My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C495 Welcome to Paris

C495 Welcome to Paris

Paris, De Gaulle Airport.    


After more than ten hours of flight, the plane steadily landed.    


Although it was already late at night in China, due to the jet lag, France welcomed its usual afternoon.    


The sun shone down on this beautiful land, blowing gently.    


Lin Ruoxi, who had slept a little on the plane, was not too tired. After all, compared to her usual working and working sessions, riding on a plane like this was nothing.    


Yang Chen, of course, did not feel tired at all. As soon as he stepped onto the European soil, his original laughing expression vanished without a trace. He could not control it as a lot of memories appeared in his mind, making him feel emotional.    


Together they walked from the passageway to the internationally arrived exit. Lin Ruoxi only carried a Prada shoulder bag on her back. After all, she had a branch in Paris and could prepare most of the stuff on the spot without having to prepare any luggage. His hands were empty, but it was a relaxed duo.    


Lin Ruoxi had been telling herself some unbearable adult jokes along the way. Suddenly, she got off the plane and walked silently. Lin Ruoxi could easily feel Yang Chen's change.    


Turning her head away, Lin Ruoxi glanced at the man beside her whose expression had suddenly changed. She had a feeling that he was the more real one.    


Unable to restrain herself, Lin Ruoxi asked, "What are you thinking about?"    


Yang Chen subconsciously wanted to take out a pack of cigarettes from his jacket pocket, but he immediately realized that he couldn't smoke at the airport. He smiled and said, "It's nothing, it's just some nonsense, but it's all over."    


Lin Ruoxi did not ask any further. She knew that Yang Chen's words were 'ridiculous', and it was definitely not about the past that he wanted to bring up.    


"Oh right, who's the person to pick up the plane?" Yang Chen asked casually.    


Lin Ruoxi led the way and said, "It's the director of the European department. His name is Gu Demann."    


"Gu Demann? GOODMAN? Interesting name, man? " Yang Chen asked.    


"Of course, the woman would not use such a name." Lin Ruoxi said, "His mother was the Chinese and his father was a Frenchman. He was born in England and stayed in China for many years. He was once my senior. This was because their ancestors were princesses of the royal family. Although they had lost their titles, they could still be considered to be of noble birth. When my grandmother was there, she personally promoted him. After a year in Zhong Hai, she was appointed as the European Director. I've only met him twice since taking office. Because our branch is in Paris, and this time he said he was coming to pick us up. "    


Yang Chen rubbed his nose and muttered, "Another senior and still a mixed blood kid. He must be very handsome. Ruoxi, it can't be another Zeng Xinlin, right?"    


Lin Ruoxi frowned. She still felt uncomfortable when Zeng Xinlin was mentioned. It could be said that Zeng Xinlin was an old friend that she brutally killed.    


"Gu Demann is different from Zeng Xinlin, he does not have too much ambition in his career. He is more like a Frenchman who enjoys life, loves romance, cares about his aristocratic blood, and doesn't care too much about the interests of money. " Lin Ruoxi said.    


Yang Chen smiled and said, "We've only met twice and you already know who he is?"    


"I see people very well," Lin Ruoxi said confidently, adding in her heart, I just can't understand your thick skin.    


Yang Chen smiled evilly and did not refute him.    


After walking for almost a quarter of an hour, the two finally arrived at the exit. The people who came to pick up the plane were everywhere, but the two immediately found the Chinese character board, which astonishingly said "Yulei International".    


Almost at the same time, Yang Chen also saw the "half-breed" Gu Demann that Lin Ruoxi mentioned.    


Gu Demann, who was wearing a white suit, was indeed good-looking. Although his hair was black, he had the distinct facial contours of a westerner, as well as his slightly azure-green pupils. He was tall, almost half a head taller than Yang Chen.    


The warm smile on his face was reserved and seemingly natural. His noble demeanor made all the travelers from the surrounding countries, regardless of whether they were men or women, glance at him from time to time.    


When Gu Demann saw Lin Ruoxi in a black dress appear at the exit, his eyes lit up. The smile on his face became wider, but he did not act abruptly. He slowly stepped forward and opened his arms, wanting to give Lin Ruoxi a hug.    


Lin Ruoxi did not reject this courtesy. After all, in the Western countries, hugging and sticking close to the face were not overly excessive, and she did not have any intention of offending him.    


However, before Lin Ruoxi could open her arms, a figure quickly came into Gu Demann's arms …    


"Haha, you're too polite. Hug, hug, hug …"    


Lin Ruoxi's gaze was a little stiff. She saw that Yang Chen, who was behind her a moment ago, had somehow hugged Gu Demann. He was still patting Gu Demann's back forcefully with an affectionate expression.    


Gu Demann was also stunned and his expression was stiff. When he saw who the person was hugging, he was even more shocked and hurriedly dodged away.    


"You are …" Gu Demann asked in Chinese.    


"His name is Yang Chen, he's the director of our new entertainment company, and he was originally sent as a representative of the headquarters, but he has no experience after all, I just happen to be here to inspect the situation in Europe, so we came together." Lin Ruoxi helped Yang Chen explain and did not intend to reveal the relationship between the two.    


In fact, Lin Ruoxi couldn't even open her mouth. What Yang Chen did was too embarrassing. The way he hugged Gu Demann just now was like a joke to many tourists.    


Gu Demann was experienced, and he immediately understood what was going on. He sneered at Yang Chen's childishness, maintained an enchanting smile, and said, "Mr. Yang, I've heard a lot about you." To think that he would be able to become a director at such a young age, he must be extraordinary. My name is Gu Demann, nice to meet you. This time in France I will be entertained and I hope to have a good time.    


"You're too polite." Yang Chen revealed a satisfied smile. He opened his arms again and said, "Come, hug me again."    


Gu Demann looked a bit embarrassed and said with a stiff smile, "Hur Hur, Mr. Yang is so humorous. Let's go out first and talk after we get in the car. Ruoxi and I haven't seen each other in a long time, so we should be reminiscing about old times. "    


Lin Ruoxi could not stand it any longer. She walked up and secretly nodded on Yang Chen's back, signaling him not to go overboard.    


Yang Chen was a bit depressed. This guy didn't even call her "CEO" or "Ruoxi" anymore. He was already very worthy of her if he didn't give her a punch.    


Sima Zhao's heart was known to all — this guy was indeed not interested in Yulei International, but he was clearly very interested in Lin Ruoxi. Romantic? There had to be both men and women. Why would he want to be romantic?    


As Yang Chen followed Lin Ruoxi and Gu Demann out of the airport after a brief exchange of pleasantries, Gu Demann greeted Lin Ruoxi with a friendly greeting as she made her way back to the airport.    


"I wonder how high Mr. Yang has been in the past. He should have a decent working experience!" Gu Demann asked tentatively.    


He was busy lighting a cigarette, which was enough for him to feel aggrieved on the way there. After hearing Yang Chen's question, he said vaguely while igniting the flame of the inferior lighter: "In the past, those who sold mutton skewers were at the market in Zhong Hai's West Region. I don't think you've ever been there, it's pretty flat, not high, not high …"    


Gu Demann almost fell to the ground, he could only twitch his mouth and said: "Oh, really, really, really, so it's the catering industry."    


Lin Ruoxi's face was frosty. She pretended not to hear anything as she quickened her pace and walked towards the car.    


Gu Demann spent a lot of effort and specially used an extended Bentley. The interior of this car was luxurious and multi-functional, just like a luxury hotel. And its tone is extremely elegant, very attractive to women. More importantly, he obviously knew that Lin Ruoxi would like the car because Lin Ruoxi herself drove a Bentley.    


After the three of them entered the car, Gu Demann ordered the driver to go to the Paris Soffett Hotel that he had booked a long time ago. It was also a famous five-star hotel.    


"Recently, there have been rumors in Paris that a terrorist organization would come to destroy the Fashion Week and attack some wealthy businessmen. Although it is only a rumor, we have to be wary of it. I intentionally brought four bodyguards with me to protect them in the dark. They can be safe, but they won't feel uncomfortable. "After getting into the car, Gu Demann pointed at the S500 behind the car. Clearly, there were bodyguards in the car.    


"You are still as thoughtful as before." Lin Ruoxi affirmed casually. After hearing the word "bodyguard", she looked at Yang Chen who was sitting opposite her in silence. This guy was already rummaging through the refrigerator in the car, preparing to drink red wine.    


With him by her side, there shouldn't be any danger … Somehow, Lin Ruoxi felt that she was safe as long as Yang Chen was around, perhaps it was because she had seen Yang Chen deal with the trouble too many times.    


"Haha, Bingo, here we are!"    


Yang Chen shouted happily in the car. He took out a bottle of wine from the fridge and immediately opened the package.    


"It's good that Mr. Yang likes it, this is Margaret's special 82 year brew specially prepared for this occasion, there won't be more than 10 bottles in all of Paris. If I don't know the owner of the winery, I wouldn't be able to get this wine" Gu Demann said proudly.    


In a blink of an eye, Yang Chen had twisted off the cap of the bottle. The fragrance of the wine permeated the air in the car.    


Lin Ruoxi might not be a good drinker, but she could smell the value of this wine. She still liked Gu Demann's big idea, and it wasn't that she didn't know that it was impossible between her and Gu Demann, but it didn't mean that as a woman, she didn't like men trying to curry favor with her.    


However, just when Lin Ruoxi was about to pour Yang Chen a glass of wine and have a drink on the way to the hotel, the next moment, Yang Chen made a gesture that made her give up on that idea.    


Under Gu Demann's stunned gaze, Yang Chen picked up the wine bottle, opened his mouth and took big gulps from the bottle!    


Lin Ruoxi gritted her teeth. It wasn't a pity that this bottle of wine had been wasted. She just couldn't understand how this guy could always do such a thing!    


Gu Demann almost dropped his chin to the ground. A bottle of precious wine worth hundreds of thousands of euros was actually wasted by this vulgar man like a cheap orange soda in big gulps!    


"I'm sorry, Gu Demann, that's how Yang Chen is, he didn't mean to embarrass you," Lin Ruoxi said, feeling a little sorry for Gu Demann. After all, the wine he had spent so much effort on was unpleasant for anyone to drink like that.    


Gu Demann was furious, but he quickly smiled and shook his hand, "As long as Mr. Yang likes it, it's good that he still has two bottles. Ruoxi, let me open one for you."    


Lin Ruoxi nodded and looked at Yang Chen from the corner of her eyes. She saw that he had drunk less than half a bottle of wine, and that his expression of satisfaction was particularly wild.    


"Hehe, I'm sorry, I didn't know this wine was so expensive. How about I give you guys some good stuff to drink together?" Yang Chen burped and said with a smile.    


"No, let's drink from this bottle!" Gu Demann said politely. He was cursing in his heart. Was he going to eat your saliva?! Then he went to get another bottle.    


Yang Chen stuck out his tongue to lick the dry red wine that came out of his mouth. He smiled evilly and said, "I think it's better if you don't start drinking. Let's see where our car is going first. I feel like this isn't the way to the Suffit Hotel …"    


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