Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C1665 The Dust Settled(2)

C1665 The Dust Settled(2)

After Xue Chen received Martial God's call, he immediately left Fengxiang City and brought Shen Xuening with him.    


This was what Martial God told him. Although Xue Chen didn't know why Martial God wanted him to bring Shen Xuening with him, since Martial God had asked, Xue Chen naturally didn't ask any more questions.    


Furthermore, Xue Chen believed that Martial God would never let him take Shen Xuening away for no reason.    


Xue Chen left Fengxiang City. Just as Xue Chen left with Shen Xuening, Shen Guorong really did as he said. After giving Xue Chen and Shen Xuening a good name for their future children, he really chose to commit suicide.    


But before he committed suicide, Shen Guorong left a letter.    


In the letter, he wrote, "When I felt like I was going to enter heaven, I realized that this was just the entrance to hell, but I had no way to turn back. Even though I knew I was going to die, I still wanted to jump down. I had no choice but to shatter my bones.    


At the same time, Shen Guorong also wrote in the letter: He did not blame Xue Chen, and Xue Chen did not want to kill him. It was because he no longer had any face to face others.    


Shen Guorong was dead. He committed suicide. He wrote down all the reasons why he committed suicide. At the same time, there were also some confessions to the Shen family.    


Xue Chen and Shen Xuening had no idea about Shen Guorong's death. They were heading towards the paradise.    


After they arrived at the paradise, before they could see Martial God, the people who lived here came forward to congratulate Xue Chen.    


This made Xue Chen dumbfounded. What was going on?    


Later on, after asking, Xue Chen found out that Shee Xueyan had already given birth. Furthermore, she had given birth to a son.    


This stunned Xue Chen.    


Shee Xueyan gave birth?    


Did he have a son?    


For a moment, Xue Chen's heart was filled with indescribable excitement. At the same time, there was also a trace of guilt.    


Initially, he thought that he would be able to catch up with Shee Xueyan to give birth, but who would have thought that he would miss it so much. When Shee Xueyan was about to give birth, he could not accompany Shee Xueyan by her side.    


This made Xue Chen wish that he could immediately see Shee Xueyan. This was his first child.    


But when Xue Chen's face was full of pride and happiness, he suddenly realized that Shen Xuening was beside him. This made Xue Chen a little unsure of what to do.    


"Wife, I..."    


"Quickly go and see her!" Shen Xuening pretended to be calm and said with a face full of indifference.    


At this moment, Shen Xuening was very uncomfortable in her heart. One must know that she was Xue Chen's wife. Although she also knew that Shee Xueyan was the first to get pregnant and the child was definitely the first to be born, after hearing that Shee Xueyan gave birth to the child, Shen Xuening could not help but feel a little uncomfortable in her heart.    


Let alone Shen Xuening, even if it was someone else, they would probably feel the same way.    


Although Xue Chen wished that he could immediately go and see Shee Xueyan and his child, he suppressed the impulse in his heart and still stayed by Shen Xuening's side.    


Seeing that Xue Chen did not move, Shen Xuening spoke again, "What are you still standing there for? Quickly go over and see the child!"    


"She gave birth and you are not by her side. Now that the child is born, why aren't you going over quickly? Are you trying to make a scene like that?"    


At this moment, the Martial God came out of nowhere and heard Shen Xuening's words.    


"Xue Chen, go and take a look. The child is very cute!" Martial God said lightly, "Perfect, I have something to tell Miss Shen."    


Xue Chen looked at Martial God and heard what he said. He thought for a while and nodded. "Okay, honey. I will go and find you later."    


Shen Xuening nodded and did not say anything.    


After Xue Chen left, Martial God looked at Shen Xuening and said, "Are you feeling very uncomfortable?"    


"I'm fine!" Shen Xuening said neither lightly nor heavily, "I knew it a long time ago."    


"I know you don't feel well." Martial God said lightly, "It's the same for anyone else. There is no need to pretend to be strong in front of me."    


Shen Xuening forced a smile on her face and did not continue the topic. "Uncle, why are you looking for me?"    


"Do you still hate me?"    


"If I say I am not, you will definitely not believe me!" Shen Xuening said lightly, "There is a little bit more, but I do not blame you. You are thinking about Xue Chen. I can understand."    


Seeing Shen Xuening so carefree and casual, Martial God's face revealed a very gratified smile. "Thank you for understanding me."    


"But I am indeed sorry for you. I do not know how to make it up to you. Or perhaps I may not have the chance to make it up to you in the future..."    


"Uncle, is your poison really incurable?" Shen Xuening asked with a trace of worry.    


Although Martial God did not care about Shen Xuening's life or death and made Shen Xuening hate Martial God, after she calmed down and knew that Martial God did not have much time left, her hatred slowly faded.    


Martial God also considered things from the perspective of a father. Although she was a daughter-in-law, 99% of people would choose their own son when it came to the life and death of their son and daughter-in-law.    


This was human nature, so she did not hate Martial God too much.    


Moreover, if it wasn't for Martial God, Xue Chen wouldn't have been like this. Moreover, she might have fallen into the hands of Martial God many times.    


"Maybe, maybe not!" Martial God said softly. "Everything depends on fate. Don't force it!"    


"But before I die, I will take good care of you and Xue Chen's children." Martial God slowly turned his eyes to Shen Xuening's belly. "You, I don't have a chance to make it up to you. Just put my guilt on this child."    


"And don't worry. No matter what, the successor of Xue Family can only be your child. This is an iron rule!"    


"Actually, I don't care about this."    


"I know!" Martial God said softly, "But this is the rule!"    


"Uncle, you don't have to do this. I know you are not bound by the rules. " If you are such a person, then you won't let Xue Chen be the master of this place anymore. "    


Martial God chuckled. "I have no children. If I don't give them to Xue Chen, no one can give them to me. You are different."    


"Uncle, actually, I don't want my future children to follow Xue Chen's footsteps." Shen Xuening said lightly, "I just want them to live a peaceful life."    


At this moment, Shen Xuening was already pregnant and had experienced so much. Her thoughts had long changed.    


Although all parents wanted their children to become dragons and women to become phoenixes, so what if they became dragons and phoenixes?    


Did they have a safe and happy life?    


"Don't worry. I won't train your children like Xue Chen did." "But sometimes you can't do whatever you want."    


"Let's just let fate decide."    


Since Martial God had said so, Shen Xuening naturally could not say anything.    


At the same time, Xue Chen had already found Shee Xueyan. Shee Xueyan was currently on the moon while Shee Xueyan's mother, Huang Leejuan, went to wash the diapers for the child. Shen Mannni, Huo Hanliu, and Lin Keke, the three girls were surrounding Shee Xueyan. To be more accurate, they were surrounding Shee Xueyan's child and chattering non-stop.    


Originally, Shen Mannni was hostile towards Shee Xueyan, but after Shee Xueyan's child was born, or it should be said that when Shee Xueyan was about to give birth, there was no longer any hostility. Now, she even treated Shee Xueyan as her elder sister.    


Xue Chen's sudden arrival stunned the few women. Immediately, their faces revealed joy. Before Shee Xueyan could speak, Shen Mannni immediately said excitedly, "Brother-in-law, quickly take a look at how cute this child is. Also, do you think his eyes are big? Why does he always keep his eyes closed..."    


Shen Mannni immediately threw a series of questions at Xue Chen as if she had a hundred thousand reasons.    


Because the child had just been born a few days ago and had been sleeping with his eyes closed, Shen Mannni was very helpless. Of course, she would occasionally open her eyes, but that time was really too short.    


Facing Shen Mannni's questions, Xue Chen directly entered into a state of confusion and did not know what to say at all.    


"Mannni, you have too many questions. How will Brother Xue answer? And you also let Brother Xue take a look at the child!" Huo Hanliu pursed his lips and said with a smile, "Besides, didn't Big Sister say that children are like this? He wants to sleep. It is normal for him to sleep for more than 20 hours a day!"    


"How is that possible? I heard from my parents that it was a miracle that I could sleep for seven or eight hours when I was just born."    


"No wonder you're so noisy. So you've been like this since you were young!" Xue Chen's face revealed a look of understanding.    


"Brother-in-law, you..."    


Xue Chen chuckled. "I was just joking!"    


Shen Mannni snorted and ignored Xue Chen. "Let's go. My sister must be here too. Let's go find her."    


Although Shen Mannni liked to mess around, she did not know nothing. Now that Xue Chen had come, she must have a lot to say to Shee Xueyan. After all, he was not there when Shee Xueyan gave birth.    


So Shen Mannni very sensibly brought her little friend and left this place.    


Wait for Xue Chen to come over. After Shen Mannni and the other two left, Xue Chen immediately turned his gaze to Shee Xueyan, "Xueyan, I'm sorry, I..."    


"I don't blame you, as long as you are safe and sound!" Shee Xueyan said very gently, "Quickly look at the child. Uncle said that he looks very much like you when you were young!"    


As she spoke, Shee Xueyan carried the child.    


Xue Chen immediately looked at the child. His face was full of smiles. He took the child and held it in his arms.    


"My son is very handsome. He will definitely be a young man who will bring disaster to the country and the people in the future!"    


"You are the only one who praised your son like that!"    


Xue Chen laughed. "By the way, did you give him a name?"    


"Uncle gave him a name. He's called Xue Shengzhe. He's called Li Sao. He's called Wei Shengzhe. He's called Mao Xingxi."    


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