My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C1198 You Still Don't Get It

C1198 You Still Don't Get It

The energy body that had been unable to resist for a long time could no longer withstand a single blow!    


Hydantoin Hotz laughed complacently. His body was like a straight beam of light. After he landed vertically, the moment he was about to reach the ground, he refracted 90 degrees towards Udinese!    


Udinese saw that something was wrong, he immediately summoned his two energy wolves to block the attack!    


However, Hydantoin Hotz disregarded it as if it was nothing. His tyrannical body smashed apart the war wolf and landed a punch on Udinese's abdomen!    


Like a cannonball being fired, Udinese roared in pain. After flying straight out, he broke through two walls, and only after leaving a deep gully in the ground did he finally barely stop!    


Hydantoin Hotz, however, did not fall behind. The moment Udinese stood up, he quickly followed and pushed Udinese to the left!    


Once the power of the devil was augmented, Hydantoin Hotz's third generation Blood Clan, that of a demigod, would be equivalent to the power of a deity!    


Udinese did not get any advantage physically. Facing this kind of absolute clash of forces, he was at a complete disadvantage!    


Although he had a poison bottle in his hand, this poison bottle was an ultimate skill in group battles. Against such a powerful and one-on-one saint artifact like the Vicious Key, it was completely useless!    


After a few consecutive attacks, Udinese's entire body was covered in blood.    


Even if three generations of Blood Clan had the powerful self-recovery ability, allowing him to look completely fine, the weakness of his body was obvious!    


Soon, Udinese's body started trembling non-stop!    


Due to the poison bottle user, Udinese's body was weak. His ability to control the poison bottle began to decrease, and the black energy body began to rapidly disappear.    


"Looks like the outcome of this match is decided. Udinese, if you, the Brooks, were to die after today, you would be doomed to decline. Tsk tsk, this is not Europe, no one can save you."    


Hydantoin Hotz burst into laughter. He wasn't in a hurry to give Udinese a fatal blow. In a flash, he arrived beside Lin Ruoxi.    


Lin Ruoxi was shocked. She glanced at Hydantoin Hotz, who was in the shape of a demon, and trembled, not daring to raise her head.    


"Hmph! Miss, there's no need to be afraid. Soon, you won't feel any more fear. I'll gently suck all the blood in your body …"    


Hydantoin Hotz smiled sinisterly. He opened his hand and the nails on it grew even longer.    


A grab!    


It directly held onto Lin Ruoxi's waist and lifted her up steadily!    


Because of the sharpness of her nails, even if it was only held close to the side, a part of it still cut into the delicate skin of the woman's waist!    


The bright red blood, soaked in the white nightgown, dyed bright red …    


Lin Ruoxi moaned in pain and bit her lips in an attempt to struggle free. However, she found that it would only cause her unbearable pain, as if Hydantoin Hotz's demonic nails could pierce her body at any time!    


Smelling the blood that flowed out from the woman, Hydantoin Hotz's pair of bloodshot devil eyes were filled with a brutal and murderous glint!    


"I already said this prey belongs to me tonight!    


Udinese, you just stay there and watch. I'll kill you after I finish enjoying this delicious meal! "    


Then, Hydantoin Hotz opened his mouth and his fangs looked extremely cold under the moonlight.    


Lin Ruoxi felt that her breathing had also stopped. If the two fangs were to land on her neck, they would undoubtedly break it in an instant!    


She did not dare to open her eyes. Even if she wanted to commit suicide, it was already too late!    


Amidst his maniacal laughter, Hydantoin Hotz finally bit onto the blood vessel in Lin Ruoxi's neck!    


Right at the moment when all the Blood Clan were watching this scene, Hydantoin Hotz let out an extremely miserable scream!    


Then, in the next moment, all the Blood Clan s realized that a figure that didn't seem very tall, had appeared behind Hydantoin Hotz's back without them realizing!    


And Hydantoin Hotz's arm that was holding the woman was actually cut off by that person's hand!    


The crook of the arm covered with muscles was cut off cleanly from the root by an unknown force. The breaking of the arm caused Hydantoin Hotz to fly backwards in pain!    


"You … Who are you! Why are you here!? "    


New muscles rapidly grew on Hydantoin Hotz's arm where it broke. The recovery ability of his Blood Clan was incomparably strong.    


However, he wasn't afraid of losing an arm. His arm could grow back, but the problem was that he didn't realize that someone had just gotten close to him!    


What was even more terrifying was that this eastern man didn't even notice how he had attacked him!    


This ability to conceal his presence, as well as the speed that was as fast as lightning, and the extreme brutality of his power made Hydantoin Hotz's blood vessels open up all over his body!    


Yang Chen, who looked like a thousand-year-old cold pond, did not answer this Blood Clan question.    


Yang Chen casually threw the withered arm onto the ground.    


Lin Ruoxi's entire body went limp as she fell to the ground without the slightest ounce of strength. She stared blankly at the man before her.    


Although she hoped that this man would appear, just like how she had saved him countless times in the past, when she saw him, she felt another indescribable feeling.    


Ecstasy? Astonishment? Unbelievable?    


Lin Ruoxi didn't know how to describe it, so she could only whimper …    


Seeing this, it was as if he had blocked Yin and Yang, and had crossed thousands of years.    


Yang Chen was indifferent to the sobbing of the woman. He did not help the woman up from the cold ground, as if he was too lazy to respond.    


Yet in the eyes of all the Blood Clan, this man from the east who wore ordinary clothes, looked more and more like a bottomless black hole. All of the darkness began to converge towards him …    


A baleful aura that was even more terrifying than that of the Gates of Hell in midair, and even ruthless and deathly aura, caused these dark creatures to begin to tremble with fear!    


Some of the dukes present were also experts that had experienced thousands of years. In the long run, they were well aware that this aura wasn't natural! It was formed by constant killing!    


In these few seconds, the Blood Clan of Hydantoin Hotz and Udinese finally recalled the appearance of a certain person …    


It seemed like … It looked very similar to the man in front of him!    




Udinese called out with some hesitation, then the other Blood Clan suddenly woke up!    


When Hydantoin Hotz heard Udinese's shout, he immediately confirmed what he was thinking!    


After all, Yang Chen was the Blood Clan Prince and he had interacted with Blood Clan many times before, so they naturally understood Yang Chen's appearance. However, his sudden appearance was something he could not recall.    


After Hydantoin Hotz was confirmed, he immediately felt a bit weak. Although his own strength was no different from a god's, as the devil possessed his body, he was, after all, facing a true God.    


"So it's Sir Pluto. For some unknown reason, he wanted to break my arm. Our Sa Ba Te shouldn't have any grudges with the gods, right?" Hydantoin Hotz tried to probe.    


Yang Chen stood on the spot. His suit jacket flapped in the wind. His emotionless face didn't change at all.    


Yang Chen raised his left hand and crooked his finger at Hydantoin Hotz.    


"Come here and die."    


These two simple words were spoken very slowly and softly, but it made Hydantoin Hotz's face change drastically!    


"Sir Pluto, please don't make such a silly joke. Although I toast you, it doesn't mean that we, the Super Armor, are easily humiliated! We are not the fools who are at the mercy of others. Even if you want to fight me, you must at least have a reason! "    


Hydantoin Hotz suddenly laughed and said: "Could it be because of Sir Love God's' Charm Belt '? If that was the case, then the belt would be right under the gully. Lord Pluto could take it all and give it to Lord God of Love. We, the Sa Ba Te, do not have to be hurt by this. "    


Yang Chen acted as if he didn't hear it and continued to crook his hands, "Come here, die …"    


An even greater sense of oppression, like a tsunami, seemed to want to drown Hydantoin Hotz!    


Even from far away, the other Blood Clan s could sense that the current Yang Chen was like a towering mountain that was about to crush Hydantoin Hotz!    


A kind of powerless mind, caused the Blood Clan s to be incomparably humiliated at the same time, yet they didn't dare to make the slightest sound.    


As Hydantoin Hotz trembled, he was finally unable to endure the increasing fear in his rage. With a roar, he dodged the Demon's Wings and charged at Yang Chen like a ray of light!    


"You've gone too far!"    


Hydantoin Hotz's momentum was like a thousand kilograms, his devil wings had accelerated to the limit, so fast that other Blood Clan could not see him clearly at all. The surging power of the Infernal Demons brought about inferno!    


The demonic flames of hell instantly exploded like a black fireball, swallowing up the position where Yang Chen was standing!    


The terrifying shockwave caused Udinese and the other Blood Clan s to not dare to look straight at it!    


As the sand and rocks flew away, the marble ground began to crack inch by inch. Even the ground underneath was charred and carbonized!    


Waiting for everything to slowly dissipate, only then did a bunch of Blood Clan pass by.    


However, the scene that was unfolding before their eyes made them feel as if their hearts were about to shatter!    


A seemingly weak human arm was stretched horizontally horizontally, its front end's big hand was like a shackle that could imprison hell demons, firmly grabbing Hydantoin Hotz's head!    


Such ferocity, such surging hell power, yet it did not harm this man in the slightest! Even the woman behind him didn't seem to be affected at all!    


It was as if everything was just as he said — "Past, die!"    


Hydantoin Hotz was no longer able to think about his own situation. He had clearly used all of his strength and strength to unleash the Hellfire that he had prepared earlier, but now, he was grabbing his head in front of Yang Chen!    


Yang Chen, on the other hand, did not even move his feet. The piercing force that went through dozens of feet of marble was not effective in front of one of Yang Chen's large hands!    


Grabbing Hydantoin Hotz's forehead, Yang Chen indifferently said, "I only asked you to come here, I didn't ask you to do anything else."    


Hydantoin Hotz tried to move his head away from Yang Chen, but no matter what, he could not break away!    


In panic, Hydantoin Hotz flapped his devil wings towards Yang Chen's body!    


However, Yang Chen's right hand, at the moment it slapped over, ripped the meat out. Then, it tore it apart horizontally!    


Blood sprayed out wildly!    


A fleshy wing was pulled out from Hydantoin Hotz's back by Yang Chen!    


"It seems that you still don't understand …"    


Yang Chen tilted his head and said a few bland words before he sucked on Hydantoin Hotz's other wing. Hydantoin Hotz was unable to control his own wing, so it was sucked in!    


With another ripping sound, Hydantoin Hotz gasped. He couldn't even cry out in pain, his face was completely twisted!    


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