Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C1356 Abandoned Son Baikal

C1356 Abandoned Son Baikal

In the Fengxiang City, after Zuo Cheng'ao left the hotel, he didn't go too far. Instead, he went to a high-class district in the Fengxiang City.    


Zuo Cheng'ao seemed to be very familiar with this high-end residential area. After entering this place, he headed straight to the ninth unit of the 13th building.    


After arriving at the entrance of unit 9, Zuo Cheng'ao directly took the elevator to the 17th floor.    


In an instant, Zuo Cheng'ao reached the 17th floor.    


After coming out of the elevator, Zuo Cheng'ao walked to the door of one of the houses.    


After arriving at the door, Zuo Cheng'ao did not knock. Instead, he took out a set of tools to unlock the door. He quickly opened the door and walked in.    


As soon as Zuo Cheng'ao entered the room, several rays of cold light shot out from the room.    






Zuo Cheng'ao's face suddenly turned cold when he saw this sudden change. He hurriedly leaned back and dodged, causing the cold lights to immediately brush past him.    


"Bai Kaoer, stop!" Zuo Cheng'ao hurriedly shouted in a low voice.    


That's right. The person Zuo Cheng'ao was looking for was none other than Bai Kaoer. He had used the information channels of the Dragon Gate and his own secret information to find out where Bai Kaoer lived.    


He had specially come to Fengxiang City from Lingnan to find Bai Kaoer, and the second reason was to get Xue Chen out of Lingnan.    


However, Zuo Cheng'ao didn't expect that he would be in danger the moment he opened the door. If he hadn't reacted fast enough, he would have become a corpse by now.    


As soon as he finished speaking, Zuo Cheng'ao stood up.    


In the next moment, Zuo Cheng'ao's face suddenly twisted. There were shelves of machine-operated crossbows placed in front of him a few meters in front of him, and all of them were sharp blades. Bai Kaoer stood behind him, holding a remote control in her hand.    


Clearly, the remote control in Bai Kaoer's hand was used to control these machine-operated crossbows.    


"Zuo Cheng'ao, it's you..." When Bai Kaoer saw Zuo Cheng'ao, a look of surprise flashed across her delicate face, but it was quickly filled with frost. "Shouldn't you be in prison now? Why are you here?"    


"Bai Kaoer..."    


As he spoke, Zuo Cheng'ao was about to walk forward.    


Bai Kaoer saw this and immediately said, "Zuo Cheng'ao, stop right there. If you dare to take another step forward, don't blame me for being impolite!"    


"I know you are very powerful, but let me tell you, I am not someone to be trifled with. Even if these crossbow arrows cannot take your life, they can still injure you!"    


"At the same time, I don't only have these things here!"    


Yim Wudao's disappearance had completely become Bai Kaoer's mental illness. No matter where she hid, she could not feel at ease.    


That was why she had specially found someone to make these modern machine-operated crossbows to protect her safety.    


At the same time, the machine-operated crossbows were designed very cleverly. If someone broke into the house or tried to sneak in like Zuo Cheng'ao, they would be able to sneak in secretly. Then what awaited him was countless sharp blades shooting out.    


Seeing Bai Kaoer's face full of killing intent, Zuo Cheng'ao immediately stopped. "Bai Kaoer," he said. I'm not here to make things difficult for you!"    


"Zuo Cheng'ao, do you think I am a three-year-old child?" "You will not make things difficult for me. Don't you know how to knock on the door?"    


"Also, why did you open the door so quickly?"    


"The lock of your security door is Grade A. It is too easy to open. Don't mention me. "Even those who know the method of unlocking tinfoil can open it for you in a few seconds!" "Remember to change the lock next time. The fingerprints are good."    


Bai Kaoer immediately understood after hearing Zuo Cheng'ao's words. No wonder this guy was able to open the lock so quickly. It turned out that it was because of her lock.    


"Your setup here is pretty good. It's like a mechanical tomb!"    


"Cut the crap. What are you doing here?"    


"Bai Kaoer, are you going to let me talk to you like this?" Zuo Cheng'ao frowned slightly.    


"Zuo Cheng'ao, do you think I should treat you to a cup of tea?" Bai Kaoer said bluntly, "If you have something to say, say it immediately. If you don't want to say it, then scram."    


Bai Kaoer did not show any courtesy to Zuo Cheng'ao.    


This guy secretly unlocked the door from outside. If she had not been on guard, she would probably be in Zuo Cheng'ao's hands right now.    


After hearing Bai Kaoer's hostile words, Zuo Cheng'ao helplessly shrugged his shoulders. "Bai Kaoer, Your traps might be able to deal with other people. But it won't kill me! "    


"Then you can try and see if there is anything behind these mechanisms of mine!"    


Looking at Bai Kaoer's confident face, Zuo Cheng'ao's expression changed slightly and a surge of anger rose in his heart.    


But immediately after, Zuo Cheng'ao took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart. "I didn't come to find you to make things difficult for you. Since that's the case, I will say it here."    


As soon as he finished speaking, Zuo Cheng'ao did not wait for Bai Kaoer to speak and said again, "Bai Kaoer, you are a smart person. Since I have appeared in front of you, you should know my purpose."    


"You want to deal with Xue Chen?"    


"That's right." Zuo Cheng'ao nodded. "If I want to hide it from you or make you unable to recognize me, I can wear a mask or disguise myself."    


"Now that I have appeared in front of you with my true face, you should be able to see my sincerity, right?"    


"I only saw that you wanted to sneak in!" Bai Kaoer said vigilantly.    


Zuo Cheng'ao smiled bitterly. "Alright. If that's the case, let's get straight to the point."    


"I want the Qin Imperial Seal, and I want to deal with Xue Chen at the same time. If I'm not mistaken, the Qin Imperial Seal is in your hands now, right?"    


"Do you think I will tell you this?"    


"Do as you wish!" Zuo Cheng'ao said calmly, "If the Qin Imperial Seal is in your hands, you can take care of it. Consider it our cooperation. Your bargaining chip..."    


"Did I say I would cooperate with you?"    


"Bai Kaoer, no matter who you have behind your back, don't you think it's safer to be on a boat at this juncture?" Zuo Cheng'ao said unhurriedly, "If you flip one over, you can still go on another boat to save your life."    


Bai Kaoer did not speak this time. Instead, she said after a moment of silence. "Why did you choose to cooperate with me?"    


"Actually, I chose Yim Wudao. But after thinking about it, it is very likely that this guy will sell me out, so I came to find you."    


"You can't find Yim Wudao, can you?"    


"There is a reason!" "No matter what, you are the one I am looking for. You are the one I want to work with."    


"How do you want to work with me?"    


"Who is the person behind you? Tell me, and whether you are the one who dealt with the Lu Family back then. What do you want from the Lu Family?" Zuo Cheng'ao asked all the questions in his mind. "What is the use of that thing?"    


"If I tell you the answer, what benefits will I get?"    


"I can help you find Yim Wudao and even kill him. The premise is that if the Qin Imperial Seal is with you, I hope we can share it!" Zuo Cheng'ao said heavily, "The Qin Imperial Seal is not something you can defend alone. You need a powerful ally."    


"I feel that I am the most suitable."    


"Of course I know what you are worried about, but I think with your intelligence, you must have a way to protect yourself. After all, I am right in front of you right now."    


"And whatever you want to do, I can unconditionally support you. At the same time, I can also give you material wealth and people!"    


"Alright, then I will tell you." Bai Kaoer was very happy to persuade him. "Who is the person behind me? I do not know, I have never seen what he looks like!"    


"The Lu Family's matters were indeed done by us, but what did they take from the Lu Family? I'm not sure, but I heard that it was a bronze statue or something!"    


"As for its use, I have no idea. However, I guess it has something to do with the Qin Imperial Seal!"    


Zuo Cheng'ao frowned when he heard Bai Kaoer's words. "What else do you know?"    


"I think you should know the rest. I don't need to tell you again."    


"Did you really take the robot away?"    


"That's right. But if you ask me where the robot is now, I don't know."    


"I'll check it out!" Zuo Cheng'ao took a deep breath and said, "Yes." "Also, is the man behind you in Fengxiang City now?"    


"I don't know." Bai Kaoer said without hesitation, "The person behind me is too mysterious and has never shown himself. I don't even know who he is. Since he is in Fengxiang City, even in front of me, I don't recognize him!"    


As she spoke, a cold light shot out from Bai Kaoer's eyes.    


Zuo Cheng'ao laughed lightly. "Do you suspect that I am the person behind you?"    


"You said it yourself. I didn't say it."    


"Bai Kaoer, if I am the person behind you, do you think I would stand here and tell you all this?"    


"I don't know. Some people like to play double identities!" Bai Kaoer said lightly.    


"Okay. I know you don't believe me, but I can tell you for sure that I am not." Zuo Cheng'ao said heavily. "Also, I will advise you to leave Fengxiang City immediately. Don't stay here. Many people are looking for you and Yim Wudao."    


"Because of the Qin Imperial Seal?"    


"That's right. No one knows who has the Qin Imperial Seal in the hands of Xue Chen, you, and Yim Wudao. They will naturally pick the soft persimmon first."    


"Am I the soft persimmon they chose?"    


"What do you think?" Zuo Cheng'ao took a deep breath. "At the same time, I hope you can help me with something. If you can help me with this, everything we need to do next will be twice the result with half the effort."    


"Zuo Cheng'ao, I didn't agree to cooperate with you, did I?"    


"Bai Kaoer, I think you should consider what I said before. The person behind you is not simple." Zuo Cheng'ao said seriously, "He completely treats you as an abandoned child now. Don't you see?"    


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