My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C479 Wrongly Accused Honest Man

C479 Wrongly Accused Honest Man

The next morning, Yang Chen didn't go to work directly. After all, he had promised to pick up Jane's flight, so he had to be more sincere and go wait for her early.    


Entering the international airport to the station building, Yang Chen was half asleep and half looking around. Sitting in a chair in the corner, he finally caught a glimpse of a figure emerging from the crowd after an hour and a half.    


Jane was wearing a light brown knitted sweater and tight black jeans. She wore large sunglasses and her amber hair was as dazzling as the brightest silk.    


Even though most of her face was covered, it was still unable to stop most people's eyes from being forcefully pulled onto her body. However, no one dared to get too close, as if this was an intoxicating statue of a goddess.    


Jane didn't bring any luggage. She was just carrying a small, seamlessly woven Prada purse. It looked like an ordinary bag, but in the eyes of experts, only those with a certain status would be willing to customize a luxury item.    


As if they had agreed on this beforehand, the moment Jane exited the tunnel, she walked straight towards the corner where Yang Chen was, without any warning.    


Yang Chen stood up with a smile, "Although I know you're very smart, but since when did you even know where I sit?"    


"It's easy to analyze all the habits of your life and figure out how you choose your place," says Jane with a smug understatement.    


Yang Chen knew that this woman must have analyzed his habits and didn't dare to continue asking this question. He changed the topic: "Did you bring no one else?"    


"Yes, but she arrived early." Jane smiled.    


Yang Chen was stunned for a moment, then revealed a helpless smile on his face, "So you went to Japan to find her."    


Saying that, Yang Chen turned around. Not far behind him, a tall lady with a well-developed figure, who wore an office uniform and had an extraordinarily charming and enchanting appearance, walked over.    


"Master, Miss Jian, the car is ready." The lady bent down, gracefully resembling a European housekeeper.    


This woman was actually Ban Ruo who had pledged her allegiance to Yang Chen. Yang Chen originally wanted her to stay in Japan and do her own things, but even though Octavo Society were in his name, he gave up on the idea of dominating Octavo Society and was no different from a business organization. Yang Chen did not plan to care too much about it.    


However, Yang Chen did not intend to use these resources, which did not mean that Jane did not want to use them either.    


In Asia, there was no power more suitable to use than Octavo Society. Therefore, before Jane came to Zhong Hai, she first went to Japan to find Ban Ruo. Ban Ruo being the "Protector" on this trip to China was more than suitable.    


This time, the job was dangerous. Although Jane didn't think there would be any real danger as long as Yang Chen was here, she couldn't ask Yang Chen to protect her. Finding someone like Ban Ruo, who was good at dealing with the dark side, was more appropriate.    


Of course, Ban Ruo would not refuse something that would allow her to get closer to Yang Chen. She was very clear that even though she wanted to curry favor with Yang Chen, in Yang Chen's eyes, her Octavo Society and hers were insignificant. Compared to Jane, Soren, Ma Qidun, Edward and the others, she was just a newbie in that circle, which was worth nothing.    


Therefore, when Jane asked her to come to Huaxia as a retainer, Ban Ruo immediately agreed. It was more accurate to say that the old chief De Chuan and Zang Er needed a backbone after they killed Ban Ruo, who was used to obeying. The days when there was nothing to do were the days that Ban Ruo feared the most.    


"Car? "Forget about the car, there's no need for too much fanfare. I'm just treating my friend's grandpa, and you guys can all sit in my car." Yang Chen said.    


Ban Ruo didn't show any surprise and immediately nodded her head in agreement.    


Jane was even more unconcerned. She wasn't planning on letting Ban Ruo serve her comfortably. She just needed to be a bodyguard in the dark.    


Yang Chen brought two eye-catching women all the way to the parking lot. After getting on his M3, he directly left for the Ivy district sanatorium.    


Tang Wan had already said goodbye to her in the morning and had gone to the nursing home to wait for Jane.    


Sitting in the car, Jane chattered about the wedding last time, talked about Soren and Ma Qidun's marriage, but for the future of the child's family, she would fight when she was drunk, and laugh until her branches trembled.    


Yang Chen touched his forehead in distress, "These two old guys, when I wasn't there, I seem to have fought a lot."    


"Fighting is just for fun. Moreover, the two of them have similar strengths and are old. Actually, they are just bluffing." Jane curled her lips and said, "It's not exciting at all."    


"No matter what, he is an old agent from British MI5 and the Israeli Mossad. To be mentioned by you like this, he has become a fancy person." Yang Chen laughed.    


"In your eyes, other than a Divine level person, aren't they all flowery martial arts?" Jane teased.    


Yang Chen smiled and did not reply. He recalled that night when Ling Xuzi was in the 'Grandmist' organization. He had played it lightly, ignoring space itself as he was a little lost and filled with anticipation …    


Although he had never felt that the power of a Deity was invincible, there was still a difference in power between the twelve Sovereigns. But after seeing someone who had truly surpassed the Deity level for the first time, he couldn't help but yearn for that day to come.    


However, Yang Chen also knew that it didn't mean that he could touch something just because he was training hard.    


When one's strength reached his level, they relied on a great lucky chance and sudden insight. If they comprehended, then even if they didn't, it would still be useless to go all out in their cultivation.    


It all depended on whether he had the luck to be able to comprehend that level.    


Jane noticed that Yang Chen was lost in thought and didn't say anything more. A smart woman knew when to speak, when to ask questions, and when to shut up.    


Ban Ruo sat on the back seat of the car and didn't dare to make a sound. However, Ban Ruo's mind was filled with doubts. From her point of view, Yang Chen, with his status, was willing to drive such an ordinary BMW and chat with Jane in such an amiable manner. This was truly unbelievable.    


Could it be that the God was also just a human?    


After nearly an hour, the car finally arrived at the Ivy district. Tang Wan seemed to have asked someone to wait at the entrance. As soon as the three of them got off the car, Tang Wan and her underlings came out to welcome them.    


Tang Wan seemed to be carefully dressing herself up. She was wearing a purple silk dress, a short gray skirt, and lace socks that wrapped around her voluptuous legs. Her appearance, coupled with her mature face, was enough to make any man's heart beat wildly.    


As soon as Jane saw Tang Wan walking over, she secretly pinched Yang Chen's arm and said in Hebrew that only Yang Chen could understand, "This is not your friend, it's obviously your forbidden daughter, the flesh that makes even a woman like me want to take a bite."    


Yang Chen smiled bitterly, was he that greedy? He could only reply in Hebrew, "If you want to bite it, you can go. I've never bitten it before."    


"What are you guys talking about?" Tang Wan had already walked up to them and frowned. She extended her hand towards Jane with a generous smile and said in English, "Welcome, Miss Jian. I am Tang Wan, Yang Chen's friend. I've long heard of your brilliant skills in a lot of scientific research, and I'm glad to be able to treat my grandfather. "    


Jane gave a bright smile and shook hands with Tang Wan. She spoke in Mandarin, "You don't need to speak English. I am honored to know you. You are as beautiful as my mother. Of course, it's not a question of your age. I'm just sincerely praising it. "    


Tang Wan was surprised by Jane's bluntness, but she could tell that Jane was not joking. She definitely felt that she was similar to her mother. Tang Wan said indifferently, "I also have a daughter, but she is not as pretty as Miss Jian."    


Jane opened her mouth in surprise and said, "It's really hard to imagine."    


As she said that, Jane gave Yang Chen a strange look, her meaning was very clear — it turns out that this time, the taste was for mother and daughter …    


Yang Chen felt a burst of bitterness, but he was too lazy to explain anything.    


As for Ban Ruo, although Tang Wan was surprised by the female assistant's outstanding appearance, she only thought that she was Jane's assistant. She smiled and nodded, but did not say anything more. She was in a hurry to get Jane to treat Old Master Tang Zhechen.    


They followed Tang Wan into the Ivy district. In Tang Zhechen's courtyard, two nurses were feeding Old Master Tang, while Old Master Tang was sitting in his teacher's chair. He didn't seem to be in the mood to eat, he was only listening to a classic song on an old-fashioned phonograph.    


Tang Wan saw her grandfather's look and her eyes immediately reddened, but she didn't shed tears. She forced a smile and said to Jane, "My grandfather has been ill for a few months now, and is very good at times and bad at times. Occasionally, he would become especially agitated, possibly causing harm to the people around us. Miss Jian's identity was noble and respected. If you find yourself in a difficult situation, please do not force yourself. Otherwise … Our Tang Family is too much of a debt. "    


Jane smiled at Tang Xiu, indicating that she understood. She then walked up to Old Master Tang Zhechen.    


"Old grandpa, what song are you listening to? Can you tell me?" Jane leaned over and asked in a soft voice.    


The old man was first unable to react, and could only groan to himself. Suddenly, he raised his head and cried out loudly, "Ah! The yellow-furred demon! Monster! Help! I don't want to be eaten by demons! "    


As he said that, he jumped up from his seat and hid behind the chair in a panic. He then curled up on the chair, not daring to peek his head out.    


The sudden change startled everyone. Jane did not expect this to happen. She frowned and stood up, thinking about something.    


The two nurses immediately went to protect the old man, but the old man seemed to be scared out of his wits and hugged the chair tightly.    


Jane shook her head and sighed. She walked to the outside of the yard and said to Tang Wan, "The old man's condition is quite serious. I need to observe and inquire about some details. If necessary, I need to test some things. Is there a laboratory here?"    


Tang Wan quickly said, "Yes, the facilities in this sanatorium are quite complete. If there's anything I need, I can send someone to buy it."    


"Then I'll start working now. This kind of illness, it's getting more and more troublesome the longer it drags on. Please let someone take me to the laboratory." Jane solemnly said.    


Tang Wan was naturally happy, but she was worried about the old man, so she sent an assistant to take Jane and Ban Ruo to the laboratory.    


Yang Chen said goodbye to Jane and didn't plan to follow her over. He knew Jane's habit of not wanting anyone to disturb her once she was in her working condition.    


After Jane had left, Tang Wan stared blankly for a while with a sad expression. After a while, she raised her head and playfully said to Yang Chen, "You really did it. Even the talented female scientist let you sleep."    


Yang Chen thought the woman was going to say something, but when he heard this, he almost fell to the ground. He touched his face and said with a sad face, "Can you guys change the topic, I'll sleep with her, she said I'll sleep with you, but no one has ever slept with me before. You can't always accuse an honest person like me so wrongly."    


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