Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C1324 Jiang Zhanyi Held a Grudge

C1324 Jiang Zhanyi Held a Grudge

Xuanyuan Yidao also walked out of the living room to look for Xue Chen.    


At this moment, Xuanyuan Yidao was sure that Xue Chen's heart must be very chaotic.    


But this was normal. No one would be able to remain calm if this happened to anyone.    


Because Xuanyuan Yidao was blind, even though he was very familiar with Sandal Palace Villa, he still couldn't see Xue Chen after he walked out. He could only use his ears to listen and see if there was any movement around him.    


But after listening for a long time, Xuanyuan Yidao didn't hear anything. He couldn't help but shout, "Xue Chen..."    


At this moment, Xue Chen was standing in the garden of the villa. However, due to his heavy heart, he did not notice Xuanyuan Yidao walking out of the villa.    


After hearing Xuanyuan Yidao's shout, Xue Chen immediately came back to his senses. At the same time, he turned his head and looked in Xuanyuan Yidao's direction.    


When he saw Xuanyuan Yidao, Xue Chen walked towards him. "Old master, why did you come out?"    


Xue Chen walked to Xuanyuan Yidao's side and immediately supported him.    


"I feel bad, don't I?" Xuanyuan Yidao asked softly.    


He was blind, but not in his heart.    


Xue Chen smiled bitterly. "Are you okay?"    


"I know you must be feeling bad. Even if it was me, I might not be able to accept it, let alone you." Xuanyuan Yidao sighed. "I was there when you talked about it."    


"They were telling the truth. I heard about it, but I didn't tell you the details." Xuanyuan Yidao said softly, "I know you are in a bad mood now, so I will not make things difficult for you. When you want to know that day, come and ask me."    


"But I also heard it from your grandfather. After all, I wasn't there back then, so it's very likely that I couldn't restore the scene back then. But I believe what your grandfather told me was true!"    


"I know!" Xue Chen nodded.    


"It's over. Don't worry about it." Xuanyuan Yidao comforted him softly. "And it wasn't easy for your grandfather back then."    


"If he did not have no other choice, he would not have done so. Of course, our Xuanyuan Family can help him a little, but our Xuanyuan Family has always been hiding from the world. Even if we want to help, it is very limited. If fighting and killing is okay, other things will be difficult."    


"Uncle, don't worry, I'm fine!" Xue Chen called Xuanyuan Yidao Uncle surprisingly.    


Xuanyuan Yidao smiled when he heard Xue Chen call him uncle. "Xue Chen, I know you are a good child."    


"I know I shouldn't bother you at this time, but I still want to say something!"    


"If you have anything to say, just say it!"    


"Qin Hantian is right. No matter what Xuyao and Zhanyi are doing, they are still your father and grandfather. This cannot be changed."    


"If your mother is still alive, I don't think she would want to see the current situation."    


"I know about your mother's death. At that time, even if your mother hated your father, she must have loved him. " Otherwise, he wouldn't have done so. "    


"At the same time, if your mother really hated your father to the extreme, do you think your uncle would let your father live until now?" Xuanyuan Yidao sighed slightly. "Your uncle dared to come out of the mountain for your mother. His white clothes are stained with blood and he has killed many people for her. It can be seen that your uncle is very good to your mother."    


"Now that your mother has fallen into such a state, she hates your father and the people of the Jiang Family the most. I'm afraid that she belongs to your uncle. However, under such circumstances, your uncle still didn't kill your father to relieve the hatred in his heart. He didn't do anything to the Jiang Family. Don't you think it is very interesting?"    


Xue Chen fell silent.    


"I don't think your uncle is a kind and soft-hearted person. He talks about old times!" Xuanyuan Yidao said again, "If I'm not wrong, your mother must have begged your uncle not to hurt your father and uncle when she knew she was running out of time."    


"Your mother must know your uncle better than anyone else. She knows better than anyone what will happen to your uncle after he dies. If he did not beg, the Jiang Family would have been slaughtered by your uncle long ago."    


"There were a lot of people at that time, but no one could stop your uncle!"    


Xuanyuan Yidao seemed to have thought of something as he spoke. He added, "Back then, Dragon Sect Master used everyone's strength to defeat your uncle, but he was unable to kill him. If your uncle attacked back, everyone would die!"    


"But your uncle did not do that. After that, he left, leaving behind some enemies who were struggling to survive in this world!"    


"Perhaps your uncle had thought about it at the time, asking you to avenge your mother and get rid of these people. Among these people, there might be me who stopped your uncle, but it definitely did not include your father!"    


"It must be known that killing a father is hard to tolerate by the heavens. It is destined to be cursed by the people of the world. Could it be that your uncle doesn't know what will happen if you kill the people of Jiang Family by yourself?"    


"He is your uncle. It's impossible for him to let you die for a thousand years. Even if he killed you by himself, he wouldn't let you kill him. This is completely forcing you!"    


Xue Chen was speechless.    


Everything Xuanyuan Yidao said made sense. It was impossible for Martial God to not know what would happen if Xue Chen killed his father and the people of Jiang Family.    


Therefore, Martial God would never force Xue Chen to do so.    


"Uncle, I know what you said. Don't worry. I really didn't think much about it." Xue Chen said softly, "I was just a little confused."    


"Xue Chen, there are only the two of us here. Uncle, let me tell you something today."    


"What do you mean?"    


"In fact, your grandfather and Qin Hantian have never been on good terms with each other." Xuanyuan Yidao sounded serious. "Qin Hantian did a lot of work when he was fighting your mother, but he didn't fight as hard as Bai Guiqi did."    


"If not, Qin Hantian might have taken the first place."    


"I know that. He said it in secret." Xue Chen said slowly, "Is it because of this that the old master doesn't want to fight him?"    


"That's about it." Xuanyuan Yidao said seriously, "Later, although he learned well and was not like Bai Guiqi, there were some grudges that could not be released just like that."    


"Now that Qin Hantian wants to marry the Jiang Family, your grandfather will not agree to it." Xuanyuan Yidao took a deep breath and said, "If there is a chance, your grandfather will even kill Qin Hantian."    


Xue Chen's eyes widened when he heard Xuanyuan Yidao's words. He looked at Xuanyuan Yidao in shock and said, "Uncle, your sneer is not funny!"    


"I'm not joking with you!" Xuanyuan Yidao said seriously, "I am telling the truth. Your grandfather is a good person. He loves to hold grudges."    


"He will remember everything he did to him for the rest of his life. If he finds an opportunity, he will kill him."    


"Back then, Qin Hantian also attacked the Jiang Family while they were down, and he even dealt with your mother. Now, he has learned well, but your grandfather doesn't believe it. He always feels that Qin Hantian won't be able to learn well so easily. But after so many years, Qin Hantian hasn't done anything, and your grandfather doesn't even have the chance to do anything!"    


"We just get along peacefully, but we rarely see each other. That's why we have always been very harmonious."    


"However, after knowing that Qin Hantian wanted Qin Shou to marry your sister, your grandfather rejected him firmly. Do you really think Qin Hantian is here to make peace with your father?"    


"Isn't that so?"    


"Silly boy, how could Qin Hantian make peace on purpose?" "He came with your sister and Qin Shou," Xuanyuan Yidao said. "Think about it."    


Xue Chen thought for a moment after hearing Xuanyuan Yidao's words. He looked surprised. "You mean he knew my grandpa would refuse. Now, he wants to talk to me. If we can fix our relationship, this will be Qin Shou's bonus, right?"    


"Isn't this pretty smart?" Xuanyuan Yidao praised. "Don't look at the surface of everything. No matter what it is, you would rather think more than less. Otherwise, you will be the one to suffer."    


Xue Chen nodded. "Uncle, after you say that, I think Qin Hantian is really an old fox. He actually wants two birds with one stone."    


"Of course. You are Martial God's nephew. If you are related to him, it means that you are related to him. Who wouldn't want to do that?"    


Xue Chen smiled bitterly. It seemed that those who were close to him had other motives.    


Initially, Xue Chen thought that Qin Shou asked Jiang Ehuang to propose to him because he really liked her. But now, it seemed that it was not necessarily true.    


This time, Xue Chen misunderstood Qin Shou. Qin Shou was really asking Jiang Ehuang to marry him. As for what Qin Hantian was doing in secret, he had no idea at all.    


Otherwise, Qin Shou would not have been able to accept that his grandfather was the boss behind all of this.    


"That will depend on Ehuang. If Ehuang does not agree, then no one can force themselves to come." Xue Chen said heavily, "If Ehuang really wants to agree, then... Well, that's not a bad thing...    


While Xue Chen and Xuanyuan Yidao were talking about this, in a welfare institute in Fengxiang City, Master Zui already knew that Qin Hantian had come to Fengxiang City.    


He couldn't sit still any longer. At the same time, his heart was filled with panic and uneasiness.    


He had seen Qin Hantian before and knew very well that Qin Hantian was Master of the God Destroying Pavilion. Furthermore, he was very powerful!    


But why did Qin Hantian come to Fengxiang City now?    


Could it be to obtain medicinal Qin Imperial Seals?    


Or did Qin Hantian sense something or wanted to fight in Fengxiang City? No matter how bad it was, he had to do something.    


But what did Qin Hantian want to do?    


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