Big Son-In-Law

C588 The Resentment of the Fifth Family

C588 The Resentment of the Fifth Family

The herbs don't need to be boiled, they just need to mix the crushed juice in a certain proportion. Therefore, it did not take much time for the doctor to bring half a bag of green medicine juice over. Then, with Diwu Mei's permission, he poured it into Diwu Dekang's mouth.    


Under Diwu Mei's nervous and worried expression, ten minutes passed.    


Diwu Dekang still hadn't woken up, which made her very worried. But the doctor then gave her good news, indicating that the patient's organs had stopped failing. It had to be known that before taking the medicine, the signs of organ failure were very serious. Now that the organ had stopped failing, it was a positive development.    


Diwu Mei's tightly knitted brows finally eased up. She nodded to Chen Qingchuan, who was beside her, to express her thanks.    


Chen Qingchuan did not really care about this, nor did he care about Diwu Dekang.    


He knew very well that the poison was quickly getting rid of, and Diwu Dekang would soon wake up. After that, he would give him a prescription to nourish his organs and slowly recuperate. What he cared about now was where the invisible virus in Diwu Dekang's body came from.    


This invisible virus had to be ingested into the target's body. This formed the first condition. It had to be someone who was close to and trusted by Diwu Dekang. No one would eat food or water given by strangers.    


This invisible virus was worth millions of yuan per milligram. Not to mention that ordinary people had no channels, just this price alone was enough to make them shrink back. Thus, this formed a second condition. It had economic strength and a certain network of connections.    


Using this invisible virus to kill was naturally to not want others to discover Diwu Dekang's true cause of death. In other words, if Diwu Dekang's true cause of death was exposed... It would definitely be a threat to the other party, which formed the third condition. The other party would benefit from Diwu Dekang's death.    


Combining these three key points, acquaintances, strength, and benefits... Chen Qingchuan looked at Diwu Sheng.    


The only people present who could satisfy these three points were Diwu Sheng and Diwu Mei. Although both of them were using their own methods to save Diwu Dekang, Diwu Mei was really anxious. As long as there was hope, they were willing to try any method, but Diwu Sheng was using the name of looking down on TCM. He stubbornly stopped him from diagnosing and treating Diwu Dekang, which made Chen Qingchuan doubt him.    


At this time, the unconscious Diwu Sheng, who was beaten up by Diwu Mei, slowly woke up.    


After he woke up, he covered his head and glared at Diwu Mei, but then he asked nervously, "How is my father?"    


A doctor went forward and excitedly explained, "He is developing in a positive direction. I believe he will wake up soon!"    


"What?!" When he found out about this, Diwu Sheng was shocked.    


When he confirmed that Diwu Dekang was heading in a good direction, he happily said, "This is great!"    


After expressing his excitement, he told Diwu Mei to take good care of your grandfather, and then walked to the door. "I feel a little dizzy. I need to do a checkup."    


No one doubted him. After all, Diwu Sheng had just been beaten unconscious by Diwu Mei, so it was normal for him to be a little dizzy.    


However, Chen Qingchuan felt that it was not normal. He judged people by himself. If his grandfather was lying in a hospital bed, he would wake up from the coma soon. He would definitely stay in the early stages of the hospital bed. He should not be able to chase him away even if he was chased away, just like the current Diwu Mei. But Diwu Sheng had left...    


He reached out and poked Diwu Mei who was beside him. Chen Qingchuan reminded her in a low voice, "This poison was inflicted by an acquaintance."    


Diwu Mei was very smart. She immediately heard Chen Qingchuan's words and looked at Diwu Sheng's back.    


But then she shook her head, "It's impossible. Don't make wild guesses anymore."    


As soon as she finished speaking, a moan came from the bed. Diwu Dekang had woken up!    


Diwu Mei was especially happy to see Diwu Dekang wake up. She quickly went forward and grabbed Diwu Dekang's hand. "Grandfather, you finally woke up."    


She gave a kind smile to her granddaughter, indicating that she did not need to worry. Diwu Dekang looked at his surroundings again, then gritted his teeth and asked with hatred, "Where is that beast? "    


Beast? Diwu Mei suddenly had a bad feeling when she heard Diwu Dekang call her beast.    


She asked tentatively, "Grandpa, you mean... My Second Uncle?"    


Diwu Dekang's face was full of hatred, but he did not answer, but this was enough to confirm. The bad premonition in her heart had come true. Now that Diwu Dekang didn't agree, it was obvious that he felt that the situation wasn't appropriate. After all, there were so many outsiders around, and they should not expose their dirty linen.    


"Please go out for a while. Grandpa has something to say to me in private..."    


Under Diwu Mei's instructions, all the doctors left one after another. Chen Qingchuan also waited outside the door of the ICU.    


While waiting, Richard kept looking at Chen Qingchuan with admiration. Finally, it walked forward and bowed deeply. "Dear Mr. TCM, your brilliant medical skills have deeply impressed me. I apologize for my bad attitude towards you and for my profound medical skills. I hope you can accept my apology. I'm sorry! "    


It was a good moral character to admit your mistakes with a sincere attitude.    


After that, Richard sent an invitation to Chen Qingchuan on behalf of the laboratory, hoping that Chen Qingchuan could participate in their laboratory work.    


Regarding this, Chen Qingchuan did not have any interest in it, and directly refused it, which made Richard feel very regretful.    


After Richard's invitation failed, the director sent another sincere invitation, hoping that Chen Qingchuan could join their hospital work.    


"You can rest assured about the treatment, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory salary!"    


Chen Qingchuan was also not interested, and the reason for his rejection was very simple. "I don't have a medical qualification certificate."    


However, the director said, "It's okay. Find a doctor with a medical qualification certificate and sit on the table. You can be in charge of treating and treating..."    


He was quite good at exploiting loopholes in the national law, but Chen Qingchuan was still not interested and chose to refuse again.    


He was now a little interested in the gossip about the grudges between the wealthy families. Coincidentally, it was also the fifth De Sheng in the room who was chatting with Diwu Mei.    


"This unfilial son. Back then, I intended to give the position of the successor of the group to your father. In the end, after he knew this, he agreed very well on the surface and cooperated quite well. However, he secretly found someone to cause a car accident and caused your father's death. When I found out about this, although I was angry, he was my only son after all. I couldn't personally send him to prison, so I could only hide this matter."    


"All these years, I especially loved you because of the guilt I felt towards you. I want to do my best to compensate you, including our Fifth Corporation. After learning that you have returned from graduation, I am prepared to nurture you as my successor. But who would have thought that after that bastard found out about my thoughts, he would actually have the intention to kill me? And this time, he's targeting me!"    


"After lying to me and drinking the tea, he brazenly told me... He poisoned the tea because he wanted to become the successor of the fifth group. He wanted to get rid of me and solve the problem of the successor once and for all! "    


"Xiao Mei, grandpa has let you down. Grandpa has let you down..."    


Diwu Dekang, who was lying on the hospital bed, had tears flowing down his face. Diwu Mei also had tears in her eyes.    


She had never thought that her father's death back then was not an accident. It was planned by her own uncle. And now, he was planning to kill his father with his son. How could this be a beast? The crow was feeding him back, and the lamb was kneeling on the ground. Diwu Sheng's actions were worse than that of a beast!    


As for his grandfather, Diwu Dekang's protection...    


"Grandfather, I can understand you. As a father, there is no reason not to protect his own son. But I also hope that you can understand me. As a daughter, there is no reason not to take revenge for my father. Therefore, Diwu Sheng must die!"    


At this moment, in Diwu Mei's heart, besides hatred towards Diwu Sheng, there was also regret.    


Just now, Chen Qingchuan had reminded her, but she thought that Chen Qingchuan was making wild guesses, which led to him letting his father's murderer go.    


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