Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C1014 I Came Here to Kill You

C1014 I Came Here to Kill You

A fierce killing intent spread out from Xue Chen's body.    


In just an instant, the entire room was completely enveloped by a killing intent. The atmosphere suddenly became dull and strange to the extreme.    


When he felt the killing intent that was suddenly emitted from Xue Chen's body, Zhang Yunye felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave. He felt a chill from head to toe. An indescribable fear suddenly rose in his heart.    


A voice suddenly rose in Zhang Yunye's heart as he looked at Xue Chen's cold expression.    


He dared to attack and kill him!    


After this voice rose from his heart, the fear in Zhang Yunye's heart became even stronger. He had seen Xue Chen's skills and knew how terrifying Xue Chen was.    


If he wanted to kill him, he would die for sure!    


Zhang Yunye did not doubt this at all!    


After a slight movement of his throat, Zhang Yunye suppressed the fear in his heart and said, "Alright, I will call Bai Guiqi over and see you, Xue Chen. Is it possible to turn the sky upside down?!"    


Xue Chen sneered. "Not only can I turn the sky upside down, but I can also turn the sea upside down!"    


Zhang Yunye snorted coldly and did not say anything. He walked to the sofa in the living room, picked up the phone and called Bai Guiqi, asking him to come over.    


Xue Chen seemed to have returned to his own home. He walked to the wine cabinet in the living room and opened a bottle of red wine. He poured himself a cup and drank it leisurely.    


With a goblet and red wine in his hand, Xue Chen walked to the sofa and sat down.    


Zhang Yunye took a look at Xue Chen's arrogant actions. His eyes were filled with anger, but he did not say anything.    


Not long after, Bai Guiqi walked in from the outside. When he saw Xue Chen sitting on the sofa with a wine glass in his hand, he was slightly startled.    


Why is he here?    


What was he doing here?    


For a moment, countless doubts arose in Bai Guiqi's heart.    


"He's here!" Xue Chen acted like the host and said softly, "Since they're here, let's sit!"    


Bai Guiqi looked at Zhang Yunye and then Xue Chen. He walked to the sofa and sat across from Xue Chen. "Xue Chen, I don't think you are here to drink and chat with us."    


"Do you think I have time to chat with the two old dogs?" Xue Chen shook the glass and looked down at the red wine in the glass.    


After hearing Xue Chen's words, both Bai Guiqi and Zhang Yunye immediately showed anger on their faces.    


"Xue Chen, you..."    


"Don't be too impulsive!" Xue Chen looked at Bai Guiqi and said lightly, "Otherwise, you will be even more excited later!"    


"Keep your strength. You will be excited later."    


Bai Guiqi snorted and said, "Xue Chen, what do you want to do? Tell me directly. If you want to fight, I will accompany you to the end."    


"Are you running to the end?"    




[You are already so old, why do you still have so much anger? Don't you know that anger is harmful to your body?] Xue Chen said unhurriedly, "You have to calm down. Don't be too impulsive. Otherwise, you can't live long."    


"You don't seem to be able to live long. It's the same if you don't calm down..."    


After hearing Xue Chen's provocation and insults, Bai Guiqi's face changed. "Xue Chen!"    


"Alright, let's get down to business." Xue Chen saw Bai Guiqi's gloomy face and said softly, "Bai Guiqi, we are old acquaintances. Besides, you must know something about me coming here. There is no need to beat around the bush. "    


"You came for Yu Wanqing?"    


"It seems Zhang Yunye has already told you," said Wang Yao. Xue Chen took out a cigarette and lit it. He leaned back on the sofa and said lazily, "I just don't know if I have told you what kind of poison Yu Wanqing has been poisoned."    


Zhang Yunye's expression changed slightly, as if he had guessed what Xue Chen was going to do.    


Bai Guiqi's face darkened. He really did not know what poison Yu Wanqing had been poisoned. Zhang Yunye did not tell him. He only knew that Yu Wanqing had been poisoned.    


Now that Xue Chen said so, could it be that Yu Wanqing had been poisoned?    


Xue Chen took a good look at Bai Guiqi and Zhang Yunye's expressions. His heart was as clear as a mirror. "It seems like he didn't tell you!"    


"In that case, let me tell you."    


Xue Chen spat out a mouthful of smoke and drank a mouthful of wine. "He was poisoned by zombie poison."    


Zhang Yunye's expression changed once again. Previously, he had suspected that Xue Chen had found out what kind of poison it was, but now that Xue Chen's words had come out, it completely confirmed what he was thinking.    


"Corpse poison?"    


"To put it bluntly, after a person dies, countless bacteria will be produced on the corpse. The destructive power is astonishing, and this is the kind of poison Yu Wanqing is afflicted with. It can be called corpse poison or biochemical virus." Xue Chen said simply, "And this is different from the corpse poison you know."    


Bai Guiqi did not ask. He knew that since Xue Chen had already asked, he did not need to ask anything. Xue Chen would tell him everything.    


"This kind of corpse poison is based on the grass Gu." Xue Chen said unhurriedly. Someone refined all kinds of fungus from the plants and turned it into a kind of poison. He placed it on a person's body and killed it."    


"After a person dies, all kinds of bacteria will appear, grow, and merge with the grass Gu. Do you think it will be the same as ordinary corpse poison?"    


Bai Guiqi's face turned gloomy. He knew about the corpse poison, and he also knew that it was incomparably tyrannical. Doesn't that mean that Zhang Yunye...    


For a moment, Bai Guiqi couldn't help but turn his head and look at Zhang Yunye.    


After Zhang Yunye sensed the questioning look in Bai Guiqi's eyes, his expression immediately turned ugly.    


Xue Chen was trying to drive a wedge between him and Bai Guiqi. At the same time, he did not expect Xue Chen to be so thorough in his investigation. Moreover, it had only been a day.    


"Zhang Yunye, I'm not wrong, am I?" "But you are not interesting. You are on the same boat as Bai Guiqi, but you did not tell him this."    


"What? Do you still want to give Bai Guiqi such a deadly poison another day?"    


Zhang Yunye looked at Xue Chen with a gloomy face and said, "Xue Chen, stop slandering me!"    


When Xue Chen saw Zhang Yunye's nervous face, he smiled and said, "Don't be so nervous. I was just saying that casually."    


"What? Did I really hit the nail on the head?"    


As he spoke, an apologetic look appeared on Xue Chen's face. "If I did, I would be so sorry. I actually told you to let Bai Guiqi guard against you."    


"Xue Chen, you..."    


Looking at Xue Chen and Zhang Yunye's expressions, Bai Guiqi already knew in his heart that what Xue Chen said was the truth.    


At this moment, Bai Guiqi suddenly said, "Xue Chen, you don't have to sow discord between Yunye and me. It's not easy to sow discord between the two of us."    


Bai Guiqi was not a fool. He knew that Xue Chen had told him all this because he wanted to sow discord between him and Zhang Yunye. If he was angry, it would be exactly what Xue Chen wanted.    


Furthermore, he and Zhang Yunye were now tied together. If Zhang Yunye died, he wouldn't feel any better. If he died, Zhang Yunye wouldn't feel any better either.    


The two of them working together now had more advantages than disadvantages!    


"Everyone has their own secrets. Yunye has his secrets, and so do I." Bai Guiqi tried to help Zhang Yunye. "If you think you can drive a wedge between Yunye and me, you might be disappointed."    


After hearing Bai Guiqi's words, Zhang Yunye immediately let out a long sigh of relief.    


Luckily, Bai Guiqi did not get mad at him directly as he had expected.    


Although Bai Guiqi didn't question him, he knew that there was a crack between him and Bai Guiqi.    


But then again, did these two old foxes really trust each other?    


No matter what, at least they wouldn't fall out with each other right now. They would fight Xue Chen together.    


Xue Chen wasn't surprised by Bai Guiqi's counterattack. It was as if he had expected it. He didn't show any emotion.    


After spitting out a mouthful of thick smoke, Xue Chen said indifferently, "I did not want to drive you guys away. After all, you are all old foxes. It is not as simple as that..."    


"Xue Chen, stop your nonsense here!" Zhang Yunye could not help but interrupt Xue Chen's words. His face was cold as he said, "You came here because of Yu Wanqing!"    


"What? Didn't you say you don't care? What are you doing here? Are you asking for medicine?"    


Zhang Yunye did not dare to let Xue Chen continue. Although Xue Chen was not a big person, he had a lot of ideas. If he continued, something might really happen.    


"Seek a cure?"    


"Isn't that right?" Zhang Yunye snorted. "If you came to me to ask for the antidote, why did you come here?"    


"Zhang Yunye, did anyone ever tell you that you are too full of yourself?" Xue Chen looked at Zhang Yunye and said with a faint smile, "I came here because I was afraid that you would wait too long."    


"As for the antidote, it has nothing to do with me. Since I said before that I don't care about Yu Wanqing's life or death, I don't care!"    


After hearing Xue Chen's words, Zhang Yunye suddenly had a bad feeling. "Then what are you doing here?"    


"Do you remember what I said before?" Xue Chen's voice turned cold. "Yu Wanqing is dead. I will send you to hell to accompany him."    


"So, I came here to kill you!"    


As soon as he finished speaking, The cigarette butt in Xue Chen's left hand suddenly shot towards Zhang Yunye. At the same time, he quickly retracted his left hand and crushed the goblet in his hand. The goblet turned into a sharp object and rushed towards Zhang Yunye like a sharp blade.    


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