woman was not afraid of Yang Chen and said excitedly.    


Baldy's eyes signaled the girl not to be rude, and then he said to Ron: "Mr. Ron, allow me to introduce you. I'm the leader of this team, my name is Nasri and I'm from the Eastern European branch of the Sea Eagle Division.    


We've already received the notice, since our room has been robbed, let's go and take it back. "    


Ron had never seen Soren pick these five people before. Now that he knew they were the elites of this year's competition, there was nothing he could say about settling this matter.    


The bald Nasri walked up to the owner, Hassan, and asked for the exact location of the room. Then he glanced at a balcony on the fifth floor.    


Under the gaze of some of the surrounding mercenary warriors, Nasri's seemingly clumsy body unexpectedly jumped with ease and shot straight towards the twenty-meter tall balcony!    


However, this aspect of his body was not surprising. Many of the mercenaries were curious to see if Nasri would be able to defeat that group of strange men.    


Nasri came to the balcony and pushed open the glass door. However, just as he was about to step in, he heard a furious roar from him!    




Just as Nasri was about to step in, a white figure flashed and landed right on his chest!    


Nasri's body was like a cannonball as it flew out from the fifth floor and into the balcony's railing!    


Ron, Feddero, and the others' expressions changed. This skill was not something that the mafia like them could face. It was too fast for them to recognize!    


However, Nasri was also caught off guard. Although he was sent flying, he did not suffer any injuries. Under the astonished gazes of many people, Nasri stabilized his position in midair and landed heavily on the ground with both feet!    




After a muffled bang, Nasri actually smashed apart the mud on the ground with his two feet!    


The clothes on the chest that was hit had a cut on it, but there was no damage to it physically.    


Yang Chen's eyes lit up. Although it was just a split-second scene, he didn't miss it – he didn't expect this seemingly reckless bald man to be a special ability user …    


That white figure naturally didn't cause any damage to Nasri. He also gracefully flew down from the fifth floor.    


From the other two guest suites on the fifth floor, four figures with white cloaks and golden masks appeared.    


This time, Yang Chen and the others finally saw clearly what these weirdos were dressed in.    


It was a snow-white cloak, but there were also strange golden lines, as if it was a drawing of some complicated rune. Under the hood, the golden mask only revealed two eyes. One could not see the slightest bit of their faces!    


However, what caught Yang Chen's attention wasn't the clothes and masks on their bodies, but the eye-catching tattoos on the backs of each of their hands …    


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