Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C1044 Keep Torturing Zhang Yunye

C1044 Keep Torturing Zhang Yunye

After explaining the matter to Huo Hongyan, Huo Hongyan agreed without hesitation.    


However, Xue Chen did not let Huo Hongyan go alone. Instead, he found Xuanyuan Yinloong and asked Xuanyuan Yinloong to go with Huo Hongyan. He even specially called Bodhi Lady and asked her to go as well.    


If Yu Wanqing could tell him about it in a serious manner, then there must be some unspeakable secret in Jinmenn. Or it should be said that there was a force that could not be underestimated.    


Xue Chen was not at ease letting Huo Hongyan go alone. What if Huo Hongyan encountered something there?    


No one would even know about it.    


Therefore, for safety's sake, Xue Chen had invested a lot this time. He had sent all the people with the best strength to Jinmenn!    


After settling these matters, Xue Chen left the Yu Family and went to look for Zhang Yunye!    


He needed to use Zhang Yunye to set up a scheme. Moreover, it was better not to be late in this situation!    


Xue Chen did not go to the Dragon Gate headquarters alone. Instead, he contacted Feng Yuan and asked Feng Yuan to bring him there.    


In the carriage, Xue Chen looked at Feng Yuan and asked, "How is Zhang Yunye now? Is he still alive?"    


"According to your previous instructions, he was only bleeding Zhang Yunye and did not die." Feng Yuan explained to Xue Chen expressionlessly.    


After hearing Feng Yuan's words, Xue Chen nodded in satisfaction. "What did he say now?"    


"He kept scolding you. He didn't say anything else."    


Xue Chen chuckled. "I can't believe you can still curse me. It looks like you are still injured."    


Feng Yuan did not say anything about this.    


In her opinion, it was perfectly normal for Zhang Yunye to scold Xue Chen.    


After all, the entire Zhang Family was destroyed because of Xue Chen. Now, Zhang Yunye was tied to the dragon gate by Xue Chen. Not only that, more than twenty wounds of different sizes were left on his body, causing blood to flow out of his body.    


If he didn't let him bleed to death, it would be strange if Zhang Yunye didn't scold him!    


After about 40 minutes or so, Feng Yuan drove Xue Chen to the Dragon Gate headquarters.    


After entering the headquarters, Xue Chen went straight to find Zhang Yunye.    


After all, he came here to look for Zhang Yunye. How could he not see him?    


After arriving at the prison of the headquarters, Xue Chen saw Zhang Yunye with a glance.    


Just like before he left last night, Zhang Yunye was currently tied up, but his wounds were already bandaged.    


Clearly, if he allowed the blood to continue flowing out of Zhang Yunye's body, Zhang Yunye would die from excessive blood loss.    


At this moment, Zhang Yunye's face was much paler than before. At the same time, his lips seemed very dry. It was as if he had aged dozens of years in an instant.    


His eyes were tightly shut. If not for his weak breathing, people would have thought that Zhang Yunye was already a dead man.    


After Xue Chen asked Feng Yuan to open the door, he immediately walked in.    


After walking in, Xue Chen sat on the bed at the side and lit a cigarette for himself. He gently smoked and said to Feng Yuan, "Wake him up!"    


After Feng Yuan heard Xue Chen's words, she did not hesitate and poured cold water on Zhang Yunye beside the cell.    


This caused the unconscious Zhang Yunye to shiver and immediately woke up.    


When he saw Xue Chen sitting on the bed with a smile on his face, Zhang Yunye's pale face immediately became ferocious. "Xue Chen, kill me if you have the ability. You little bastard..."    


Zhang Yunye's eyes were filled with an unprecedented viciousness, like a devil that crawled out of hell.    


Looking at Xue Chen in front of him, Zhang Yunye roared hysterically. His filthy words kept echoing in the surroundings.    


However, it seemed like Xue Chen didn't hear him. He didn't show any expression at all.    


He looked very calm. He quietly smoked his cigarette and let Zhang Yunye curse at him from the side.    


Time passed minute by minute. From the initial anger on Zhang Yunye's face until now, he was weak and powerless. Xue Chen never said a word.    


As time passed, Zhang Yunye's voice became softer and softer.    


Xue Chen still did not make any noise.    


About ten minutes later, Xue Chen said softly to Feng Yuan, "Give him some water to moisten his throat and let him continue scolding."    


After hearing Xue Chen's words, Feng Yuan was stunned and looked at Xue Chen with some confusion.    


Ask Zhang Yunye to continue scolding?    


Was this guy's head kicked by a donkey?    


Otherwise, why would Zhang Yunye continue scolding him?    


One must know that Zhang Yunye had already greeted all eighteen generations of Xue Chen's ancestors. It was as unpleasant as it sounded!    


However, not only did Xue Chen not get angry, he even seemed to be addicted to it. He still wanted Zhang Yunye to continue scolding him.    


Is this guy crazy?    


Although Feng Yuan's heart was full of doubts and she did not understand why Xue Chen did this, she still obediently fed Zhang Yunye a few mouthfuls of water.    


"Continue!" Xue Chen said to Zhang Yunye.    


Xue Chen lit another cigarette for himself as soon as he finished his sentence. He was ready to continue listening to Zhang Yunye's scolding.    


Seeing Xue Chen's carefree and indifferent expression, Zhang Yunye did not continue to scold him. Instead, he looked at Xue Chen and said in an incomparably hoarse voice, "Xue Chen, kill me if you have the guts. If you do not dare to kill me, you are a b * tch!"    


Xue Chen spat out a mouthful of thick smoke from his mouth. He looked at Zhang Yunye and said, "Don't worry. You will die in my hands. However, you cannot die now. I have yet to obtain what I want!"    


"Judging by your looks, you don't intend to tell me anything. I won't waste my time."    


Xue Chen took out a porcelain bottle from Huo Hongyan and slowly stood up. He walked towards Zhang Yunye.    


In an instant, Xue Chen arrived in front of Zhang Yunye.    


Xue Chen shook the thing in his hand in front of Zhang Yunye and said slowly, "I got this from Huo Hongyan. It is said that one will not die after eating it. It will only make people suffer. But I don't know what kind of poison it is. I don't know."    


After hearing Xue Chen's words, Zhang Yunye's pupils suddenly contracted. His pale face also revealed a look of fear at this moment. "Xue Chen, you..."    


"Looks like you have already guessed what I want to do with this thing!" A smile slowly appeared on Xue Chen's face. "You are right. I just want to give it to you to eat. At the same time, I want to see what use this thing has!"    


Xue Chen seemed to have thought of something as he spoke. He looked at Zhang Yunye and continued, "Don't disappoint me. You must hold on. Hongyan has prepared 180 kinds of poison for you."    


"Eat one every day. It will definitely be enough for you to eat until the Spring Festival."    


After hearing Xue Chen's words, Zhang Yunye's pale face immediately became unnatural.    


"Xue Chen, kill me if you dare, you little bastard..."    


In the next moment, Xue Chen's right hand suddenly reached out and grabbed Zhang Yunye's mouth. At the same time, he poured everything in the porcelain bottle into Zhang Yunye's mouth.    


Zhang Yunye, on the other hand, was whimpering and trying to resist.    


However, at this moment, Zhang Yunye's resistance was very pale and had no effect at all.    


"Cough cough..."    


Zhang Yunye could not help but cough violently.    


Xue Chen walked to the side.    


"Xue Chen, what did you feed me?" Zhang Yunye looked at Xue Chen with a ferocious expression.    


"I don't know what this is either. I've never eaten it before." Xue Chen shrugged his shoulders helplessly. "But it should be something good, right?"    


"Xue Chen, you must not let me leave this place. Otherwise, I will definitely burn your bones and scatter your ashes. I will send all the people around you to hell!" Zhang Yunye cursed with a vicious look on his face.    


"Zhang Yunye, have you realized that seeking death is such a difficult thing?"    


After hearing Xue Chen's words, Zhang Yunye was stunned.    


It seemed like it was indeed so. Seeking death seemed very difficult.    


"But this is only the beginning. You will be tortured to different degrees every day. Don't worry, you will not die." Xue Chen said confidently to Zhang Yunye.    


"Xue Chen, you..."    


"Alright, you can wait here for the drug to take effect. I will go to the study room to sleep for a while."    


Xue Chen got up and left after he finished speaking.    


Seeing that Xue Chen was about to leave, Zhang Yunye immediately shouted crazily. "Xue Chen, stop right there. Xue Chen, don't leave if you have the guts..."    


Xue Chen ignored Zhang Yunye's roar and left the place without looking back.    


After leaving the place, Xue Chen turned his head and asked Feng Yuan, "There should be a surveillance camera here, right?"    


"Yes!" Feng Yuan immediately understood what Xue Chen meant and said without hesitation, "Should I take you there now?"    


Xue Chen nodded.    


Then, under Feng Yuan's lead, Xue Chen went straight to the monitoring room.    


Although the headquarters of the Dragon Gate was built in this air-raid shelter, everything outside was here!    


The monitoring room was an independent space. It was about 20 square meters. It was not big, but it was not small either!    


After entering the monitoring room, Feng Yuan did not wait for Xue Chen to speak. She immediately played the video of Zhang Yunye being imprisoned.    


In the next moment, Zhang Yunye's figure appeared on the screen in front of her.    


At this moment, Zhang Yunye's face was completely twisted. His pale face was filled with unprecedented pain. He shook his head and twitched continuously, as if he was struggling violently.    


When Xue Chen saw this scene, he was slightly stunned.    


Damn, the poison had started to take effect so quickly?    


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