Big Son-In-Law

C64 You Don't Want to Work Anymore Do You

C64 You Don't Want to Work Anymore Do You

Lee Dawei's understanding and attitude made Su Xue very angry.    


She was wholeheartedly dedicated to the company's development, but Lee Dawei was so stubborn that he thought that she was supporting Chen Qingchuan.    


Did Chen Qingchuan still need to be praised? She was the president of the Daming Group's branch, the one who was so powerful that it was a complete mess.    


If it wasn't for the fact that she didn't want to reveal Chen Qingchuan's identity, Su Xue really wanted to use this identity to slap Lee Dawei's face!    


"Alright, this is the company's meeting room, not your home. You don't need to make a loud noise. If it's useful to make a loud noise, I can lead the donkey to sit in the deputy position. There's no need for you!"    


Su Xue was also angry. Her powerful counterattack made Lee Dawei's face turn green. "No matter what, I don't agree!"    


Su Xue angrily slammed the table, "If you want to agree or not, I will decide!"    


At this moment, Su Xue used her power to make the decision. Anyway, she was the company's boss, so she did not care what Lee Dawei's opinion was.    


"You are making a deal. You will bring the company into a dead end!"    


Lee Dawei scolded loudly with a livid face, but Su Xue had already made the decision. Obviously, it was not something that he could overthrow with just a few quarrels.    


In the end, the meeting ended with Su Xue forcefully passing the project. Lee Dawei left angrily and threw the cup before he left.    


After everyone left, Chen Qingchuan looked at Su Xue. "I seem to have to thank you. Thank you for supporting my project."    


Su Xue replied, "Don't think too highly of yourself. I'm doing this for the company's development, not for you!"    


Chen Qingchuan gave a meaningful "oh in return for Su Xue's helplessness. I'm really not doing this for you!"    


Chen Qingchuan hummed again, "No need to explain. I know everything."    


Su Xue really wished she could kick him with that wretched look.    


It was also Chen Qingchuan's first time discovering Su Xue's power today. He did not expect Su Xue to have such a strong side to her. However, this was a good thing. As the boss, he should have the conviction to make the right decision. No matter who tried to stop him, he had to kick them away. Regarding this point, he was very satisfied with what Su Xue did today...    


"Bastard, she did whatever she wanted. Did she really treat the Eastern Star Culture as her family property? I have shares in this as well!"    


In the office, Lee Dawei was shouting angrily, wishing he could drag Su Xue over and beat her up right now.    


But this obviously could not become reality, so he could only think of something useful after calming down.    


In the office, Lee Dawei schemed and schemed all kinds of things, and in the end, a proud smile appeared on his face.    


"You want to do this project? I won't let you do as you wish!"    


After proudly muttering to himself, Lee Dawei called a friend in the Cultural Department.    


Since the company had approved Chen Qingchuan's project, Chen Qingchuan was naturally the person in charge of this project.    


Therefore, in the following period of time, Chen Qingchuan could not cultivate his relationship with the office desk every day. He started to work on various things, and the most important thing right now was... Naturally, it was to set up a project for this project. After all, it was entertainment. He needed to set up a project for the relevant departments first.    


However, the process of establishing the project was not smooth. An office director stopped him and started looking for trouble.    


Chen Qingchuan had brought all the documents according to the relevant regulations, but he still could not use the one that he had brought today. Today, he even started to reason with Chen Qingchuan. "This is against the rules. It is suspected of infringement. I have to think about it. "    


What was the point of going against the rules? Why didn't he say that this project was against the rules when he didn't ask for the documents? This was clearly looking for trouble.    


So in the next moment, Chen Qingchuan said to him," Since you said that you are suspected of infringement, then clearly point out which infringement and whose rights are infringed upon. "    


This question was very impolite, making the director of the office called Xu Fei very unhappy.    


"What? Do I need to explain to you what I do? This is my profession, and this is also my criticism. I have to be strict with every obstacle. This is the right and responsibility that the country has bestowed upon me! You can go back now. I will inform you after considering it!"    


Xu Fei waved his hand and dismissed Chen Qingchuan.    


Chen Qingchuan was very clear that if he really waited so obediently, then this matter would not be resolved.    


Of course, he wasn't a person who followed the rules.    


Therefore, after leaving this place, Chen Qingchuan took out his phone. If the little devil was not able to handle things smoothly, he would just look for the King of Hell!    


On Xu Fei's side, after seeing Chen Qingchuan leave, a sneer appeared on his face. "Fight with me, I can't fight you to death!"    


Then, Xu Fei called Lee Dawei, "Old Li, that kid was pushed back by me again..."    


On the phone, Xu Fei and Lee Dawei proudly showed off. He repeatedly said that no matter what Chen Qingchuan did, he would let Chen Qingchuan come for nothing. There would be no chance at all.    


After the five-minute call ended, Xu Fei hung up the phone and continued to work.    


As for the application documents that Chen Qingchuan brought, he casually threw them into the waste paper basket.    


About ten minutes later, Xu Fei received a call. It was from the head of the department, asking him to go to the office.    


Xu Fei went over, but just as he entered with a smile on his face, he noticed Chen Qingchuan sitting in the room.    


So he knew in his heart that it was definitely Chen Qingchuan who came to complain to him and complain to him.    


But so what if it was a complaint? He was not afraid to complain. He had reason and reason, so why would he be afraid of Chen Qingchuan complaining? This was his territory!    


So he said to Chen Qingchuan directly, "You are quite interesting. I have said that this project needs to be considered. You actually came here to complain about me? Sure. Then you can complain. We will confront each other in front of our boss. Let's see how I break the rules! "    


After hooting with Chen Qingchuan, he turned his gaze to the department head.    


"Boss, listen to me. This is what happened..."    


After that, Xu Fei told the department head about the general situation and finally stated that there was an infringement of rights on this project.    


After saying that, Xu Fei looked at his boss with confidence and waited for his boss's opinion.    


He believed that the chief would definitely help him. After all, he was one of them and he did not do anything wrong.    


But in the next moment, his boss asked him, "Then tell me, whose authority is this project infringing on?"    


This question stunned Xu Fei. He didn't expect that the old man would target him.    


But he did not panic and immediately said the program that involved infringement, which was the program that Mo Xiaoyu participated in previously.    


After he finished speaking, the boss asked again, "Which infringement? Did you use his trademark or his program model? If you only used the contestant who had participated in his program as an infringement, then you had worked in other units before. Did I also infringed on my rights?"    


Being questioned by his boss, Xu Fei was stunned and did not know how to answer.    


However, his boss continued to question him.    


"Since you can't tell me what infringement is, why did you use the infringement to answer him?"    


"The rights given to you by the country are for you to use your power to bully others and commit crimes for the evildoers?"    


"I found that you are very bold, to actually dare to act in a disorderly manner. You probably don't want to do it here anymore, right? "    


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