Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C1351 Get Xue Chen away

C1351 Get Xue Chen away

Zuo Cheng'ao left Shen Baichuan's place with a belly full of doubts.    


After Zuo Cheng'ao left, Shen Baichuan did not eat melon seeds or watch TV. Instead, he fell into silence, deep in thought.    


Shen Baichuan didn't think that Zuo Cheng'ao told him that he was going to Fengxiang City just to tease him. Since he said so, he would definitely go.    


But what was Zuo Cheng'ao going to do?    


Now that Zuo Cheng'ao's intention was obvious, he wanted the Qin Imperial Seal. Going to Fengxiang City was definitely a secret that no one could tell.    


He would even carry out his own scheme.    


Zuo Cheng'ao was very cunning. He was very cunning in front of others. Even if you had doubts about him, he would not leave any traces behind.    


For example, Feng Yuan had been following Zuo Cheng'ao all this time. It was not an exaggeration to say that she had been promoted by Zuo Cheng'ao.    


However, Feng Yuan had never known the face on Zuo Cheng'ao's back.    


In Feng Yuan's heart, Zuo Cheng'ao was a good person.    


Perhaps he had made mistakes in the past, but in this world, who would dare say that they would never make mistakes in their lifetime?    


From this point, one could see how far Zuo Cheng'ao had disguised himself. At the same time, one could also see how strong Zuo Cheng'ao's vigilance was.    


Now that Zuo Cheng'ao was together with him, both of them were so hypocritical that they could cover themselves up. If there was some kind of conspiracy behind their backs... So...    


As long as he thought about it, Shen Baichuan's heart would jump to his throat.    


He wanted to escape and leave this place, but the guardian inside was too good. It was not an exaggeration to say that it was flawless. Even if he wanted to escape, he could not.    


Even if he had wings, he could not fly out. He was completely trapped here, unless the other party was willing to let him go.    


Otherwise, it would be as hard as ascending to the heavens for Shen Baichuan to leave this place!    


Of course, if Xue Chen could find this place, Shen Baichuan could still leave safely.    


Just as Shen Baichuan was wondering how he could leave, the iron door was opened from the outside again, pulling Shen Baichuan back to reality.    


After hearing the sound, Shen Baichuan instinctively looked towards the door.    


Suddenly, a slightly hunched figure appeared in Shen Baichuan's line of sight.    


When he saw the person who came, Shen Baichuan snorted. "You cooperated with Zuo Cheng'ao?"    


"Zuo Cheng'ao said you left something for Xue Chen?"    


"What do you think?" Shen Baichuan asked coldly. "If you can catch me, you can hide it from me. I can naturally leave some clues behind."    


"Is that so?" The old man said with a disdainful smile.    


Shen Baichuan chose to ignore the old man's question.    


Shen Baichuan fell into silence when he saw Shen Baichuan fall into silence. The old man said again, "Baichuan, I still want to give you a piece of advice. Tell me everything you know. How about this? It's good for you and for me. "    


"And I won't hurt them. You should know..."    


I don't know! " Shen Baichuan interrupted him and said heavily, "I only know that you are blinded by benefits. You can do anything."    


"If I could do anything, you wouldn't be sitting here so leisurely." The old man snorted, "Xuening will also be in my hands at this time!"    


Shen Baichuan took a deep breath and changed the topic. "I don't understand. Why do you want medicinal Qin Imperial Seals?"    


"What do you think?"    


Immortality?" "Do you believe it?"    


"Even if there is a formula in it, do you think you can find all the herbs?" Shen Baichuan asked. Shen Baichuan said, "Qin Shihuang dreamed of immortality, but he was poor all his life. He did not refine any immortality medicine."    


"This is just a legend, a legend. There is no immortality medicine in this world."    


"Perhaps there is no immortality medicine, but there will be something else!"    


"Yes, there are other things inside, but what is the use?" Shen Baichuan asked back. "You are old. You do not have many years. Do you think it is interesting for you to be involved in this? "    


"Interesting!" The old man said heavily, "There is definitely a shocking mystery in the Qin Imperial Seal. Otherwise, you wouldn't have kept quiet all the time!"    


"I do want to spit out, but I don't know what's inside at all!" Shen Baichuan said heavily, "What you and I know is from history books, wild history, folklore, and then we will figure it out ourselves."    


"Baichuan, do you think I will believe you?" The old man walked to the side of the teapot and poured himself a cup of tea. He said softly, "Gong Shangyu used to be your wife..."    


"But you must remember that the Qin Imperial Seal belongs to the Xue Family. Shangyu also does not know that her responsibility is to protect..."    


"Yes, to protect, but do you think these guardians don't know anything?" The old man said with a faint smile, "Is Martial God really unable to find anything?"    


"Or rather, Martial God knows the secret inside, but he can't open the Qin Imperial Seal, or he can't find that place!"    


The old man stared at Shen Baichuan, as if he was afraid of missing any expression on Shen Baichuan's face.    


Unfortunately, he was disappointed. From beginning to end, Shen Baichuan's expression was calm, as if there was no ripples on the surface of the lake.    


"You have a lot of imagination, but let me tell you, no matter what is inside, you will not succeed!" Shen Baichuan said seriously and seriously, "Martial God, none of you can stop it. Xue Chen has made you fear him."    


"I'm afraid he is even more afraid now. Otherwise, he wouldn't be hiding in the dark and not daring to show his face."    


"The topic seems to have gone far, right?" The old man said slowly and softly, "Let's talk about the Qin Imperial Seal now. We didn't mention Martial God and Xue Chen's uncle!"    


Seeing the old man bring the topic back to the Qin Imperial Seal, Shen Baichuan sighed softly. "You don't need to. I don't know the secret of the Qin Imperial Seal at all!"    


"I don't believe it!"    


"Believe it or not is your problem." "Since you want to trap me here, then just stay here. I want to see how you can achieve your goal in the hands of many forces and Martial God."    


"I will let you get what you want. But before that, I think you should tell me what you know. This way, I will achieve my goal faster."    


Shen Baichuan looked at the old man and paused. "I don't know what you want me to say. Also, I advise you not to cooperate with Zuo Cheng'ao. Otherwise, if Zuo Cheng'ao is not dead, you will be killed by him."    


"I don't need you to worry about that."    


Shen Baichuan laughed at himself. "It seems you have made up your mind. You are going to do it."    


"You should have known from the moment I captured you."    


Shen Baichuan sighed and said helplessly, "Yes, I should have guessed the moment you made a move."    


"Baichuan, tell me what you know. Let's work together..."    


"I don't know anything. Even if I did, I wouldn't tell you." Shen Baichuan interrupted the old man. He glanced at the old man with a complicated expression. At the same time, a hint of pain appeared in his eyes.    


"Let's turn back. It's not too late yet. It's too late to turn back when the time comes..."    


"Looks like you are determined not to help me!" The old man's face immediately darkened. "Since that's the case, I will never talk to you again. Just watch, I will definitely succeed!"    


As soon as he finished speaking, the old man's wrestler walked out.    


Looking at the old man's back, Shen Baichuan sighed heavily. "Bai Poju, maybe the two of us can have a lot to talk about."    


After the old man left Shen Baichuan's place angrily, he met Zuo Cheng'ao.    


"Haven't you already left?" the old man asked. The old man stared at Zuo Cheng'ao with an unfriendly expression.    


Looking at the old man's ashen face, Zuo Cheng'ao did not need to guess to know that he must have suffered at Shen Baichuan's hands.    


"He has already left, but I have remembered something."    


"What is it?"    


"If you cannot find me, you can go to Lih Xinyao. I will inform her and ask her to cooperate with you."    


After hearing Zuo Cheng'ao's words, the old man was stunned. "What are you going to do?"    


"Go back to prison!" Zuo Cheng'ao said calmly. "I have been out for a long time. It is time to go back and stay for two days. Otherwise, if we are really discovered, Then I guess I'll have to peel off a layer of skin even if I don't die! "    


"I will go there for two days and bring Xue Chen to the capital at the same time. Won't that make you much safer?"    


"Okay. If there is anything, I will send someone to find Lih Xinyao." The old man nodded.    


The old man agreed with Zuo Cheng'ao's suggestion. After all, if Xue Chen left Lingnan, he would be safer.    


As for the rest of the Shen Family, if they wanted to find him, they could only dream about it.    


So what if they found him? They were not Xue Chen and did not have the ability to do so.    


"Take care of yourself. Don't let Xue Chen find you these two days. I'll go back and make some plans, and then I'll take Xue Chen away!"    


"It's not your turn to teach me what to do!"    


Zuo Cheng'ao chuckled. "Alright, I'm leaving."    


Zuo Cheng'ao turned around and left as soon as he finished speaking.    


A gloomy look flashed in the depths of the old man's eyes as he looked at Zuo Cheng'ao's back.    


However, because the old man had concealed it very well, Zuo Cheng'ao did not notice it at all.    


After Zuo Cheng'ao left this place, he headed straight for Fengxiang City.    


Lingnan was even more dangerous than Fengxiang City, and all of this was caused by Xue Chen's arrival.    


It was impossible to do anything in Lingnan, and all that could be done was basically done.    


The rest was something that Zuo Cheng'ao could not do at the moment, so he went to the Fengxiang City to do other things.    


As for whether it had anything to do with Shen Xuening, it was unknown.    


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