Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C1296 Before the Storm

C1296 Before the Storm

Wenren Xueji didn't call Xue Chen to tell him what happened to the master of Bloody Purgatory.    


It was not because Wenren Xueji wanted to hide it from Xue Chen, but because she did not want to tell him. The master of Bloody Purgatory could change into another person once he turned around. It was as if he had thousands of faces. What was the point of telling Xue Chen?    


Wenren Xueji didn't tell Xue Chen, so Xue Chen naturally didn't know about the appearance of the master of Bloody Purgatory.    


After Xue Chen came to the hospital again, he went to see Bodhi Lady.    


Because Bodhi Lady had already woken up, Xia Yina did not continue to stay by Bodhi Lady's side. Instead, she went to visit her younger brother, Su Jinyan!    


Originally, according to the original plan, Su Jinyan and Bodhi Lady should stay in the same ward. However, she was also worried because everyone was not familiar with each other and felt awkward. Furthermore, it was somewhat inconvenient for men and women to see more or less, so they did not stay together.    


Although they did not live together, they were only separated by a wall. They were completely neighbors. Therefore, it was more convenient to take care of or protect them.    


Xue Chen did not go to see Su Jinyan, but came to Bodhi Lady's place directly.    


When Xue Chen came here, Shen Xuening and a group of people were sitting in the ward and chatting with Bodhi Lady.    


But perhaps because Bodhi Lady had just woken up, her body was a little tired and she did not seem to have any spirit.    


Shen Xuening and the others could also see this, so they did not keep talking to Bodhi Lady. Most of them were saying that Bodhi Lady was listening!    


Although Shen Xuening and Bodhi Lady were not familiar with each other, if women became familiar with each other, they would definitely be faster than men.    


At this moment, Shen Xuening and Bodhi Lady had already become good friends. Even Loong Nanxu and Xia Shiyun were like this.    


"Subhuti, you should rest for a while!" Shen Xuening's face carried a faint smile. "We will talk after you wake up!"    


At this moment, Xue Chen walked in from outside.    


After seeing Xue Chen walk in from outside, Shen Xuening said softly, "Subhuti is going to rest. Don't disturb her, right?"    


Xue Chen was not surprised that Shen Xuening was here.    


After hearing Shen Xuening's words and seeing Bodhi Lady's tired expression, Xue Chen nodded. "En, Subhuti, you should rest first. We will talk about it later."    


Bodhi Lady lightly acknowledged and did not say anything else. She closed her eyes.    


Seeing Bodhi Lady close her eyes, Shen Xuening, Loong Nanxu, and Xia Shiyun walked out of the ward.    


At the same time, Xue Chen also came out.    


After walking out of the ward, Xue Chen asked, "Why are there only the three of you? Where is Young Master Loong and the rest?"    


"I think they went to Xia Yina's brother's place?" Loong Nanxu said uncertainly.    


"Tianci went to see Lin Keke." Xia Shiyun also said at this moment.    


Hearing Xia Shiyun mention Lin Keke, Xue Chen could not help but look at Shen Xuening. "Wife, how is Lin Keke now?"    


Shen Xuening smiled bitterly.    


"Let me tell you!" Loong Nanxu saw the situation and said helplessly, "We went to see Lin Keke before."    


"When Lin Keke sees Xuening, her emotions will be very agitated. She says Xuening is a bad person and the wife of the devil and wants to kill her..."    


After Xue Chen heard Loong Nanxu's words, he finally understood why when he talked about Lin Keke, Shen Xuening's face would be full of bitterness.    


"The doctor does not recommend Xuening to see Lin Keke now. Otherwise, it will only agitate Lin Keke even more!" Loong Nanxu could not help but sigh, "The doctor said that Lin Keke cannot withstand too much stimulation now. Otherwise, her originally tense and even somewhat chaotic nerves will collapse and turn into a mental patient!"    


"Then how is the hospital treating it now?"    


"This kind of illness can only be treated in a conservative way and cannot receive any stimulation. Otherwise, Lin Keke's life might be ruined. " So don't go see Lin Keke recently. Even if you go there, don't let her discover you. Otherwise, she will only go crazy! "    


Xue Chen nodded. "I know."    


Although Xue Chen was also a medical expert, he had no way of dealing with mental and mental illnesses. Otherwise, Xue Chen would have used it long ago.    


"Young Master Xue, don't worry too much. Lin Keke and Tianci have gotten along well."    


After hearing Xia Shiyun's words, Xue Chen's face revealed a look of surprise. "Young Master Lu and Lin Keke get along well?"    


"That's weird!" Shen Xuening suddenly said, "Lin Keke not only got along well with Young Master Lu, but also with Yinloong, as if they were very opportunistic."    


"But other than the two of them, She can't get along with anyone else at all, as if everyone is her enemy!"    


Shen Xuening was also very puzzled about this. It was hard to say whether Lin Keke had seen Lu Tianci or not, but it was certain that she had not seen Xuanyuan Yinloong.    


But Lin Keke and Xuanyuan Yinloong got along very well.    


Besides Lu Tianci and Xuanyuan Yinloong, no one else could get along with him anymore. Loong Yu was just like that.    


"The doctor also said that Young Master Lu and Yinloong might be able to relieve Lin Keke's worries and make her feel better."    


Hearing Shen Xuening's words, Xue Chen immediately spat out a mouthful of sulk. To him, this was definitely one of the few good things that happened in the past two days.    


"Then let Yinloong and Young Master Lu accompany her first!" Xue Chen said softly, "She is also quite pitiful."    


As for Lin Keke's background, Xue Chen did not say it out loud. Everyone thought what Xue Chen said was pitiful because he had lost his father, Lin Jiahua, and did not have a mother.    


At the same time, Sixth Uncle had completely figured out that Gong Shangyu did not follow Shen Xuening.    


After investigating this, Sixth Uncle immediately dialed Shangguan Shaoning's number.    


The call was quickly picked up.    


"Shaoning, I have found out that Gong Shangyu did not follow Shen Xuening but stayed in the villa."    


"Sixth Uncle, are you sure?"    


"Yes!" "Our men saw her in the villa."    


Shangguan Shaoning, who was on the other side of the phone, heard Sixth Uncle's words and immediately let out a breath. "Alright, Sixth Uncle, I'll start looking for a way to attack immediately. I'll see if I have a chance to attack!"    


"Shaoning, where are you now? Why are you so noisy?" Sixth Uncle did not care about what Shangguan Shaoning said and asked in confusion.    


"Oh, I'm in the zoo now. I'm fine." Shangguan Shaoning told Sixth Uncle where he was.    


"No wonder it's so noisy. Did you go to see the monkey again?" Sixth Uncle asked. Sixth Uncle asked quietly. "But Shaoning, shouldn't we see how to fight now?"    


Shangguan Shaoning liked monkeys. This was not a secret. Everyone in Shangguan Family knew about it. Furthermore, Shangguan Shaoning had two monkeys.    


Whenever Shangguan Shaoning encountered a headache, he would visit the monkeys or talk to the monkeys he raised.    


It was a unique hobby.    


"Sixth Uncle, don't be impatient. Don't be impatient. Take your time." Shangguan Shaoning said in a low voice, "We only have one chance. If we fail, we won't have any chance."    


Shangguan Shaoning was right. If they failed once, they would definitely alert Xue Chen.    


It would be a dream if they wanted to attack Shen Xuening at that time.    


There were a few places. Right now, either they did not attack or they had to succeed at once.    


That was why Shangguan Shaoning was so hesitant.    


Although he didn't want to do it, what could he do?    


"Alright, think about what to do. I will monitor everything first. If there is any news or unforeseen event, I will inform you immediately."    


"Yes, Sixth Uncle. Don't monitor so closely, especially in the hospital. Don't do this. Otherwise, it will easily fall into Xue Chen's hands." Shangguan Shaoning couldn't help but remind him.    


Sixth Uncle also knew that Shangguan Shaoning was concerned about him, so he said happily, "Don't worry, I know what to do."    


"But Shaoning, you must hurry up. Otherwise, Shen Xuening will come out of the hospital. If you lose her alone, you will not have a solution. Then we can only wait for another chance." Sixth Uncle urged, "And we do not know how long we will have to wait."    


"Sixth Uncle, don't worry. If it is possible, I will not miss this opportunity."    


Seeing Shangguan Shaoning say so, Sixth Uncle didn't say anything else and hung up the phone.    


At the same time, General Shangguan threw all the oranges to Monkey who was locked up in front of him.    


"Xue Chen, I want to see if you are smarter than this monkey!" A dark look flashed across Shangguan Shaoning's eyes.    


But soon, he returned to normal.    


However, Shangguan Shaoning did not leave the zoo because Sixth Uncle called him and told him about this. Instead, he stayed here to watch the monkeys.    


After looking at the monkey for a while, Shangguan Shaoning took out his phone again and dialed a number.    


In an instant, the call was answered.    


"What is Huo Hongyan doing?"    


"She disappeared, not in Fengxiang City!"    


A deep male voice came from the phone.    


Shangguan Shaoning frowned when he heard that. "Do you know where she went?"    


"I don't know. There was no trace of her. It was as if she disappeared into thin air."    


Shangguan Shaoning thought for a while and said slowly, "Is she in Fengxiang City or not?"    


"It's hard to say."    


You... "    


"Shangguan Shaoning, if I knew where she went, I wouldn't be sitting here. I'm looking for her now." The person on the other side of the phone interrupted Shangguan Shaoning. "Tell me what you want to do."    


"I'm going to do it!"    


"What do you want me to do?"    


"I want Huo Hongyan's trail. I don't want this woman to ruin all of my plans!" Shangguan Shaoning said heavily.    


"Then I have no choice. I don't have any news about her."    




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