Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C1290 The Mysterious Man Behind He Buyu

C1290 The Mysterious Man Behind He Buyu

Shangguan Shaoning had been keeping an eye on Xue Chen's whereabouts. Initially, he thought that even if Xue Chen asked Bodhi Lady to return to Fengxiang City, it wouldn't be in the next two days.    


No matter what, he had to wait for Bodhi Lady's injuries. She should be more or less recovered.    


But who knew that Xue Chen had already asked Bodhi Lady to come back.    


Initially, Shangguan Shaoning thought that he still needed to wait for an opportunity. After all, he needed to find an opportunity to deal with Xue Chen.    


The opportunity Shangguan Shaoning thought of was Shen Xuening.    


However, if Shen Xuening came out of Sandal Palace Villa alone, it would not be so easy. At the same time, he needed time to wait.    


But now that Xue Chen had brought Bodhi Lady back to Fengxiang City, it meant that Shen Xuening would definitely come out of the villa and come to the hospital in the near future.    


As for whether she would be alone or not, However, Shangguan Shaoning knew that his chance had come.    


For a moment, Shangguan Shaoning's face was filled with joy. It was an incomparable joy.    


In the next moment, Shangguan Shaoning picked up his phone and dialed the number in Sixth Uncle's room.    


But no one picked up after a long time.    


This made Shangguan Shaoning frown.    


However, Shangguan Shaoning dialed the number again. It was the same as before. No one answered the call.    


For a moment, Shangguan Shaoning's frown deepened.    


Could something have happened?    


In the next moment, Shangguan Shaoning called again.    


After a while, the call was connected. Shangguan Shaoning let out a long sigh of relief. Before he could say anything, there was a heavy breathing sound coming from the phone.    


"Sixth Uncle, what happened?" Shangguan Shaoning asked with a frown.    


"Nothing. No, I just found a woman...    


After hearing this, a trace of displeasure flashed across Shangguan Shaoning's eyes. He wanted to teach Sixth Uncle a lesson, but as if he had thought of something, he swallowed his words back into his stomach.    


"Sixth Uncle, tell that woman to scram now. I have something to talk to you about!" Shangguan Shaoning went straight to the point.    


Sixth Uncle, who was on the other side of the phone, heard Shangguan Shaoning's words. He reached out his hand and patted the woman lying on the bed next to him. He signaled her to leave with his eyes.    


After the woman understood the meaning behind Sixth Uncle's eyes, her red face revealed a look of displeasure.    


However, in the next moment, Sixth Uncle's eyes became ruthless, like a wild beast that wanted to devour a person. This caused the woman to shiver all over, and then she hurriedly ran out.    


After seeing the woman go out, Sixth Uncle said into the phone, "Alright, Shaoning, why are you looking for me?"    


"Sixth Uncle, Xue Chen is back. If I'm not wrong, Shen Xuening will definitely go out today and have people closely monitor Shen Xuening. Make sure to find out all of Shen Xuening's movements and the people around her. Don't make any mistakes in the middle."    


Shangguan Shaoning's voice was filled with unprecedented seriousness. At the same time, there was an order in his voice.    


However, Sixth Uncle did not care about the order in Shangguan Shaoning's tone. He asked directly, "Is Xue Chen back?"    


"That's right. He is back. Tell them to look after Shen Xuening and leave her alone. Tell me immediately!"    


"I know what to do. Don't worry. It will not ruin your plans." Sixth Uncle said heavily, "It's just Shaoning. Is the Qin Imperial Seal still in Xue Chen's hands? You should know that Yim Wudao..."    


Before Sixth Uncle could finish his sentence, Shangguan Shaoning interrupted him with a cold snort. "So what if he is? So what if he is not?"    


"As long as Shen Xuening is in our hands, will we not be able to obtain a mere Qin Imperial Seal?"    


After hearing Shangguan Shaoning's words, Sixth Uncle immediately understood what Shangguan Shaoning meant. He immediately chuckled and said. "Shaoning's brain is still the best. It's better than us big and rough people!"    


"As long as Shen Xuening is in our hands, Xue Chen will be used by us. He will do whatever we ask him to do!" Sixth Uncle said with a smile on his face, "Even if the Qin Imperial Seal is not in his hands, he will not dare to talk nonsense if we ask him to find it. Moreover, the Qin Imperial Seal is in his hands all the time. Maybe he knows some secret."    


"Alright. Sixth Uncle, make the best use of your time to get someone to do it." Shangguan Shaoning said impatiently, as if he didn't want to talk to Sixth Uncle about this.    


But in the next moment, Shangguan Shaoning seemed to have thought of something. He said again, " Sixth Uncle, although I, a junior, shouldn't say these words, I still feel like I have to say something big. Say it! "    




"Sixth Uncle, we are in the Fengxiang City now. Xue Chen is the leader of the Fengxiang City. Hee Buyu is the leader of the Fengxiang City. He should eat the dark side of the world. Those so-called young ladies should not be touched. If someone finds out about it, you will be in big trouble."    


Initially, Shangguan Shaoning didn't want to talk about it anymore. However, after thinking about it, he changed his mind. If he didn't talk about it, Sixth Uncle's identity might be exposed if he got more and more excited.    


After all, this was what Hee Buyu wanted.    


When Sixth Uncle heard Shangguan Shaoning's words, his face was first filled with displeasure, then shock, and then fear.    


"Shaoning, thank you for telling me this. If you didn't tell me, I really wouldn't have thought..."    


"Sixth Uncle, it's good that you understand!" Shangguan Shaoning was very satisfied with Sixth Uncle's answer. "If Sixth Uncle wants a woman, just endure for two days. We have succeeded. I will find any woman you want."    


"Good, good..."    


After that, Shangguan Shaoning hung up the phone without saying anything to Sixth Uncle.    


After hanging up the phone, Shangguan Shaoning spat out a mouthful of sulk. He began to think about what was going to happen next.    


Attacking Xue Chen was basically impossible.    


After all, Xue Chen was already on high alert. Even if Xue Chen thought no one would dare to attack at this time, his defense would not be as weak as before.    


Therefore, it was definitely not a wise move to attack. However, if he wanted to attack Shen Xuening, the chances of Shen Xuening being alone would be very small.    


Fake attack?    


To attract Xue Chen's attention?    


Shangguan Shaoning began to calculate in his mind. What should he do? What should he do to ensure that nothing went wrong? He would not give Xue Chen and the others a chance to save Shen Xuening.    


As for the matter of Sixth Uncle looking for a woman, he had already forgotten about it at this moment. He had completely forgotten about it.    


However, Shangguan Shaoning didn't know that even if he didn't warn Sixth Uncle, nothing would happen to Sixth Uncle looking for a woman. Hee Buyu wouldn't notice it even if Sixth Uncle was looking for a woman every night.    


That was because Hee Buyu was even more annoyed than him, and even more troubled than him!    


The reason why Hee Buyu had such a headache was that his wife and son were controlled by someone. When Xue Chen went to look for him, they were controlled by someone else.    


The other party threatened him. He could reveal the news to Xue Chen, but he could not reveal any important news. For example, even if he found some people from unknown forces, he couldn't tell Xue Chen that the other party wanted the Fengxiang City to be a chaotic place where all the forces were gathered.    


In this way, if a large-scale battle broke out, all the forces would lose their patience and try to take advantage of the situation.    


And that was exactly what the other party wanted.    


If Hee Buyu dared to tell Xue Chen that he had found other unknown people, the other party would kill his wife, Yang Shiyinn, and Yang Shiyinn would give birth to a son for him not long ago.    


When Xue Chen came to find him, he wanted to ask Xue Chen for help.    


But he didn't dare.    


He couldn't afford to gamble.    


If he won the bet, it would be fine. If he lost the bet, his wife and son would all die.    


Under such circumstances, even if Hee Buyu knew something, would he really dare to tell Xue Chen?    


Unless he really did not care about his wife and children's lives, he would never dare to do so.    


Now, Hee Buyu had a headache. His heart was full of struggle and struggle.    


On one side was his wife and son, and on the other was Martial God's nephew. He could be said to be the descendant of his benefactor.    


Right now, he, Hee Buyu, was completely trapped in this situation. He was in a dilemma.    


At this moment, he, Hee Buyu, finally experienced what the ancients said about loyalty and loyalty.    


For a moment, Hee Buyu did not know what to do at all. He was already old and had reached a certain age. It was not easy for him to get a son when he was old. It could be said that he treated his child very highly. He held it in his hands and was afraid of falling down. He was afraid of melting if he held it in his mouth.    


But now, he had encountered such a thing. And now, when he saw his son and his wife, he could only see the video on the phone.    


This was also the reason why Hee Buyu told Xue Chen that he would abdicate.    


Firstly, it was because he was old and really wanted to wash his hands and not do it anymore. Furthermore, it was too difficult to end well in this line of work. Since he could retreat safely now, why not do it?    


Secondly, Hee Buyu didn't want to help the mysterious man who threatened him.    


If he abdicated, what would happen to the person who took over his position was not something Hee Buyu could control.    


It could be said that Hee Buyu was also trying to dig a hole. He wanted to protect his wife and son, but he did not want Xue Chen to become blind.    


Today was precisely the time Hee Buyu had agreed to talk to his wife and son. As a result, Hee Buyu began to wait on his phone.    


After an unknown amount of time, Hee Buyu's phone finally rang.    


After hearing the phone ring, Hee Buyu's entire body trembled. He hurriedly picked up the phone on the side and picked up the call.    




"Mr. Hee, you performed well the last few times. I hope you can continue to work hard."    


A low voice suddenly came from the receiver. "Your son is very cute, really!"    


Hee Buyu's expression changed slightly. "Bastard, I did what you asked me to do..."    


"That's why your son is living a healthy life, and I took care of your wife and son. I didn't let them suffer a bit, did I?"    


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