Big Son-In-Law

C635 Chen Qingchuan You Are so Sarcastic

C635 Chen Qingchuan You Are so Sarcastic

When Tang Mengyin heard Chen Qingchuan's affirmative answer, her beautiful eyes immediately lit up with excitement.    


She knew that since Chen Qingchuan could see through her condition, he must have some means to treat her.    


"Then what conditions do you have? Just tell me. As long as I can do it, I will definitely satisfy you!"    


Tang Mengyin was willing to pay any price to protect the perfection of her body, no matter how much money Chen Qingchuan wanted.    


However, Chen Qingchuan did not want money. He looked at Tang Mengyin's charming body. His nose smelled the fragrance of her lovely body, and then he moved closer to Tang Mengyin's ear and whispered, "What if I want you to sleep with me?"    


Tang Mengyin's heart skipped a beat. The excitement on her face had frozen on her face.    


After a full five seconds, she replied in embarrassment, "Can, can you change one condition?"    


Chen Qingchuan shrugged and did not respond. The meaning he showed was very clear. He could not change.    


Tang Mengyin clearly understood this point, so she took a deep breath and shook her head, "You can go!"    


She did not say much, but she could not agree to this condition no matter what.    


Although she and cripple Yao had a fake marriage, she was still cripple Yao's wife in name. She would never allow herself to betray cripple Yao. She would rather be disabled. She would rather be called a single woman with a sarcastic tone than agree!    


Chen Qingchuan asked, "Are you sure? You have to think about what you will experience in the future."    


Tang Mengyin replied without thinking, "I am very sure. I have already thought about it. You don't have to say anymore."    


Her tone was very calm, but her attitude was very resolute. It was obvious that she was determined to not agree to this matter.    


"Since it is like this..." Chen Qingchuan deliberately pondered for a while, then said to Tang Mengyin, "Then let's change the terms. When you have time, treat me to a meal, and we will settle the score."    


"Huh?!" Tang Mengyin was a little confused when she heard Chen Qingchuan's sudden turn of events.    


She thought that her future was destined to be a single woman. She didn't expect Chen Qingchuan to change his condition at this moment. It was still such a simple condition. It was just a simple meal, yet he was able to treat her illness. This made her feel a little unbelievable. At this moment, her eyes were filled with disbelief. She felt that Chen Qingchuan was lying to her.    


From Tang Mengyin's expression, Chen Qingchuan could tell that she did not believe him. But that was not important. He believed that the truth would let Tang Mengyin know later. Everything was real, and the truth was. The only thing was that her leukemia would be completely removed and she would not perform any surgery.    


A thousand words was not as good as a single operation, so Chen Qingchuan called Tang Mengyin to go into the room and prepare for treatment.    


The female TCM doctor was by the side the whole time. She heard Chen Qingchuan say that he could cure Tang Mengyin without surgery. Her smile was full of ridicule as she asked, "Young man, I understand that you are young and frivolous and easily attracted to women. Doing some ridiculous things. But you are a doctor. As a doctor, you should prioritize the patient's condition as the first priority. You must not use the patient's desperate mind to do something bad to the patient. It is immoral to satisfy your own desires and needs! "    


The female TCM doctor did not scold Chen Qingchuan for being a trash or a liar, but her words were clearly more ruthless than scolding him. Obviously, in her eyes, Chen Qingchuan was an ignorant swindler. She took advantage of Tang Mengyin's anxious mindset to take advantage of Tang Mengyin. After all, the leukemia was in such a unique place. If Chen Qingchuan was said to not take advantage of her, even a fool would not believe it.    


Her words also made Tang Mengyin's heart skip a beat. Chen Qingchuan, are you really taking advantage of me?    


Chen Qingchuan was not in a hurry to respond to the female doctor. Instead, he looked at Tang Mengyin who was beside him.    


Seeing Tang Mengyin's conflicted expression, his heart immediately became clear. Tang Mengyin became suspicious.    


He was not angry that Tang Mengyin would become suspicious. It was human nature. It was very normal for him to be worried. He was simple-minded and foolish and did not worry. That was not normal! However, his solution to Tang Mengyin's suspicion was also very straightforward. There was only one sentence -    


"I want to take advantage of you. Do you still need to play tricks?"    


The opposite sentence immediately woke Tang Mengyin up. The doubts in her heart immediately dispersed like a clear mirror.    


Indeed, Chen Qingchuan had spanked her several times in the past, and even provoked cripple Yao in front of her. He teased her in front of cripple Yao, just because of his courage. If Chen Qingchuan really wanted to take advantage of her, he would just use force. There was no need for him to beat around the bush and make things difficult for her.    


After figuring this out, Tang Mengyin spoke with certainty.    


She said to the female doctor, "Thank you for your reminder, but you can leave now. I want to receive her treatment."    


After saying that, Tang Mengyin took the lead and walked into the room. This made the female doctor very depressed.    


"You are being stubborn. He is so young that it is impossible for him to have real medical skills. He wants to take advantage of you. Why don't you believe him? I can tell you that your condition is not under surgery. You won't be able to get any effective treatment, not even deities. If he can cure you, I'll cut off my own medicine!!! "    


These words... Absolute enough!    


Therefore, the next moment, Chen Qingchuan replied with even more extreme words, "Cut it off. Anyway, no one wants to hang it there."    


This sentence directly made the female TCM's face turn green. She was ugly, but she also had a husband, alright?    


Tang Mengyin could not help but laugh when she heard this. However, she held back her laughter and did not say anything.    


After Chen Qingchuan entered, she closed the door and said to Chen Qingchuan, "You are so mean!"    


Chen Qingchuan curled his lips and didn't say anything.    


At this time, the female doctor outside the room angrily said, "I will wait here and see how you will treat Miss Tang!"    


She had to wait here and cut off her own. Chen Qingchuan had no reason not to fulfill her wish.    


Ignoring the female TCM doctor outside, Chen Qingchuan waved his hand. An invisible spiritual force instantly surrounded the room. Under this spiritual energy, no sound could be heard. No peeping could be done to ensure that Tang Mengyin, the patient, would be treated. She would not be spied on by anyone.    


After all these things were done, Chen Qingchuan looked at Tang Mengyin and gestured to her, "Let's begin!"    


Tang Mengyin nodded and agreed, "Yes, let's begin!"    


Chen Qingchuan rolled his eyes at her, "I'm saying that we can begin the treatment. I'm asking you to take off your clothes, not asking if you can start the treatment!"    


Tang Mengyin was so embarrassed. She thought Chen Qingchuan was asking her if she could start!    


However, this was not the most awkward thing. The most awkward thing was that Chen Qingchuan actually asked her to take off her clothes. This...    


After all, she was a woman with a husband. Even if it was in name, and this kind of thing, even a woman without a husband would not be able to do it, right?    


Therefore, at this moment, Tang Mengyin appeared very reserved in her shyness. She did not know what to do and did not take off her clothes.    


Chen Qingchuan did not look at her and only waved his hand to take out his silver needle. He started to disinfect and explained the process to Tang Mengyin. "I will first give you acupuncture to destroy the lesion. Then I will use some other methods to remove the lesion for you. It is inevitable that you will come into contact with it during this process, but I hope you can think about it. If you go to the hospital to perform the incision, will the female doctor be the one to perform the surgery? "    


Tang Mengyin thought about it when she heard this. It seemed to be right...    


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