My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C501 Steamed Bun Face

C501 Steamed Bun Face

The texture of Lin Ruoxi's skin was excellent. It was smooth and smooth, like fine silk, which Yang Chen enjoyed very much.    


This sudden contact made Lin Ruoxi's face redden. Yang Chen teased her as if she was a girl.    


"You … What are you doing! " Luckily, no one else had seen it. She, a dignified CEO of a multinational company, was actually rubbed on the face like a little girl by a man.    


Yang Chen laughed and said mischievously: "Good boy Ruoxi, look ahead, we're in the city now. There's light now, do you want to buy some food for you? McDonald's? WENDY 'S? The Burger King, after all, we are eating fast food abroad, so we are living the lives of the common people abroad. If you want to go back to Paris for a better western meal, I will listen to you, haha... "    


Lin Ruoxi gritted her teeth. He changed the subject again, but she suddenly remembered something and asked, "Oh right, how do you know where this place is? Have you been here before?"    


Yang Chen exclaimed in his heart about how close he was to danger, so he didn't stick to his "touch". He explained: "Although the driver that brought us here purposely drove towards the northeast at the beginning, but he still mainly confused us just in case. When night fell, he changed his direction to the southeast and specially chose the forest road with few towns. It could be said that this was a very meticulous kidnapping. Even though they knew that there was no way for us to inform the outside world, they still did a lot of classified work.    


If it was conventional thinking, according to the route and time of the trip, we would have reached the area of Esperanza, in the northeast of Paris. But this kind of trick could only fool the average person, and it was still difficult to fool me, so based on my calculations, we should have reached Romey. And I had felt the heavy steam in the warehouse, and the faint sound of the river, so I guessed it was the Seine that ran through Romey. As for why I know these places, it's not because I've been there, it's just that... I memorized the map of the world. "    


He memorized the map of the world!?    


Even though Lin Ruoxi had seen a lot of brilliant people in the shopping mall, she still couldn't understand how Yang Chen did all this. She looked at Yang Chen with a complicated look for a while, it was hard to imagine that Yang Chen was her husband in name, or was "picked up" from the market.    


Lin Ruoxi turned her head and looked at the brightly lit night scenery of the city. The car was about to enter the city and muttered to herself, "Why is it that the more you explain, the more questions I feel like I don't understand."    


Yang Chen twitched his mouth, then took another drag from his cigarette. He threw the cigarette butt out the window and said: "It's actually very simple. Don't take me for a human, just treat me as a monster. Doesn't that make everything reasonable?"    


"Don't spout nonsense!" Lin Ruoxi raised her voice and reprimanded him.    


Yang Chen was stunned, he didn't understand why Lin Ruoxi had such a huge reaction.    


"You …" Lin Ruoxi knew that she had overreacted, but she still enunciated every word clearly. "You are not a monster. No matter how others view you, I don't look at you that way. You can't look at yourself that way."    


Seeing the serious look in the woman's eyes, Yang Chen grinned. "Idiot …"    


"You are the fool!" Lin Ruoxi said seriously.    


"Right, right. You are a fool, and I am also a fool. We are a foolish couple." Yang Chen laughed as he sped up his car, heading towards Romey City.    




Paris 13, a normal residential district. Residents' houses were scattered in the sparse lights.    


Most of the houses here had several decades of history, and the exquisite and exquisite sculptures were all unique, displaying the nation's long-established elegance.    


In a two-story building with a red roof and gray walls, a family of three sat around an oval dining table, enjoying the most mundane of household foods, such as bacon, mashed potatoes, and toast.    


Under the warm light, a boy about ten years old with curly yellow hair put down the spoon in his hand. He looked up at the tall man sitting beside him and said, "Dad, can we go to Disney on Sunday? Many of our classmates went over."    


"Harley, don't mess around. Daddy has been very busy recently." Harley's mother pretended to be angry and whispered.    


The burly man, Harley's father, had a full beard and reached out to tell his wife not to scare his son. He turned around and revealed a gentle smile, "Daddy has been very busy recently. Daddy will accompany Harley to see a flying car show in Disney after this month, okay?"    


Little Harley pouted, "But Daddy never has a time when he's not busy."    


Hearing the wronged voice of his son, the man couldn't bear to watch anymore. His wife at his side also felt helpless and sad, so she didn't say anything more.    


At that moment, the man's phone beside the table rang.    


The man looked at the caller ID, frowned, and picked up the phone.    


"I'm Fudesa. Is something the matter?"    


A short report came in from the other end of the phone, "Deputy Chief! We just received word from the police that the wealthy merchants and nobles who had disappeared earlier had been found in a warehouse on the banks of the Seine River in Romey. Reportedly, it was provided by an anonymous eyewitness. "We've already had the police block the news, and we've rescued those important guests as quickly as possible, but now there are many of them that express their anger, and their moods are very unstable …"    


Fudesa was silent for a while and then asked, "Did you find out where the kidnappers came from?"    


"Yes, as expected, it was done by the 'God's Domain' people under Apollo. We saw the Golden Sun totem on the dead kidnappers. However, the background information on these people, is also part of the organization 'Three Hounds of Hell of Hell'. According to the analysis, it is very likely that the 'Three Hounds of Hell of Hell' has already been submitted to the 'God's Domain'. "    


"Three Hounds of Hell?" A sharp glint flashed across Fudesa's eyes as he said: "Isn't that organization already on the verge of disbanding?"    


"That was indeed true before, but it is very clear that the Three Hounds of Hell elites that we had dealt a blow to earlier were most likely fake. The true core strength of the Three Hounds of Hell has not been destroyed yet."    


When Fudesa heard this, he clenched one of his hands into a fist and said, "I got it, you go and pacify those distinguished guests first, don't let this get out of hand. I'm going to the scene now... Oh right, does Chief Dai Puni know about this? "    


The staff on the other end of the phone hesitated for a moment before whispering, "Chief Dai Puni said to let you handle it. You can meet him again after it's settled..."    


Fudesa's face turned dark. He took a deep breath and hung up the phone.    


Seeing that her husband was in a bad mood, the woman asked worriedly, "Darling, did something happen?"    


Fudesa realized that he was at home. He forced a smile and said, "Don't worry, I'll go and take care of it. You guys continue eating. I have to go out."    


With that, Fudesa stood up, put on his coat and was about to leave, but after a few steps, he stopped.    


Fudesa turned around and looked at his son, Harley, who was anxiously looking at him, and revealed a doting smile, "Harley, dad promises you that after this month, I will bring you to Disney. After you summer vacation, dad will take you to take a vacation at Mediterranean Sea and take a cruise, okay?"    


"Really!?" The boy, who was on the verge of tears, was overjoyed.    


Fudesa nodded heavily and smiled at his wife before turning around and leaving …    


At the same time, on the N4 highway that led from Romey to Paris, Yang Chen and the others in the Bentley were in a different situation.    


In the middle of the coach, Gu Demann, who looked lifeless, was holding a bag of McDonald's packaged dishes and was in a daze.    


Opposite Gu Demann, Stern and Alice both got a bag of McDonald's, but the two of them were eating the chicken burger with relish.    


Ten minutes ago, Yang Chen drove into a McDonald's on the edge of the city and directly bought a few bags of McDonald's set through the car. Naturally, everyone in the car got a share.    


"Mr. Gu Demann, aren't you going to eat it? Actually, the hamburger is quite delicious too." Alice said with great interest.    


After all, they had grown up in a big family and would rarely come into contact with this kind of cheap fast food. Thus, the siblings were still quite interested in the food.    


Gu Demann said bitterly, "I really don't know what he is thinking. He actually bought such a thing. How can Ruoxi eat such a cheap thing? Also, how can this thing be used to entertain you two …"    


Stern, however, completely ignored Gu Demann's words. After finishing the hamburger in his hand, he clicked his tongue as if he wasn't satisfied. Seeing that Gu Demann wasn't eating, he directly snatched the bag from his hands.    


"Mr. Gu Demann, if you don't want to eat it, then give me yours!" Stern took out another hamburger from his bag and said with a smile.    


"Yeah, give me the chips as well, they're pretty good at McDonald's," Alice said happily.    


Gu Demann's eyes widened as he looked at the siblings. He was on the verge of tears. Although he felt that this thing was too low class, he didn't say that he wasn't hungry!    


At the moment, in Gu Demann's eyes, Lin Ruoxi, who was being "abused", was sitting in the front passenger seat with a double layer of cheeseburger that Yang Chen bought for her. She was hesitating on whether to eat it.    


Lin Ruoxi couldn't remember if she had ever eaten a hamburger before. This kind of food was considered foreign by most citizens within the China, and many even liked to sit in a McDonald's or KFC to enjoy their meals. But abroad, the biggest function of this fast food is to buy and eat quickly, most people just drive by when buying. After buying it, he ate it all in their car. There was nothing special about it.    


In terms of price, compared to Lin Ruoxi's body price, this kind of food was way too inferior.    


"Why aren't you eating? Your stomach was already growling just now. Aren't you hungry?" Yang Chen, who was driving with one hand and eating a hamburger with the other, asked when he saw that Lin Ruoxi didn't open her mouth.    


Lin Ruoxi bit her lips. She must be hungry. She hadn't eaten since she got off the plane. How could she not be hungry after half a day?    


"Did you do it on purpose?" Lin Ruoxi asked.    


"What do you mean?"    


Lin Ruoxi pointed at the thick beef burger in her hand. "This is so thick, how am I supposed to eat it?"    


"Of course, just like me." Yang Chen took another big bite as he spoke.    


"But, but that …" When Lin Ruoxi thought about how she had to open her mouth wide and bite such a hamburger, she found it especially difficult to open her mouth.    


Yang Chen said sourly, "Yo, my stomach is already growling from hunger, and I still have to take into account my ladylike appearance. You look down on hamburgers? That's true. Only a coarse person like me can eat this. "So my family's Ruoxi is actually a little sickly?"    


"You're the princess sick one. Don't take me for a child. There's no need to goad me into it. It's just a hamburger, childish …" When Lin Ruoxi heard Yang Chen's mockery, she felt upset. She glared at him hatefully before focusing her gaze on the hamburger in her hand once again.    


In the end, Lin Ruoxi simply closed her eyes, opened her mouth wide and bit into it.    


To be honest, the beef burger with the cheese was quite fragrant. Although it was easy to put on weight, it was hard to endure. Lin Ruoxi was originally hungry, so after taking a bite, she could not help but take big bites.    


It was Yang Chen's first time seeing Lin Ruoxi's cheeks bulge from eating. Her originally beautiful oval face now looked a bit like a "bun face".    


"Look at how much you've eaten." Yang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry. After finishing the food in his hand, he scratched the corner of Lin Ruoxi's mouth with his finger.    


Because she ate too fast, a lot of the white sauce remained in her mouth.    


When Lin Ruoxi saw the sauce on Yang Chen's finger scraping from the corner of her mouth, she really wanted to jump out of the car. This was too embarrassing.    


However, the scene that followed gave Lin Ruoxi the urge to run into a wall and die. She saw that Yang Chen actually sucked up all the sauce on his fingers very naturally!    


Lin Ruoxi was instantly overwhelmed with shyness and almost choked on herself.    


Yang Chen also realized that this action had a deep meaning to her, but he was quite thick-skinned and didn't feel anything. Seeing Lin Ruoxi beside him, whose ears had turned red in the dim light, he smiled evilly and said, "It's not like I've never kissed your mouth before. If you think you're at a disadvantage, then I'll just make you stick some sauce on my mouth and you'll lick it for me?"    


How could there be such a shameless person, but she knew that no matter how much she said it, she would suffer. She could only continue to vent all her resentment onto the hamburger in her hands and continue to eat it, but this time, Lin Ruoxi turned her back to him, not giving Yang Chen any chance to touch her face.    


Yang Chen didn't continue to joke around. He knew Lin Ruoxi was really hungry, so he had to take proper measures. He concentrated on looking at the highway in front of him as the Bentley sped towards Paris.    


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