Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C1293 What Did I Tell You

C1293 What Did I Tell You

The person Xue Chen wanted to ask was none other than Wenren Xueji.    


Wenren Xueji had walked out of the Bloody Purgatory. Although she had already left, she was sure that she knew more than Xue Chen.    


Xue Chen wanted to ask Wenren Xueji to see if she could deduce whether she was from the Bloody Purgatory.    


Speaking of Wenren Xueji, Xue Chen had not seen her for a long time.    


It was not that Xue Chen was hiding from Wenren Xueji. It was because Xue Chen had been in the capital recently and rarely returned to Fengxiang City. Now that he had just returned and encountered such a thing, he did not have time to see Wenren Xueji.    


Now that he had the time and needed to ask Wenren Xueji about something, Xue Chen headed straight to Wenren Xueji's residence.    


Before he left, Xue Chen called Wenren Xueji to prevent her from going on a vacation. If she wasn't in Fengxiang City, Xue Chen's trip would be in vain.    


Although Xue Chen could ask Wenren Xueji over the phone, Xue Chen felt that it was inappropriate. After all, Wenren Xueji was not his person. Moreover, he had not seen Wenren Xueji for a long time and had not contacted her. If he asked her directly over the phone, even though Xue Chen was thick-skinned enough, he still felt a little embarrassed.    


After all, he was in Fengxiang City. It was not like he was not around.    


After confirming that Wenren Xueji was in Fengxiang City over the phone, Xue Chen immediately left the hospital and went to Wenren Xueji's residence.    


Because of the Spring Festival, the traffic in Fengxiang City was very congested and there were many cars.    


This took Xue Chen two hours to arrive at Wenren Xueji's residence.    


After entering the villa, Xue Chen went straight to the villa where Wenren Xueji lived.    


Because Xue Chen had called Wenren Xueji earlier, when Xue Chen came here, the door to the villa was completely open. Xue Chen could drive the car in directly.    


After entering the villa, Xue Chen parked the car by the side. Then, he got out of the car and walked into the villa.    


Before Xue Chen could enter the villa, Wenren Xueji walked out of the house perhaps because she heard some noise.    


Although Wenren Xueji stayed at home today, she was not dressed as she usually was.    


Today, Wenren Xueji was wearing a bright red windbreaker. Inside was a thin, tight sweater. It perfectly supported the towering Saint Lady Peak and slim waist in front of her chest.    


The black tight leather pants wrapped around her legs made her two beautiful legs appear even more slender and alluring. Especially the curve of her buttocks, it made people's blood boil even more!    


When Wenren Xueji saw Xue Chen, she put on some makeup and a charming smile immediately appeared on her charming face. "It's not easy to meet you!"    


"Busy!" Xue Chen said something that all successful people often said. It was very cool.    


However, when Xue Chen said it, there was a trace of bitterness and helplessness.    


"Xue Dagang is indeed busy. It hasn't been easy these two days, has it?"    


Although Wenren Xueji and Xue Chen had not seen each other for a period of time, there was no estrangement between the two of them when they met again. The time and distance did not make the two of them become distant.    


Or perhaps Wenren Xueji was a person who was good at getting closer to each other and was good at socializing.    


Xue Chen smiled bitterly. "To be honest, one is the biggest headache!"    


Wenren Xueji smiled and walked into the house with Xue Chen.    


"Take a seat!" Wenren Xueji said lightly, "Do you want some red wine to relieve your fatigue?"    


"Have some!"    


Wenren Xueji then walked to the wine cabinet at the side and took a bottle of Bordeaux red wine and two goblets.    


Wenren Xueji seemed to like red wine very much and hid many aged red wine in her wine cabinet.    


Coming to the sofa in the living room, Wenren Xueji opened the red wine and poured a cup for Xue Chen. After pouring another cup for Xue Chen, she sat opposite Xue Chen and crossed her legs. "You have come to the palace for no reason. Tell me, what business do you have with me this time?"    


Seeing Wenren Xueji say so, Xue Chen did not stand on ceremony and went straight to the point. "I want to ask you about the Bloody Purgatory."    


Wenren Xueji, who was shaking her goblet and smiling faintly, immediately froze when she heard the words' Bloody Purgatory '. Even the smile on her face froze.    


"You met someone from the Bloody Purgatory?"    


Xue Chen shook his head. "No."    


"What is that?"    


"You should know that there was a big gorilla in Fengxiang City yesterday, right?"    


"I heard some." Wenren Xueji nodded and said.    


"That big gorilla came to find me to ask for help. Bodhi Lady and Xia Yina encountered danger and Bodhi Lady was no match for it, so let that big gorilla come to find me to save them!"    


"So, Bodhi Lady and Xia Yina met people from the Bloody Purgatory?"    


"I'm not very clear about that either!" Xue Chen drank a mouthful of red wine and said, "Yina was kidnapped by Yim Wudao and wanted to threaten me but did not know that Bodhi Lady noticed and followed her. At the critical moment, she saved Yina but then a group of unknown people appeared. Or it should be said that the suicide soldiers attacked the two of them..."    


"So you suspect that the Bloody Purgatory is attacking you?"    


Xue Chen nodded. "Yes. According to what Bodhi Lady said, these people's skin color is different. They came from all over the world. In China's Wealthy Class, even if there are death knights, there definitely wouldn't be foreigners, let alone such a large group of people."    


"The Bloody Purgatory doesn't have many people, but there are many death knights. This is true!" Wenren Xueji softly said, "Moreover, they were all found by the master of Bloody Purgatory from all over the world!"    


"What they practice is killing techniques. They have been brainwashed since they were young and do not need to control anything. However, I have never seen these suicide soldiers who do not use drugs to control them. These death soldiers have always been in the hands of the Bloody Purgatory!" Wenren Xueji smiled bitterly. "I am afraid I cannot give you anything to refer to!"    


"You have already given me something to refer to!"    


"Do you have anything?"    


" Yes! " Xue Chen nodded. "The Bloody Purgatory has a lot of men of sacrifice. This is a reference."    


"What's there to refer to?"    


"There doesn't seem to be anything to refer to at the moment, but if someone makes a move next... "Moreover, if it is a suicide mission, then it will have a great reference value!"    


Wenren Xueji immediately understood when she heard Xue Chen's words. "So that's how it is. But what if there is no next time?"    


"Or even if they are really from Bloody Purgatory this time, they are afraid of alerting the enemy, so they deliberately did not move. They are just watching others deal with you."    


Wenren Xueji lightly shook her tall cup and said, "After all, Yim Wudao is still alive. Everyone in Fengxiang City who has a bit of status knows about this matter. Although they do not know what exactly happened, it is not hard to guess."    


"I know that the other party wants to use Yim Wudao as a spear, but it is not impossible for them not to appear."    


"What if they don't show up?"    


Xue Chen did not know how to answer. He felt that Wenren Xueji was trying to argue with him, but he also felt that Wenren Xueji must have something to say.    


As Xue Chen expected, Wenren Xueji opened her mouth again and said, "You think too simply about the master of Bloody Purgatory. I will not comment on his other abilities. But he is the one I admire the most in this world. He is able to endure everything. There is no way he can't endure it. "    


"The assassins of the Bloody Purgatory are enough to give everyone in this world a headache, but the Bloody Purgatory still doesn't show its true colors. The entire Underground World has been divided up by the three Kings and Emperors!"    


"At that time, if the Bloody Purgatory were to unleash all of their strength, they would definitely have a place in the Underground World." Wenren Xueji said with a serious face, "But the Bloody Purgatory didn't. They kept a low profile."    


Xue Chen knew what Wenren Xueji said. The Bloody Purgatory really kept a low profile. It was scary to keep a low profile.    


"If he wanted to deal with you and failed once, he would know that you have become alert. They would not do anything for a short period of time. This is something the master of the Bloody Purgatory often does." Wenren Xueji said heavily, "He can either hold back or launch an attack, but he can send some people and a few people over. Can you still be sure about him?"    


Wenren Xueji came out from the Bloody Purgatory. Moreover, she had a complicated relationship with the master of the Bloody Purgatory, so she naturally knew more than ordinary people.    


After hearing Wenren Xueji's words, Xue Chen fell into silence.    


Wenren Xueji was right. If it was the people of the Bloody Purgatory, then if they did not attack or just sent a few people, would you be able to confirm them?    


"In that case, it would be very difficult to confirm whether they are them or not!"    


As he spoke, Xue Chen drank a mouthful of red wine like a cow chewing a peony.    


Wenren Xueji let out a long sigh of relief. "It's basically impossible. I can't help you either. That old thing is an old fox. He is very scheming!"    


"But I think it's very likely to be him!"    


"Tell me about it?"    


"He has come to Fengxiang City more than once or twice. He has come to my place more than once!" Wenren Xueji said heavily, "He has come here so many times. Can't his subordinates come?"    


"If they come, find a place to hide. Who knows who they are? Plus, Fengxiang City is so big and there are so many people. If these people are hiding at the bottom, even if you try your best, you will not be able to find them."    


"It seems like there's really no other way!"    


"The best way is to wait!" Wenren Xueji helplessly said, "Since he is here, if he makes a move, he will not stay idle. After all, foxes will always reveal their tails."    


Although Xue Chen did not want to wait for death like this, there was nothing he could do.    


He sighed softly and said, "What did the master of Bloody Purgatory say to you?"    


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