Big Son-In-Law

C176 Chen Qingchuan Didn't Believe It

C176 Chen Qingchuan Didn't Believe It

Being mocked and reprimanded by Han Shaotai in front of Chen Qingchuan and Su Xue made Sun Lu's face turn ugly, and she felt even angrier in her heart.    


If she really did do something, then not to mention being scolded, she would not have any complaints even if she was beaten up. But she clearly did not do anything!    


"Han Shaotai, you better make it clear to me today. Otherwise, I will fulfill your wish and give you a big green hat!!"    


Sun Lu was completely furious. How could there be such a thing? Just two photos and she was wronged. It simply did not make sense.    


Sun Lu's anger also ignited Han Shaotai's anger.    


He roared in anger, "You have done shameful things yourself and you still have reason to reason with me? You still dare to shout at me?"    


"Come, come, take a look at these two photos. Explain the contents of these two photos clearly. Why did they take less than an hour? You actually changed your clothes, and where did the stockings on your body go? Tell me yourself! "    


"I originally wanted to save some face for you, but you are being shameless!"    


" I really don't know what happened. What happened that made you take off your stockings in Chen Qingchuan's office? Tell me, if you have the ability, explain this to me clearly! "    


Han Shaotai shouted angrily. In his opinion, Sun Lu had an unclean relationship with Chen Qingchuan. Otherwise, how could she take off her stockings? There was no way to explain it!    


Han Shaotai's question also made Sun Lu smile, but it was a mocking smile.    


"Just because of this, you suspect that I have an unclear relationship with Chen Qingchuan, right?"    


"Han Shaotai, Han Shaotai, you are really interesting. Your brain is so good at imagining things, why don't you become a screenwriter? "    


After mocking Han Shaotai, Sun Lu did not give Han Shaotai any more chances to speak. She then looked at Su Xue.    


"Xiaoxue, do you also think I have an unclear relationship with your boyfriend?" ___ asked.    


Su Xue subconsciously shook her head. She really did not think that way. She would rather believe Chen Qingchuan.    


After Su Xue replied by shaking her head, Sun Lu nodded in agreement.    


"It's good that you don't believe me, because Chen Qingchuan and I are innocent. We are not worthy of the world. There is no such thing as Han Shaotai talking nonsense!"    


"Han Shaotai, didn't you want to know what happened yesterday? Okay, let me tell you. I will tell you what happened now! "    


After that, Sun Lu told him everything that happened yesterday.    


When he found out that Sun Lu accidentally poured tea on him, Chen Qingchuan found a set of work clothes for her to change into. Su Xue came to a realization. Indeed, if she had encountered such a situation, she would also deal with it like this. Otherwise, why would she let Sun Lu walk out in wet clothes?    


While Su Xue heaved a long sigh of relief in her heart, she also secretly felt lucky. She was glad that she did not make random guesses and hurt Chen Qingchuan's heart. At the same time, she also felt that Chen Qingchuan was indeed worthy of her trust. He would not be unable to do anything to her.    


But Su Xue believed it, but Han Shaotai did not.    


He sneered, "You think I believe you just because you say that? You even said you want me to be a screenwriter. Why don't you be a screenwriter?"    


"Such a coincidence happened between the two of you. Do you think I'm a fool?"    


"Also, didn't you get burned? Come on, take off your clothes and let me see where you got burned. It can't be that there isn't even a trace! If you can really show a trace of scalding, I'll believe you! Otherwise, hmph!"    


Han Shaotai turned his head to the side and looked like he deserved a beating from Chen Qingchuan.    


Obviously, he wasn't the only one who thought the same thing. Sun Lu also thought the same thing, and then she did the same thing.    


The next moment, Sun Lu was so angry that she slapped Han Shaotai's face, "Han Shaotai, you are shameless!!"    


"I am your wife. You asked me to take off my clothes in front of others to show you the burns. Are you a pig? !”    


Han Shaotai was a little annoyed by the slap, but Sun Lu's scolding made him have to admit that it made sense.    


He was also angry just now, otherwise, how could he have said such things.    


But at this moment, the burning pain on his face made him feel a little embarrassed and angry, especially when he thought about how a big man like him was slapped by a woman. This kind of embarrassment and anger became even more severe, so he continued to speak carelessly in his embarrassment and anger -    


"What does that have to do with anything? Even your body has been slept by someone, so why are you afraid of being seen? "    


Sun Lu was so angry that she almost vomited blood. Such a husband really made her speechless, and her heart was hurt to the extreme.    


"Alright, you want to see my burns, right? You want me to take off my clothes right now to let you see my burns, right? Sure, I promise you! "    


Although the asparagus gel was good, there were still some traces left. After all, yesterday's burns were too severe, and the asparagus gel was not omnipotent. It needed more time to treat it. And the traces were still there, which was the best proof of what Sun Lu said.    


Under the impact of her anger, she did not care about reason anymore and directly reached for the side button of the qipao.    


Didn't Han Shaotai want her to take off her clothes in front of everyone? So what if she took off one? In any case, it wasn't just her face that was lost. There was also Han Shaotai's! Under the impact of this furious thought, Sun Lu really unbutton the button on the side of the qipao's waist. Furthermore, she unbutton two buttons.    


Chen Qingchuan watched from the side and felt helpless. Of course, he couldn't let this happen. After all, Su Xue was still here!    


So in the next moment, he signaled Su Xue to stop Sun Lu, and he himself also explained this matter.    


When Su Xue hugged Sun Lu to stop her absurd actions, Chen Qingchuan also proved it. " There is indeed a relationship between Sun Lu and me that you do not know, but it is not what you think. Your father-in-law, Sun Zhengdao, is my teacher, and we only found out about it yesterday. Regarding this, you can call my teacher and ask. You have to believe in my teacher's character. "    


Han Shaotai was stunned speechless. He did not expect Chen Qingchuan and Sun Lu to have this kind of relationship. At first, he had thought that his senior sister and junior brother were not simple, but Chen Qingchuan mentioned his father-in-law. He was speechless because his father-in-law's character was unquestionable. Even if he wasn't a saint, it wouldn't be much different. Therefore, this should be true.    


But regarding why Sun Lu took off her stockings yesterday...    


Without waiting for Han Shaotai to ask any more questions, Chen Qingchuan directly made a phone call and called Wu Qianqian in.    


"What did I ask you yesterday? Tell me honestly."    


Wu Qianqian did not understand what had happened, but since Chen Qingchuan asked her to tell him the truth, she naturally did as he said.    


She then said that she had taken the aloe gel and a set of work clothes. She had brought them all according to Chen Qingchuan's request.    


After Wu Qianqian finished speaking, Chen Qingchuan indicated for her to go out, but before going out, he told her to make a copy of the surveillance camera.    


"There are surveillance cameras in the corridor and corridor. The surveillance cameras can prove everything."    


Chen Qingchuan did not believe that something he had never done before could still be turned into a pile of sh * t on his head!    


He did not accept this feces basin. He wanted to use facts to firmly place the feces basin on Han Shaotai's head!    


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