Big Son-In-Law

C156 Revenge

C156 Revenge

Chen Qingchuan didn't have any thoughts about Han Shuang. He only wanted to hurt her confidence and self-esteem. Of course, he couldn't cause too much of a ruckus. After all, she was Su Xue's younger sister. So he chose to stop at the right time. After letting Han Shuang see that he was lawless and lawless, he also chose to let go of his hand, while Han Shuang quickly escaped. She did not dare to stay any longer.    


After that, she wanted to escape from the office and stay far away from Chen Qingchuan.    


However, when she reached the door, she stopped and took a deep breath to look at Chen Qingchuan again.    


She couldn't leave. Her current escape was a sign of her will to retreat. She represented the The Hans. She wouldn't allow herself to lose face, and she wouldn't allow herself to leave in a panic after being violated.    


In her mind, anyone who dared to violate the The Hans must be punished!    


Taking a deep breath to calm down the panic in her heart, Han Shuang tidied up her clothes. Although her clothes were torn, after her careful cleaning, it was like a piece of art that had a different kind of beauty.    


Returning to Chen Qingchuan, she said in a calm tone, "Do you know what price you have to pay for what you did just now?"    


This kind of forceful and calm tone made Chen Qingchuan feel that it was a bit ridiculous.    


"Your sister and I are both asleep. What price do you think I have to pay?"    


Of course he did not sleep with Su Xue, but this did not prevent him from fabricating this matter to fight back with Han Shuang. Moreover, Han Shuang did not know whether it was true or not.    


After hearing Chen Qingchuan's words, Han Shuang was so angry that her entire body trembled.    


He had already slept with her elder sister, but just now he actually dared to play hooligan with her. He was simply shameless to the extreme!    


But regarding this matter, she actually did not have a good answer in her heart.    


What should she do? Although she could tell her family members and let them deal with Chen Qingchuan, but... could she afford to lose face? She could not even say this embarrassing thing out loud, not even to her family. This had nothing to do with courage, it was just shame.    


If she couldn't tell her family members, then who could she tell? After thinking about it, she couldn't tell anyone about this matter. She could only shut her mouth and endure it. Enduring meant admitting to this matter. This made her feel that she had suffered a great loss.    


Her eldest daughter had been defiled by Chen Qingchuan for no reason at all. Why should she endure this insult?    


She really couldn't bear this resentment, but there seemed to be no other way. Therefore, she was both angry and embarrassed. She didn't know how to face Chen Qingchuan, but she couldn't just walk away.    


She had the feeling that she wanted to beat Chen Qingchuan to death, but she couldn't do anything to him.    


Seeing Han Shuang standing in front of him trembling but unable to do anything, Chen Qingchuan probably understood what she was thinking.    


So in the next moment, he deliberately put his hands in front of his nose and sniffed. "It smells so good."    


This action and this evaluation made Han Shuang's eyes turn red. She really wished she could strangle Chen Qingchuan to death.    


Was he talking about his hands? Of course not. This was simply evaluating her.    


This kind of shameless action made Han Shuang so angry that her entire body was about to explode.    


Fortunately, Chen Qingchuan was only teasing her and did not have any intention of continuing. He even changed to the main topic.    


"Take today's matter as the price you have to pay for causing trouble for me. Let me tell you something else. My name is Chen Qingchuan. Chen of the Chen Clan of Daming Group, you want to use that little bit of pressure to push me away. I'm sorry, this kind of great ambition is really hard to achieve. That's why I strongly suggest that you don't cause me any more trouble."    


"Because if you cause trouble for me again, I can't guarantee what you'll experience next time What I can tell you is only included but not limited to what you encountered today. Perhaps you and your sister might even become in-laws. Do you understand what I mean? "    


Of course Han Shuang understood. Becoming in-laws was not the traditional kind of brother and wife, but Chen Qingchuan's wife.    


Of course she did not want to do that. She also did not like Chen Qingchuan, this stinky hooligan, but she had to be vigilant about this matter.    


Because she felt that the news that Chen Qingchuan revealed was very serious. Chen Qingchuan was actually a person of Chen Clan. No wonder he hadn't been dismissed. The Chen Clan was willing to fight the Han family for Chen Qingchuan. Obviously, this Chen Qingchuan had an unusual relationship with them. Therefore, she felt that she needed to investigate this Chen Qingchuan's background!    


Of course, she also felt a little afraid. If Chen Qingchuan really forced her...    


If this kind of thing happened, she didn't know how to face it, and even more so, she didn't know how to deal with it.    


Just like today, when Chen Qingchuan attacked her, she couldn't say it out loud due to shame. If that kind of thing really happened in the future, she wouldn't be able to say it out loud either. In the end, she could only be humiliated by Chen Qingchuan for nothing. What else could she do?    


So after thinking about it again and again, Han Shuang gave Chen Qingchuan a shy and hateful look, then turned around and walked towards the door.    


But just after she took a few steps, Chen Qingchuan stopped her, "The revenge just now was only because you gave me trouble. You came to find me and even insulted me. Don't tell me you are prepared to end this without mentioning anything?"    


When Chen Qingchuan said this, Han Shuang angrily glared at him, "What else do you want? ! "    


Chen Qingchuan did not know what to do. He looked Han Shuang up and down a few times, and finally his eyes focused on the pair of black socks.    


"Take off the socks and leave them behind. They will be my spoils of war. I will also give you a good memory."    


Han Shuang did not. How could she leave this kind of clothing for Chen Qingchuan? This was too shameful!    


"Shameless. You are daydreaming!"    


After Han Shuang angrily and embarrassingly commented, Chen Qingchuan laughed. "Don't you know if you are daydreaming or not? Or did you forget what happened just now? Or did you feel that what happened just now made you very happy? Do you want to experience it again?"    


When these words entered her ears, Han Shuang's heart immediately became clear.    


She understood that Chen Qingchuan was warning her that if she did not do it, she would experience what had just happened again.    


Of course, she could escape as soon as possible, but she was not confident that she could escape from this office building. After all, the entire building belonged to Daming Group. She would only be able to escape if Chen Qingchuan asked her to. If he wanted to trap her here... It was hard to say how long it would take, but at least it was enough to do a lot of blasphemy to her.    


So after thinking it over and over again, in the end, she still reached out with a red face and took off the socks on her legs.    


She gave Chen Qingchuan a shy look. The socks with body temperature were thrown on the desk by Han Shuang, and then she angrily left.    


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