My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C1106 Derangement

C1106 Derangement

The head of the bodyguards who had lost his head fell onto the sofa like a pile of meat. Liu Yanxi, who was lying on the sofa, quickly rolled down as if she had seen a ghost!    


The woman was so frightened that she did not dare to make a sound. She panted rapidly, her face ashen, a large amount of blood flowing out of her eyes.    


Lee Jingjing tightly covered her mouth, her pair of beautiful eyes not daring to open.    


The Yang Chen in front of him was like a butcher standing on the execution ground. After wringing off that criminal's head, he held it in his hand as though he was holding a ball!    


When Yang Chen saw that some of the people had already started vomiting and fell limply to the ground, some of them peed on their pants due to fright and smiled mockingly.    


"Why? Didn't you say you'd rather die than submit? Didn't you say I'd kill you if I had the guts? What about your so-called Republic of Korea manhood? "    


The group of bodyguards looked at each other. Their hysterical fear had finally defeated their weak 'self-esteem'. Not to mention that once the man with a flat head died, all the leaders would be done for.    


All of a sudden, the dozen or so black-clothed men all fell in front of Yang Chen, kowtowing and kneeling, rubbing their hands while begging for forgiveness.    


Liu Yanxi was curled up in the corner of the sofa, trembling from head to toe. She only dared to glance at Yang Chen out of the corner of her eye.    


Yang Chen sneered and threw the head in his hands in front of Liu Yanxi!    




The woman screamed as she rolled her eyes and fainted!    


"You," Yang Chen waved towards the nearest bodyguard, "Do you know where the rest of the medicine is?"    


The bodyguard immediately nodded his head like a chick pecking rice.    


"Bring me all of them, and bring me all of the photographic equipment that you've prepared. Don't tell me that you haven't …" Yang Chen smiled evilly.    


How could the bodyguards dare to disobey? They could only hope that this devilish man would let them live.    


Not long later, a few bodyguards brought the remaining jar of Red Spiders in front of Yang Chen. Under Yang Chen's instructions, they set up another camera.    


Lee Jingjing tried her best to overcome her fear and whispered, "Brother Yang, let's go. Are we still going to stay?"    


Yang Chen turned his head and said, "How can I leave? I'm a man who will always take revenge. If you want to leave, then leave first. I want to do what I love to do."    


Yang Chen's voice was flat, as if he was too lazy to respond to Lee Jingjing.    


A trace of astonishment flashed through Lee Jingjing's eyes, but her expression seemed a bit despondent.    


Yang Chen didn't pay much attention to the woman. He called over a strong man and ordered, "Go and dissolve all the medicine. Everyone drink a cup and drink three cups for Liu Yanxi!"    




A group of bodyguards were overwhelmed with shock, standing there in a deadlock, not knowing what to do.    


They finally understood what Yang Chen meant. He wanted them to be together with their master, Liu Yanxi … Do what Liu Yanxi originally wanted Yang Chen and Lee Jingjing to do!    


As for those street girls who were supposed to play the Spring Palace together with Yang Chen, they didn't need to take too much medicine. After all, this was the reason why they were here.    


However, Yang Chen planned to change their target to this group of bodyguards.    


Thinking about it, the Korean Heavenly Queen Liu Yanxi and a bunch of hulks, in addition to the four or five street girls' collocation, could at least sell for tens of millions of copyright fees for this movie!    


Seeing that the bodyguards didn't dare to move, Yang Chen couldn't help but laugh: "You guys want to cut off your heads? Or do you want to stay alive and have a passionate night with your Miss Liu Yanxi? "    


This question was a little out of the question. The bodyguards didn't need to think too much to know which to choose!    


Although he would never be able to be a bodyguard in his life, it was still better than dying immediately!    


Not long after, the group of bodyguards followed Yang Chen's instructions and drank up the dissolved Red Spider. Someone else drank three cups for Liu Yanxi!    


Yang Chen personally took out the camera and positioned it so that Liu Yanxi could be surrounded by a group of hulks. He skinned this woman naked, exposing her flawless body under the lights in the bar!    


The few street girls obediently took off all their clothes and got entangled with the group of hulks. Almost all of the girls were intimate with the two or three hulks.    


At first, the bodyguards were embarrassed, but the moment the medicine was applied, they felt their heads heating up. They didn't care if there were people patting them or not, as they rushed forward to cut off the women, and took over every inch of their skin like wolves and tigers!    


Very quickly, the bodyguards were all wearing clothes, they took out their penises and madly made love to the group of girls.    


A few particularly bold bodyguards had long taken Liu Yanxi over and started their fierce conquest!    


Liu Yanxi, who was initially unconscious, had just woken up to the intense medicinal effects of the pill. She realized that her four bodyguards had violated her from top to bottom, making her completely rational!    


Since Liu Yanxi's charm was far greater than that of the other street girls, the bodyguards were especially eager to enjoy her lovely body.    


Before long, Liu Yanxi let out a tragic wail. It was actually a bodyguard who was at her back, thrusting towards her anus!    


However, very quickly, the medicinal effect submerged the pain. Liu Yanxi's face flushed red, and she revealed an enchanting smile that was filled with incomparable desire. All sorts of exaggerated and lowly postures were revealed one by one …    


Yang Chen, who was filming on the side with great interest, had unknowingly filmed for more than half an hour!    


Due to the effects of the medicine, the group of Korean men were all full of vigor and did not have any intention of stopping!    


The entire bar was filled with the roars of men and women, as well as a disgusting smell.    


Lee Jingjing's beautiful face turned red. It was unbelievable that Yang Chen would treat these people like that!    


This was the first time she had seen such a cruel and merciless way to kill someone. This was the first time she saw such a cruel and vicious way to torture someone!    


However, all of this was caused by the man that she dreamt of!    


Lee Jingjing realized there were too many differences between Yang Chen and the image in her mind. Had she never met the real him before?    


Yang Chen's cold attitude made Lee Jingjing, who thought that Yang Chen was very concerned about her, waver.    


After nearly an hour, Yang Chen felt that the filming length was about the same, and the group of men and women were also almost exhausted, so he took out the memory card from the camera.    


Liu Yanxi's body was covered in bruises and bruises. The pair of legs she wore on her chest seemed to have gone limp, giving off a strange male scent.    


Liu Yanxi's eyes had already become completely numb and empty.    


The woman would never have thought that her evil intentions would be exchanged for such a painful result!    


She could not imagine how she would face her future. She even wanted to kill herself with a single slash, but … In the end, she was still afraid of death!    


Yang Chen walked in front of the woman and gently shook the memory card in his hand. He smiled innocently and said, "I hope you will behave yourself. In that case, this video will just become my personal collection.    


"If you do something that makes me unhappy and Zhen Xiu unhappy, then I can only say that besides doing you harm yourself, I won't have the slightest bit of trouble."    


With that, Yang Chen whistled and leisurely walked out of the bar.    


Liu Yanxi watched Yang Chen walk away. Other than despair, she could no longer hold back her desire for revenge.    


The door to the bar had been locked from the beginning until now.    


Lee Jingjing hurriedly ran out with Yang Chen. She didn't want to stay in such a hellish place for even a second longer!    


There were only a few people walking on the street outside the bar. The chilly wind was blowing on the street, sending chills down one's spine.    


Yang Chen walked ahead by himself, planning to take a taxi to a place with a lot of traffic at the intersection.    


Lee Jingjing followed behind him and gathered up her courage. She forced a smile and said, "Brother Yang, thank you for saving me …"    


Yang Chen answered without any expression, he turned around and said, "No need to resist, I know you are afraid of me, and I also feel that I am a psychopath, a psychopath, but I don't care, this is the real me. What happened today in my world was completely normal. "    


"How could that be?" Lee Jingjing tried her best to hold back her tears and smiled, "Brother Yang, you are trying to scare me. You are a good person and you helped my parents. I know you have a kind heart."    


Yang Chen chuckled, "Are you really that crazy? Look at what I did to Liu Yanxi today. Do you think it's my first time doing it? I'm not afraid to tell you, if I wasn't married now, I would be the first to go up to Liu Yanxi and then throw her to another man. It's a pity to see that tender skin. "    


Lee Jingjing suddenly stopped where she was and couldn't help but burst into tears. She screamed at Yang Chen, "You lied to me!"    


Yang Chen laughed, "I lied to you? What would I lie to you about? It was you who always thought too highly of me. If you don't believe me, you can ask Ruoxi. You used to think I was a good person because I didn't show it in front of you.    


Lee Jingjing, you better clear your mind. I didn't accept you before, and I can't accept you now. You're too ordinary a woman, and you're not from the same world as me.    


If you want to ruin your life, you can lean on this bastard man's side again. Maybe one day, I'll want to change my taste and need your body …    


"Tsk tsk, to be honest, your body seems to have gotten a little fuller and more beautiful than a year ago."    


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