Infinite Evolved Territory

C142 Illusion God Mask

C142 Illusion God Mask

"Is this the Illusion World? It's really strange. "    


After arriving at the Illusion World, he looked around curiously. The buildings of the Illusion World were very different from the buildings of other races.    


The architectural style of the Illusion World was somewhat illusory. Those buildings looked like they were made of glass, but he could not see what was happening inside. This made these buildings look very mysterious.    


He walked towards the market and saw the people of this world. However, these people were very mysterious, and many of them wore veils.    


Many people only revealed a pair of eyes. He couldn't see their faces.    


Their hair color was mainly red, blue, purple and black.    


The trading market here was very quiet. No one was buying things outside the market.    


Without the shouts of people buying things, this place didn't look like a trading market at all.    


Although there were many people walking back and forth on the street, they were all as quiet as mute.    


He was filled with curiosity towards this world. In order to avoid being recognized by the people here, he followed the local customs and took out a similar cloth to cover his face.    


He discovered that the color of the Illusion World people's clothes was also very strange. Their clothes were mainly light colored, mainly white, followed by light blue, light green, light pink.    


Just like their hair color, their clothes were basically the same as four different colors.    


He walked towards the people who were setting up the stalls on both sides. They would place the items neatly, and the price of each item would be clearly stated.    


The price of these items were relatively reasonable.    


He didn't see anyone haggling.    


He found that the buyers bought the items very quickly.    


If this was the Human Clan, the buyers would basically have exchanged a few words with the seller, talked about the price, and then decide whether to buy or not.    


The people of the Illusion World were extremely quiet. They could not even make a sound as they walked.    


He even felt that every one of them was very quiet and elegant.    


This was indeed a wonderful world. Although there were a lot of pedestrians, it was the same as not having many people. Because even if they talked to each other, their voices were very soft.    


He casually looked at the prices of these items and then headed towards the direction Wei told him.    


That place was still a bit far from him. Originally he wanted to summon the Lightning to ride, but he discovered that if he did so, he might be treated as an abnormal being.    


He could only increase his walking speed and walk towards the transportation array in the trading market.    


Because the mask seller's shop was in the north of the city, but he was in the east of the city.    


The distance between the two places was very far. He didn't want to waste time, so using the transportation array was the fastest way.    


No matter which world's trading market it was, it was divided into the east, west, south, north and center of the city.    


If he wanted to go through the entire trading market, even if he didn't stop to buy things, it would take several days to finish. It could be imagined how big the entire trading market was.    


Fortunately, there were many transportation arrays in the trading market, which could transport him to any of the five trading markets. This could greatly save his time.    


After entering the transportation array, he paid the teleportation fee of 50 Spirit Coin. Soon, he appeared in the north of the city.    


If he had the time, he would definitely be able to buy some good stuff in this world.    


Unfortunately, he didn't have that much time right now.    


Half an hour later, he arrived outside the shop Wei mentioned. The name of this shop was quite pleasant to hear, and he was even somewhat familiar with it.    


The name of this shop was called Phantom Music Bar.    


Perhaps some people would misunderstand that this was the name of a brothel.    


He walked in.    


This shop was quite big, and there were two waitresses inside who bowed slightly to him. They were wearing tights, revealing their beautiful curves.    


The two waitresses had their faces covered, but the veils were transparent, so he could see their pretty faces.    


"Hello, what would you like to buy? I can lead the way for you." A waitress from the Illusion Clan said to Zhou Yan in a soft voice.    


"May I know where the masks are?"    


There were too many people wearing masks in the Illusion Clan, and there were also many shops selling masks. Along the way, he saw almost every stall selling masks. The Illusion Clan liked to maintain their mysteriousness.    


"Please follow me."    


This girl from the Illusion Clan was very polite. She smiled and brought him up to the second floor. Then, she asked, "I don't know what quality of mask you need. What attributes do you need for the mask you want?"    


Therefore, Zhou Yan roughly told her about the attributes of the Illusion God Mask.    


The girl from the Illusion Clan was slightly stunned. She said, "You came at such a coincidence. We happen to have some new masks with good attributes in our shop. A few of them should be able to satisfy your requirements. "    


Zhou Yan smiled. This was not a coincidence. He had specially come to buy Illusion God Mask.    


"That's great." Zhou Yan expressed his happiness.    


They went to a place on the second floor where there was a special mask display area.    


There were many masks here, ranging from Black Iron to Dark Gold.    


Of course, the higher the quality of the masks, there would be fewer of them.    


The Illusion God Mask was a Spirit weapon quality mask.    


There were only two Spirit weapons quality masks in total.    


He checked the attributes of the other mask and found that it was pretty good, but he didn't need that mask.    


Although he roughly understood the attributes of the Illusion God Mask, he still checked all the attributes of the Illusion God Mask.    


Equipment: Special - Illusion God Mask    


Quality: Spirit weapon    


Durability: 3,000 / 3,000    


Attribute 1: Hide (It can conceal all your strength and aura. If your opponent is too strong, there is a chance that your opponent will see through your disguise. )    


Attribute 2: Illusory Image (It can change the shape and appearance of your body.) )    


Attribute 3: Illusion (It can release an Illusion to confuse enemies. Cooldown: 48 hours )    


Attribute 4: Illusion Kill (It can release an Illusory Kill Technology, Cooldown: 48 hours )    


Attribute 5: It can release a Defense Barrier 1000 / 1000    


Stats 6: Illusion Shift (After wearing it, you can move a certain distance towards a specific location. The distance you move is related to your mental attributes. )    


Stats 7: + 200 Spirit    


Stats 8: Luck + 50    


Equipment Requirements: Level 50, Luck Attribute: 200    


Introduction: It is made from a material taken from a Thousand Year Fantasy Goblin and a powerful Illusion. It has the ability to confuse others.    


Current Price: 300 million Spirit Coins    


This is a special equipment. It had a total of eight attributes.    


The first six attributes were all skill attributes, and the second two attributes were also very good.    


In particular, one of its attributes could increase the user's luck by 50 points, which was very shocking.    


The Illusion World did not seem to pay much attention to the luck attribute. A lucky equipment that could increase the user's luck value by 50 points was actually only sold for 300 million Spirit Coins. He had definitely taken advantage of it.    


Furthermore, this was a special equipment. It was an additional equipment that could provide additional attributes.    


He immediately said to the Illusion World girl, "I want to buy some Illusion God Mask."    


"Really? You are really a rich Illusionist."    


This Illusion World girl was very surprised that he actually bought this equipment with just a glance.    


"I can give you a discount. I hope you can come here to buy more equipment next time."    


The Illusion World girl picked up the Illusion God Mask and walked towards the counter.    


However, when Zhou Yan looked at the other equipment, he found that the masks above Silver were all special equipment, and each mask could increase the user's luck value.    


He was immediately shocked.    


Then, he found another way to get rich.    


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