Beauty's Evil Bodyguard

C936 Mysterious Young Man

C936 Mysterious Young Man

The plane was like an eagle, slowly flying into the sky!    


The young man beside Shee Xueyan had never stopped talking after sitting beside Shee Xueyan. However, Shee Xueyan had no intention of paying attention to him.    


Shee Xueyan looked out the window at the white clouds, but her mind was filled with thoughts of her parents.    


She had left for many years and rarely went back. It was not an exaggeration to say that she had never been filial. The moment she received her parents being taken away, Shee Xueyan finally realized. It had been so many years and she had hardly accompanied her parents.    


She had not even served them a cup of hot tea in a year.    


Now that she was going to face a great disaster, her heart was filled with regret. If she could restart time, she would definitely bring her parents back to Fengxiang City no matter what.    


She would stay by her side.    


They were already old, how much time could they have?    


In this bustling metropolis, they were tortured by the pressure of life every day. When had they ever thought of them?    


Fortunately, Shee Xueyan understood it not too late. She still had a chance!    


Unlike many people, when you succeed and become famous, when you found that you had a firm foothold in this city and wanted to be filial to your parents, you found that they were no longer around.    


What kind of feeling would that be?    


Is there anything more tragic than this?    


The young man did not give up because of Shee Xueyan's silence. He continued to nag at Shee Xueyan.    


"You are very annoying. Do you know?" Shee Xueyan said impatiently.    


"Beauty, you finally opened your mouth." The man grinned and said, "I see you're unhappy. Did you fight with your boyfriend?"    




[That is to say, you have encountered some trouble.] The man looked at Shee Xueyan and said seriously, "There is worry and worry in his eyes. His eyebrows look relaxed, but in fact, they are tightly knitted."    


"I think it is not because of work, nor is it a trivial matter in life. Since it is not a fight with a boyfriend, and it is awkward, if I am not wrong, it should be related to your family." The young man said gently, "Let me guess!"    


"If I'm not wrong this time, you should be worried about your parents, right?"    


Shee Xueyan, who was originally annoyed with this arrogant young man, slowly revealed some surprise after hearing his analysis.    


His observations were very detailed and his calculations were very detailed.    


Could it be that this fellow was not the playboy she thought he was?    


The young man seemed to have seen through Shee Xueyan's thoughts. "Beauty, I admit that I am interested in you. En, if possible, I am also very willing to have sex with you once!"    


The young man did not hide the dirty thoughts in his heart. Instead, he did not avoid saying everything. "I think no man is unwilling to have sex with a beauty like you!"    


"You are very similar to my boyfriend!" Shee Xueyan looked at the young man in front of her and said.    


As soon as she said that, Shee Xueyan's face revealed a look of longing.    


Is he okay?    


Would he be angry if she treated him that way and took away some medicinal Qin Imperial Seal that seemed very important to him?    


For a moment, Shee Xueyan's heart slowly drifted back to Xue Chen's body.    


When the young man heard Shee Xueyan's words, he immediately became interested. "Could it be that your boyfriend seduced you like this before?"    


"Pretty much!"    


The young man sighed slightly. "Why didn't you let me meet you earlier? If I could have met you earlier, I might be your boyfriend now!"    


Shee Xueyan smiled and did not say anything.    


"Beauty, I see that you care about your boyfriend very much. Why don't you have your boyfriend to accompany you?" The young man asked curiously.    


"I don't want him to follow me?"    




[It's not good to inquire about other people's privacy, and it's also very ungentlemanly, don't you know?]    


The young man smiled in embarrassment: "Gentlemen are things that foreigners do, why do I need a gentleman, how hypocritical!"    


"You see, the road is long, why don't you tell me?"    


Shee Xueyan thought for a moment and said, "Forget it, even if I tell you, you might not understand!"    


"Okay. Since you don't want to tell me, I won't force you." The young man said with some disappointment, "But I think your boyfriend should be very worried about you!"    


"How do you know?"    


"Because I'm a man. I know what a man thinks." The young man winked at Shee Xueyan and said, "You are so beautiful. Now you are alone on the plane. If I were your boyfriend, I would worry too!"    


"What if someone takes you away and finds such a beautiful girlfriend there?"    


"You are really interesting!"    


"Thank you for your compliment." The young man smiled and said, "Beauty, since you have encountered trouble in your family, can you handle it if you don't bring your boyfriend back?"    


"I don't know!" Shee Xueyan shook her head and said, "But I will do my best to handle it!"    


"I don't know what happened to your family, but it is better for men to take care of things. It is safe." The young man said lightly, "But I believe that you can handle it well!"    


"Thank you!"    


Perhaps it was because someone was talking on the plane, Shee Xueyan did not seem lonely. At the same time, she also felt that time passed very quickly.    


But as she chatted with this man, a strange feeling appeared in Shee Xueyan's heart. It was that she had a strange feeling of familiarity with this man.    


It was as if she had known him for a long time, but Shee Xueyan searched her mind and did not find a man who could merge with this man's figure.    


Why did she have this feeling?    


Shee Xueyan did not understand.    


Time flowed like water. Before she knew it, the plane had already landed on the ground. Under the sweet voice of the stewardess, all the passengers slowly got off the plane.    


After getting off the plane, the young man did not separate from Shee Xueyan. Instead, he said softly, "Beauty, I want to go to Pingshun County. What about you?"    


"If it's on the way, why don't we go together and have a companion along the way?"    


Shee Xueyan heard the young man's words and revealed a slightly speechless expression, "You want to go to Pingshun County?"    


"Yes, what's wrong?"    


"I want to go there too!"    


After hearing Shee Xueyan's words, the man's expression suddenly changed. "That's too much of a coincidence. If the beauty doesn't mind, why don't we go together?"    


Shee Xueyan thought for a moment and nodded.    


She had chatted with this man on the plane for a long time and felt good about him. Although he looked arrogant and despotic, he was different from other hedonistic people. At least he didn't hide his true thoughts and told her everything.    


He gave people a very real feeling.    


If all of this was faked by this man, Shee Xueyan could only say that this man's acting skills were really too high.    


It was impossible to tell whether it was real or not.    


Although the three of them found a car and went straight to Pingshun County.    


"Beauty, are you from Pingshun County?"    


"Yes!" Shee Xueyan nodded. "How about you?"    




Then why are you guys in Fengxiang City..."    


"I was bored and came out for a stroll. I heard that the scenery in the northwest is not bad and is closer to nature, so I came here for a stroll." The man said softly, "I heard that this place is very poor, but I don't know if it's true or not!"    


"This place is indeed very poor. If you came here to play, I'm afraid you came to the wrong place!"    


"Meeting you is also a very good thing." The man laughed and said, "Moreover, the air here is very fresh. It doesn't have the hustle and bustle of a big city. It feels pretty good."    


"If it's possible, I want to live here. I want to make some land and plant some fruits. Tsk, tsk, it feels good!"    


Shee Xueyan smiled and did not say anything.    


She did not understand the thoughts of the rich people or did not intend to understand them at all. Other men all wanted to go into the market, but this person went into a remote village.    


Perhaps this was the bad taste of the rich!    


After coming to Pingshun County, the young man said goodbye to Shee Xueyan.    


This made Shee Xueyan let out a long sigh of relief. Although Shee Xueyan had a good impression of this man, she had never let down her guard.    


Who knew what this man was for!    


Furthermore, her parents were captured. She had to face everything carefully.    


However, it seemed like she was worrying too much. The other party had indeed come here to have fun.    


After Shee Xueyan had just left in a tricycle electric car, the young man appeared on the spot once again. Looking at the tricycle electric car that was getting further and further away, the young man took out a cigarette from his body, lit it for himself, and took a light puff.    


"Why do you want to separate from her at this time?"    


"Do you think she really believes us?" The young man said softly, "You underestimate her too much. She is on her guard. If we continue to stay with her, it will only be counterproductive!"    


"Then what should we do now?"    


"Follow her!" The young man indifferently said, "But let her go for a while. Otherwise, it will be very easy for something to go wrong!"    


"At this time, women are very sensitive to everything around them. I don't want any trouble to happen at this time." The young man spat out a mouthful of thick smoke and said.    


After the young man finished smoking a cigarette, he left the place with the young man. However, he didn't take a car. Instead, he walked, or rather, he ran. The two of them were very fast. They were unbelievably fast. It was as if they had crossed several meters with just a single step!    


Shee Xueyan did not know about this at all. She was walking towards the place that the young man had mentioned with a serious expression on her face.    


- - -    


[PS: Make up for the first chapter of yesterday's debt. Qiufong will make up for the remaining two chapters as well!]    


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